Here we are on day 2 of our NYC adventure! I was so excited to have the sweet SoCal gals Jenny and Lori join us in a completely snow-covered NYC.
It started snowing early that morning. I woke up to tweets from the other girls telling me to look outside my window!
Photo via Jenny
Can you believe we walked around in this crazy weather all day??
We started the day at Bouchon Bakery, and I think we were all delighted with the gorgeous variety of sweets and pastries.
The best thing about traveling with a bunch of foodies? You get the sampler platter!
But this. Wow. This was the real star of the show.
The vanilla macaron from Bouchon Bakery. My first macaron experience. Completely. Life. Changing. It was incredible.
The peanut butter and jelly macaron was just as amazing. Macarons. My life has now been changed.
We were making our way through the snowy sidewalks to Levain, when we spotted something across the street…
Magnolia Bakery! We couldn’t resist popping in for a few treats. Loved our view of the snowy NYC streets.
We stopped by here to pick up our friend Susan from DoughMessTic.
And then it was off to Levain! That’s Susan in her cute blue cap.
You remember Levain right? If not, these gorgeous cookies are definitely worth a click.
Have you ever wondered what happens when we visit a bakery?
It looks a little something like this.
Here’s a gorgeous photo that Jenny snapped. Last time we only sampled their cookies, but this time I tried some of Levain’s buttery cinnamon sugar bread. Perfection.
We were meeting up with the absolutely fantabulous Maggy from Three Many Cooks. I got to meet her in San Francisco and I was so delighted to see her again! From Levain, we had quite a walk to our lunch spot, but we had plenty of time, and it had stopped snowing at least for a few minutes, so we enjoyed our walk as we window-shopped down 5th Avenue.
We walked by the Plaza, and Trump Towers, and Central Park, all gorgeous and completely blanketed in snow.
Had to snap a pic with the lovely Jenny! Haven’t gotten one of these in a while.
Photo via Jenny
After lunch the whole group, all six of us girls, walked down to Momofuku’s Milk Bar. I’d been dying to check this place out since our last visit! Here’s one of their famous cookies, the Compost Cookie. I cannot get over what all this cookie has going on! It has pretzels, potato chips, coffee, oats, butterscotch and chocolate chips.
We also sampled the Crack Pie, Birthday Cake Truffles, and.. and… Cereal Milk Ice Cream!
Susan, Jenny, me, Maggy, Lori and Maria
Loved, loved, loved every single minute with these sweet girls. It was so hard to leave. We sat and laughed and chatted all afternoon. Such precious ladies.
Our hotel (more on that later) was right in the middle of Times Square. We hurried back to get ready for the first I Can’t Believe It’s Not Butter event. They’d rented the penthouse for a “girls night in” of massages and manicures. They brought in nail technicians, set up manicure stations, and turned the rooms into cozy, relaxing massage caves complete with candles and relaxing music. Talk about heavenly! Just what we needed after walking all over NYC.
We were in a complete stage of dazed bliss after our wonderful massages, so we quickly headed back downstairs, changed into PJs, and broke out the Magnoila Bakery treats. Let the girl talk begin!
Absolutely love the picture where everone is taking pictures! Would love to hear the comments of the people working there! :-)
Here goes the nosey questions…but I have to ask after reading post after post of cupcakes, cookies and sweet shoppe ventures….Amanda, dear, how do you NOT weigh 200 lbs!!!
And because I’m jealous I have to ask this {and you probably won’t even answer me, and that’s ok because these are very nosey questions lol} but do you work full time? I’m envious of all the traveling you get to do! Looks like a lot of fun! :)
What are those lens that you girl were using? It looks like you ladies had so much fun!!! :))
I love you photos Amanda!! Everything looks so gorgeous!
these snowy NYC pics are amazing. i live about 10 blocks away from magnolia’s bakery…. which is just enough distance to keep me from going EVERY day.
I love this post, the pics of NYC in the snow is just beautiful, not to mention all those baked goodies! Totally jealous!
NYC is my heart. I love it dearly and would move there in a drop of a hat. I adore it!! What a fun trip?!!! Where in the world did you get that white “military looking” jacket? OMW–it is awesome!! Next to the last pic I think. I really do HEART NYC!! Thanks for taking us along with you. :)
Thanks Ashley! I got it at Ann Taylor Loft. SHOCKER, I know! ;)
I love your pics and descriptions of the the NY bakery goodies! I have heard of “Macarons” and assumed they were regular old coconut macaroons, but they are obviously a delectable little filled cookie like no other. Yum! Oh, and BTW, I came to this site from your other recipe site. Your pulled pork recipe is my new go-to recipe, me and hubby are devouring it right now. So amazingly delish. Can’t wait to try the other recipes. Thanks so much for sharing, you guys are awesome!
I noticed you got your purse from Charming Charlie. There isn’t one near me, do you know how I can order from them? I have heard ALOT of great things about their stores but have no way of getting there. Any ideas?!
pS: It looks like you ladies had a blast re-connecting! How fun for you guys!
Love everybody’s PJ’s!! Looks fun!
Oh, wow, what amazing food! I’ve always wanted to go to Alice’s Tea Cup, I’ve heard such good things about it!
Great pictures Amanda! How did you get involved in these trips? Would love to join you! :)
Every picture is beautiful & I wish I was there! LOVIN’ your blog!
Hi!! Next time you are in NYC, check out Macaron Cafe. I park in the garage next door when I go to NY Rangers games @ Madison Square Garden, and the Macarons are to die for. Delish! On 36th Street, around the corner from Macy’s. We’re expecting more snow and ice, but when it clears up I will definitely be trying that cookie at Momofuku’s Milk Bar! Glad you had fun in NYC! Thanks for sharing. Amy.
Love all the pics…what an adorable time you all had!
I envy all the fun :)
Isn’t walking in a snow storm the best!!!
What wonderful adventures you have!
Oh my gosh….New York is my dream holiday destination. It looks like a magical winter wonderland in your photos, along with lots of delicious food! I can’t wait to visit some of the places you talk about. Thanks for the great blog! :)
Oh I’m so jealy that you were in NYC in the snow! Too cool. I see that you stopped by Alice’s Tea Cup….definitely something to put on your list for your next visit to try. Its so quaint and wonderful!
I still dream about the Cereal Milk Ice Cream from my last visit to NYC. Yum!
Love the photos…when will you be trying to duplicate those macaroons? We need a recipe!!!! LOL! Glad you had fun!
I just love your travel posts! It helps tide me over until my next trip. =) The pictures in snowy NYC were beautiful – and of course, the food pictures are beautiful, too. ;) Also, your winter coat and your cupcake PJs are awesome! You girls are so fun.
French Macarons are just about my favorite food ever……….. My cousin-in-law makes the most delicious ones…
I WANT those OWL pajamas!!!!!!! Tell me where to find them!
What a lovely trip Amanda! Beautiful pictures as usual. Now I need to ask a question…where did you get your PJ pants and where did Jenny get her Owl PJ’s? They are both adorbale. I must have them! Thank you!
Thanks Melissa! Kevin gave me the cupcake pjs for Christmas. They are made by PJ Salvage, they have the cutest PJs! Jenny’s owl pjs are from Target, I think she blogged about them here: Owl PJs
I love your pijama !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I went to NYC last May for a cousin’s wedding and I feel like the only thing we did was roam around from restaurant to restaurant. We also LOVED Momofuku … but got lost trying to find it. Did you?
I’d love a trip with this group of girls, because nobody would look at me funny when I take pictures of my food (like people do here) and every. single. group. picture. is a GREAT shot!
Thanks for sharing … I’m off to scrounge through my pantry to see what sort of cookies I can make on this snow day!
Hi Amanda! I really enjoy your blog and check it out every day! The bag your carrying in the first pic is super cute…can you tell me where you got it?
good time to visit NY if you like snow.
I’m about 40 miles north of the city and we have plenty and more coming down now.
There’s an igloo building class on the square today.
Tomorrow is how to tunnel through the snow.
Enjoy your trip.
Thank you so much for making the fonts available. I love them.
LOVE this post! Mine will debut tomorrow morning, I’ve had so much fun flipping through our photos! I might frame the giant one of the vanilla macaron you took from Bouchon! Absolutely gorgeous girl! xoxo
FUN!!!!!!!! Loved every minute of my time with you girls. Want to go back, but not in the middle of this storm. Let’s go somewhere tropical next time! Love ya!
Wow!! Looks like loads of fun! Great pics!
What a way to spend a snowy day, chatting with friends and trying out all those goodies. I am very curious about the macaron, also. You will have to tell more! Lovely photos as usual. Thank you for the photos of what you all get up to when you are popping in to say hello to these little spots! I have often wondered about which comes first, the camera or the tasting!
Hey Amanda, love your blog! I enjoy reading your many adventures! I wish I was you! Ha!, btw, I LOVE your purse! Can I ask where you got it? Coach? Thanks!
Thanks Laurie! It’s from Charming Charlie
Ok Amanda, you have to share your secret with us. How do you stay such a skinny minny with all these delicious treats? :) Looks like you all had a blast!!
Had so much fun with your girls! You’re the best! xoxo
I want to go back right now-wait, they are having a big storm so maybe we should wait until it warms up:) Love all of the photos! I am craving a macaron!!! :)
I LOVED your pictures of your trip to NYC!!! Greetings from Costa Rica!!
I want your life!!! You have the most fantastic trips!!! Massages in a penthouse? I mean…when can I sign up for this!!>?
Amanda, thank you so much for sharing your life and travels with all of us. I’m like Kym, thank you for letting me travel with you vicariously! I live in the South (proudly) and am a school teacher, so I don’t get to do a lot of traveling, but I love reading all about yours! I love the pictures of all the goodies! I wish I took good pictures like that! But, I just gotta know… how in the world do you stay so slim and trim with all of those goodies around?!?!
Keep the updates coming!
Thanks again!
I was wondering the same thing, all of the those goodies and you stay slim. I just gained a pound looking that the pictures.
Thanks for sharing NYC. Sure helps with sitting here at the office waiting on patients to show for appointments. LOL Looks like you are having a great trip.
I can’t begin to thank you enough, Amanda for allowing me to travel with you vicariously. I live in Oregon, have never been east of Kansas City, and have longed to travel to NYC for years….thanks to your camera, pen (Actually laptop, most likely!!), walking shoes and open heart, I am able to see the sights, take in the ambiance and almost the aroma of amazing bakeries, eateries and restaurants of fabulous cities. My mouth drools with your descriptions and photos of such delectable treats!! I’ve never had such fun! Thank you so much for taking me along!!! I love our trips!!! I can’t wait to open your next entry….where will we be, what will we be seeing, what will be smelling and tasting? My bags are packed!!! Keep up the excellent work!!!
Girl! You live the life!
NYC with friends…treats aside it looks like heaven. You are so lucky with your traveling.
Its so nice to travel with friends, plus find all those wonderful treats. Thanks for all the great pics, now I am hungry. Paulette
i was i ny 2 weeks ago.
you should go to doughnut plant on 379 grand street /lower east side/. for doughnuts of course
i’m not a huge fan, but those are worth to try. my favorite is the square one with peanut butter glaze and blackberry jelly…
I bet you were super cold in that small jacket.You have my permission to buy a special winter coat,for just such an occasion.
I’m off to Lomdon shopping for the day,and I wish we had such amazing bakerys to pop into,but I will make do with this amazing place for lunch.
Its so great you get given it twice.Mmmm
Used the Exif ifo thanks a bunch.Those girls were packing some impressive lenses.What were they?
Oh yes! I adore macaroons! You should try making them. So many different flavor combos. :)
i loved this post! i felt i was right there slushing in the snow and sampling all those goodies. loved seeing everyone with their cameras, that was neat. and your coat was darling! cute pj’s with cupcakes! thanks so much for your blog, it is one of my faves. kritter keeper at farm tails.