Can you stand one more LA post?? :) I got so many requests to provide the info on what I wore in LA, I decided to put it all into one more post… Here goes!
The dress is from one of my favorite stores in my hometown, Kinnucan’s. I used to *love* shopping there as a teenager & college student! They have the coolest, funkiest clothes you don’t see everywhere. And decent prices too- especially since they’re always sending me $10 off coupons. :D (I have such a hard time paying retail for anything anymore! With my coupon my dress was only $30.) I haven’t been in there in forever, but 2 days before I found out I was going to LA, I just happened to be back in Auburn, and I went in looking for some new hiking shorts for our anniversary trip… and I saw this dress. And *had* to get it. :)
Earrings & Necklace from Ann Taylor Loft. Belt from Charlotte Russe. I have the earrings to match the necklace, but I thought that might be a little too matchy matchy for this outfit?! :) I have seen similar belts at all the “teen” stores in the mall lately- they’re fun & super cheap (this one was like $8 I think?). I saw a really cute reversible (brown/black) one at Papaya.
I got these comfy flats from New York & Company the week before my trip- they were on sale for 50% off. $11.50 – not too bad! :) BTW, see my toes? I got my pedicure on a Saturday. I sorta wanted hot pink, but something drew me to this OPI “Don’t be Koi With Me” corally/orange color. Later that day, I bought my dress. Two days later, I found I was going to meet Rocco!
Purse from Charming Charlie – It’s not technically a camera bag, but it’s the biggest purse I own… And it somehow managed to fit my five-hundred-thousand pound lens! ;) Camera strap from Cotton Candy by Natalie.
Shrug / Bolero from Forever21. $14. I love this little crocheted shrug for wearing over tanks. I’ve been seeing them everywhere lately- from the teen stores like Forever21, Charlotte Russe, and Payapa, to Anthropologie, Francesca’s Collections, and Express.
Outfit #2 – Blouse, Jacket & Bracelet from Ann Taylor Loft. Jeans from Amazon. I have loved this jacket to death! :) I’ve already had to sew the buttons back on- twice. And it washes up great. I got it this winter when ATL was had their jackets 40% off. I wear it seriously all the time. I was especially glad I had it on the plane and out in CA – it was a little cooler than I was expecting! :)
Earrings from Therapy in Auburn. Love shopping downtown Auburn. They have the cutest boutiques. Love finding one-of-a-kind accessories. Wish we had more of that up here! :)
Outfit #3 – Blouse & Earrings from Ann Taylor Loft. Jeans from Charlotte Russe. Necklace from Mandy & Bracelet from H&M (via Mandy! :)). Love this blouse! They also have it in a gorgeous slate blue and a bright, crisp white too. I want one in all three colors! :)
Nails – Sorry for the pic, it was really the best one I could find. ;) A couple of weeks before my trip, I saw this post from Andrea Steed: My Little Secret – a $3 French Manicure. I have never had long, beautiful nails. I’ve had 3 manicures in my life- the longest one lasted 3 hours. Mine bend back and break when I pick up a load of laundry. What is up with that?? As a southern girl, I know the three deadly sins- bad hair, bad nails, and bad cooking. I was in trouble. I was skeptical – real skeptical – when I read Andrea’s post. I have no talent when it comes to doing my own nails. And it sounded too good to be true! But hey, for $3 bucks? I was willing to give it a shot. I put them on Sunday night and I LOVED them. I got compliments on them all week! I was afraid they would look too fake or weird or be awkward or uncomfortable, but they were perfect– just right. They lasted through the end of my trip (6 days). I didn’t cut my nails before putting the fake ones on (because I was afraid that I wouldn’t like them and end up taking them off) but next time, I’ll definitely trim them back fairly short. (I have to keep them pretty short anyway because if not, they’ll bend back and hurt like the dickens anyway. :P) And there will definitely be a next time! :) I looooooved having strong, beautiful nails all week – My $3 fake nails from Walmart! ;) Thanks for the awesome tip, Andrea! :)
And while I have you here… :)
I should have been posting these all along, at the bottom of each daily LA post, but, well, I didn’t. Hindsight is 20/20, right? :) But anyway, here they are now. These are the blog posts from the other ladies on the trip- *definitely* worth a click! I had so much fun reading about and re-living the trip through their perspectives! :) Direct links to their posts below. (No hunting and clicking necessary ;))
Jenny @ Picky Palate – See all the embarrassing pics of me that will never ever ever make it onto *this* blog… ;)
Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti – Love, love, love her gorgeous photo collages.
Claudia @ Journey of an Italian Cook – Check out Claudia’s beautifully written article for the Examiner {here}. Perfectly sums up our trip!
Briana @ – Fun article & photo gallery.
Mandy & Brittney – two quick posts from these gals. Hope to see more from y’all soon!!! :D
Shelisa @ Big2Beautiful – Our day in LA – all in one post! :)
Thanks so much for looking! :)
Oh, and if I left anything out or if you have any other questions about what I wore in LA, I’ll try to answer them in the comments ! :)
i just love reading your posts, always inspiring! thanks so much :)
I was having a hard time trying to pick just one because there were some very nice ones – until I saw one that I absolutely LOVED. It is the vertical “do what you love, love what you do” sign. It spoke to me.
I just had to comment, because…we are purse twins! I bought mine in a city park boutique in a small town in Utah. It was the only one in the booth, and I have never seen anyone else with the same purse!
I have also shown my husband the photos of your scrapbook room, and he is busy sketching plans to create something similar for me. Thanks for the inspiration!
Ok, so winning a trip to L.A. and meeting Rocco would be amazing. But to be honest, I would much rather win a trip to visit YOU and see your awesome scrapbook room, all your photography equipment and your clothing collection :) So where can I sign up to win that trip? I just love reading your blog, and I’m in awe of what you can do with a camera :) Not to mention… wardrobe envy (blush)
Melody :)
Looks like you had a great trip! :) LOVE all your fashion choices! I struggle with dressing myself and I’m saving some of your ideas! :)
Can I just say that I really appreciate your eye for good deals! I hate when I read in magazine about “great deals” for under $100. Who has $80 to spend on one pair of earrings?!? Your wardrobe choices should be featured in a magazine. Very cute, stylish, and most importantly, AFFORDABLE!
I just bought the nails!! I love them! I also have really small hands, and they actually come in a petite size!! I’m loving it!! Thanks for the tip!
I love your outfits as well! :) You’re so cute!
You are sooo cute…great fashion sense…thank you so much for sharing with us. I am definetely going to try to find that white shrug at Forever 21….it’s adorable!
Thank you!!!
P.S. – Happy Anniversary…the pics look amazing!
I’ve so enjoyed your LA trip posts, Amanda! Can you say “jealous much?”! Lol. Thanks for sharing so much detail, it’s been fun following along! I’ve nominated you for a beautiful blogger award on my blog (linked to this comment). I just love your work!
Aww, I adore that dress and belt! you have the best clothes, girlfriend.
Love the outfits!!! Thanks for sharing :)
I tried to find the shrug/bolero on the Forever21 website but couldn’t :( I have been looking for something just like that for a while now. I wonder if it’s a store-only item?
I’ve loved reading about your glamorous trip!
I’m interested in your fabulous recipes! Please post some more soon!
All your outfits were to die for but I my fav was your handbag. You rock in fashion finds. Love the pic of your feet….too cool. Hugs, Becky
You look so adorable in all your precious outfits. You are also doing a great job of maintaining your weight loss. Please share your secrets of keeping the weight off.
This whole series about your trip has been fabulous to read! What a fun experience for you! Thanks for sharing and letting us live vicariously through you! :)
Amanda, I’ve been reading your blog ever since I typed in the best laundry room in Google and your blog came up as a search result. Ever since this I’ve been following your posts. Great job with this website! It’s classy, clean, and super easy to read and enjoy! As soon as I checked to see if you posted anything new today and saw the title of this post, I thought to myself did she read my mind! I LOVE Ann Taylor LOFT and I shop there quite often. I’ve searched through some of your archived posts to see what else you’ve posted and one of my favorite posts next to the laundry room one was of your Fall Collection 2009 one which you used polyvore to create. Since that was in 2009. I was always wondering if you ever thought of making a Winter 2009-2010, a Spring 2010, etc. I’m dying to read those!
Amanda , as always you are just a doll! it has been fun to live vicariously thru your LA adventures!….here’s just a little warning from experience, unfortunately..i,too, did the walmart nails…for about 6-8 weeks, because they looked so fantastic…and i have paid for that for years after…the glue is devastating to nails in the long run…i’m sure it is fine if used rarely…my nails are weak and bend too…drives me crazy!
keep up your EXCELLENT blog work!!! happy summer!
Hey I have that purse too!!!! :) You’re looking so super skinny!
You are so stylish and well put together, I’m dying here.
I also never wear matching earrings and necklace sets together – too matchy matchy.
I need to go home to Auburn more often. I haven’t been back in almost 5 years. I had no idea they had such great shopping downtown.
Your posts are THEE BEST!!! ♥ I am so going to Wal Mart tomorrow to get my $3.00 manicure! :-) You looked absolutely adorable in ALL your outfits in L.A. Thanks for sharing! P.S. You’ve got the best hubs, too!!!!
Just found your blog and LOVE it. You are so fun to post everywhere you got your great outfits and accessories. I love the Ann Taylor blouse too – I have one similar from Nordstrom and it is great. Your photos are beautiful…some of the best I have seen. They aren’t over processed looking – just so natural. You are also so lovely – such a natural beauty.
Subscribed to your feed and look forward to more great recipes.
All of your clothes are wonderful. You look so pretty. Who took all of your photos? Oh how I would love to be able to take photos that lovely.
Amanda, The cute white jacket looks really nice on you. That is a keeper ! :-)
You are absolutely PRECIOUS!
Loved all of your outfits!
The shrug and the fab belt made the dress!
And you just look so comfy in all of your outfits!
Just lovely!
So FUN seeing you and Jenny together!
How fun that must have been!
I am going to try that out-of-sight cookie recipe you two created! YUMMMMM!
I bet you can’t wait to take KEVIN to California!
And I know he is excited to go!
What a trip of a lifetime!
ANd I know…that even though you didn’t feature them…well I just KNOW you must have taken adorable PJ’s for the SLUMBER parties! xxooxoxoxo You are a doll-baby! I love reading your blog! xo
Love all of your cute outfits!! Another great post! I’m ready to go back when you are, LOL!
Amanda…you are so darn cute! I loved reading your posts on your trip. I have lived vicariously through you from your posts. Thanks for sharing. I wish I could have gone with you…looks like a blast!
I am so thrilled you did this post all of your outfits are so so cute! And now thanks to this post and all your links i think its time for me to do a little online shopping!! :)
By the way, Do you by chance know the brand of your fabulous purse? I’m on the west coast and we dont have charming charlie’s over here… hoping I can find it online through another dealer! THANKS!!!!
I looked all over, but it doesn’t have a tag or anything on it. I think it’s supposed to look like an Orla Kiely bag.
P.S. Now I really, really, really want this suitcase. *facepalm*
Whoo hoo! My nail tip made it all the way out to LA! That makes me feel *much* more high-fashion than here in the ‘Ham. :) Loved all your outfits!
Ahhhh – the post I’ve been waiting for! Thank you SO much for all the great resources. And, of course, for sharing your wonderful trip with all of us!
I am glad that you did this post on your clothes. I was thinking how cute you looked while you were out there!
You are a doll~ thanks for filling us in on your darling wardrobe. I though you forgot? he he~ I adore the dress and shrug the best. Its perfect with that belt too. You look so darling in all your outfits.