Fall afternoons are the best.
Miley and Howie especially think so.
It’s not too hot, not too cold, and the sun is just too beautiful to stay inside.
Yep. Fall afternoons are irresistible.
Miley and Howie get so excited to go outside and play. They’re so fun to watch.
The simple act of putting on shoes and walking towards the back door have them jumping and spinning in circles.
A few weeks ago we got Miley a new frisbee, and she’s getting really good at catching it.
She just snatches it out of mid-air!
The girl has intense focus as she tracks her target.
Another great grab!
Miley’s all smiles as the frisbee takes flight..
And she spots it! Look how her expression changes here. So serious!
She comes away with it one more time!
Keep your eye on the prize, Miley!
And even when she doesn’t catch it…
She still snatches it up. That frisbee’s not getting away!
Look at this smiley little guy.
He’s got a favorite toy too.
Ready to pounce!
We get these little squeaker soccer balls from PetSmart and Howie just goes nuts for them.
The look on this crazy happy face says it all!
Your bostons are so cute and so well trained! I feel so bad for not teaching my boston, Spunky, cool tricks.
Oh how cute! My pup LOVES his frisbee, too! He would be out there fetching it all day!
Meggy from Chasing Davies
Quit showing off your dogs! (or I’ll have to go get one!!) They are just too cute=)
Too darn cute, Amanda!
They are so darn cute!
Oh your dogs picture posts are my favorite. I always look forward to the next one!
Hey, Amada~
Love these pix of your flying Miley & Howie!
And love your FANTASTIC website!! You’re truly a great example of making a blog for people!
We lost our sweet Boston Terrier, Molly, just over 3 years ago. I still miss her so much! She was almost a twin of your Miley, so I really enjoy seeing your dogs in action, having fun and enjoying life. In response to Chris, above: Molly had sensitive skin that was allergy-related; we always had to use a special shampoo and an ointment when her skin got irritated, and she took Benedryl everyday. Keep posting the fun pix of your BTs!
great pictures, as usual :)
i have a boston myself, he was a 2 year old rescue with some “issues”. he’s fabulous now at 4.5, still cuckoo but we love him. I also have 2 boston gran-pups and one of them has really sensitive skin. i was wondering if yours ever have skin issues?
Thanks so much for sharing Miley & Howie with everyone. I have 3 Boston Terriers so I know how much joy one can get from being around them. They have such emotion and expression. I have been following your dogs pretty much from the beginning when you just had Howie. And I look forward to every update.
Your dogs are adorable! Great photos too….love the action shots. :) My Luna loves going outside, but never mastered the art of catching stuff in the air.
Awesome action shots. And adorable doggies! :)
I love those two! They are so cute. You are so good at capturing their energy and amazing expressions. I could take 2000 photos of my boys running around like that and would be lucky to get one or two good ones!
The pictures are perfect. I think I need more tips in taking pictures, now that I am getting addicted to it. I’m amaze, wow 724 photos in 27 minutes! Great!
wow its nice shots (: – :)
love the pictures of the BTs. lost mine this June (14 yrs). miss her everyday. seeing Miley and Howie helps fill the void. more pics of them please.
SO glad to see pictures of the monsters! I miss seeing you all on Woof! I hope everyone is doing great! YAY for new pictures!!!
That is a ton of pictures! The more I take pictures, though, the more I realize that I have to take bunches in order to get a few good ones.
I am a high school math teacher so I also love seeing things in stats and numbers :)
Seriously, they have to be the cutest doggies I have ever seen. Wow – the stats blew me away. Not feeling so bad about taking 200 just to get a decent Christmas photo for cards every year {4 kids plus one dog = lots of photos}
So cute! Thanks for sharing I needed my doggie fix today!
They are so cute! Great photos! Those stats are crazy!
Love to see pics of the kids! Wish I had all that energy!
My BT Mia loves the little soccer ball too, goes nuts for it in fact. On a sad note, my older BT Maggie was diagnosed with cancer two weeks ago. We are devastated. She will be 13 in January so we aren’t doing chemo/radiation. She is blind and nearly deaf so we are just going to enjoy the time we have left. Maggie is my husbands first dog ever and he is just beside himself with this news. Maggie is definitely his dog. Good news is that I had Racahael Rossman paint both my BT’s. They turned out beautiful!
Yay!! Miley and Howie pics!! They really do love their toys!! I bet they needed a huge nap after that!
so adorable
They are so cute. I have a Great Dane who loves her Frisbee, too! Thanks for sharing.
wish I had energy like that! They are so cute :)
Me too!! :)
Fun dogs you have!!
Love snapshots of dogs!!!!
Miley and Howie are just too cute!
I have a Boston too! His name is Bot and he just turned 5.
I’ve been trying to get him to catch stuff, but he prefers hoarding.
Love, love, love Boston Terriers! Your two are adorable!! We have two adorable little Boston’s named Roxy (she’s 5) and Minnie (she’s 10 months). The best breed of dog, ever, in my opinion. Such people dogs that live to love their people.:) So much fun to play with…..simply the best! Thanks for sharing your sweet pictures.
I absolutely love your BT photos – Howey and Miley are so cute!! I wish I had great pics like this of our BT :)
Don’t you just love Boston Terriers?!?! I DO!! Love the pictures of your fur babies. My 2 BT’s love this weather too. I love the action shot of Miley & Howie catching the frisbe. Keep the darling pictures & videos coming :)
Oh my gosh what FUN Also NICE action shots………. Care to share the camera settings please?
Hi Diana! You can click on any photo to see the camera, lens, and settings used.
Couldn’t agree more. Fall afternoons are the best. I think our new puppy agrees too !
Absolutely adorable! My Bostons aren’t big fans of the squeaker balls, but they go bat crazy over frisbees. I have these old rubber ones from Old Navy of all places stockpiled because they’ve proven tough enough to withstand the pressure of two Bostons trying to rip them apart.
i love sunny days as well. thanks for sharing these great pics. so very cute. (:
Adorable little guys for sure. Hope I get to meet them someday!!
your pups have seriously mad skillz! :) so adorable!
Fantásticas fotos! Me apaixonei e que cão sabido!!! Parabéns!
Queria saber tirar as fotos assim, sou uma fotografa frustrada, fico babando com essas imagnes tiradas em movimento e ainda mais com um cão, amo esse bicho, tenho três: Um Rot, um labrador e um bassê hound.
Our little ones dance at the thought of playing outside too. and our bella LOVES squeaky toys haha
Fantastic photo series of your two adorable dogs!
I love those two! I’m beggin’ you to take more pics of those two adorable kidlets.
Sweet smiles what a gift. Thanks for sharing : )
I love the pictures of the dogs. They look so happy and active!! I love to see their antics.
There’s nothing cuter than the happiness of pups!
Love this! It just made me happy this morning!
Awwww! These photos are adorable xo
YAY! I’ve been waiting for a new post about Miley and Howie! I love the picture of Howie in mid-air all stretched out. He looks like superdog :) They look like they are having a blast. Thanks for the happy images this morning
These pictures just make me smile!
Hi Amanda! Lovely shots you got there. I have a quick question… On that afternoon, how many actual pictures did you take? I know when I take pictures, I have to take like 20 to find that perfect one. Just curious :)
Hi Mindy! Great question! We spent just under 30 minutes outside that afternoon and I took 724 photos. Holy smokes, I just did the math on that and that’s about 27 photos per MINUTE, lol! That’s roughly one photo every two seconds for 30 minutes straight. It definitely helps that my camera can take 8 photos a second, I think I was just continually shooting the whole time. :) Out of that, I ended up with about 90 that were useable — I guess that makes my success rate about 13%! I narrowed it down to my 20 favs to share here. :)
Photo Stats Recap
27 minutes
724 photos
2.24 photos per second
93 useable photos
12.8% success rate
Trivia: I wanted to be a math teacher when I grew up. True story.
They’re so cute and beautiful! Indeed, sunny days are the best!:-)
Have a great week,
Hi Amanda, I love reading the posts about your adorable dogs and the fun you have with them and the glorious photos you take. More of these please :)
what a cutie :)