Our Boston Terrier Howie has been practicing his fetching skills lately! Check out these adorable photos of Howie playing fetch with a frisbee!
Boston Terrier Playing Fetch
Practice makes perfect! Look what Howie can do now!
There’s the frisbee…
He caught it!!
Let’s try that again…
He did it again! Wheeeeeeeeee!
He tries so hard!
We have lift off!
He’s fun to watch because he leaps so high!
But he doesn’t get it every time.
What??! Inconceivable!
Sometimes he even throws a fit.
Hiiii-yah!! I exact my revenge on you, frisbee! Waaaaaahhhh!!!
But he always loves trying again.
Getting serious…
It’s MINE!!!
♫ Everybody was kung-fu fightin’ ♫
♪ Doot-Doot-Doot-Doot-Doot-Doot, Doot-Doot-Dooooo ♪
Look at that solid catch!
Here we go again! Such a happy dog!
Does he get it??
CHOMP! He’s got that timing down pat now!
He sees it again…
He goes for it!
He leaps!!
He snags it over the shoulder!!
He even surprised himself that time!
CRAZY EYES!!! It’s time to PARRRRR-TAY!!!
Whee! Do it again!
He jumps!
Howie’s a Karate Kid! Sweep the leg, Howie!
He’s like Michael Jordan! He just hangs there!
He’s got his eye on another one…
Ready to leap!
Snarly face!
He’s got it!
Oh wait!!??
How did you miss that, Howie??
Mine! Mine! Mine! Mine!
He’s focused now.
Wheels up!
Look at those teeny tiny teef!!
He got it! For reals this time!
Here we go…
He leaps!
Uh oh… This isn’t looking good…
Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo………….
Oh Howie.
We’d better end on that note.
Have a great weekend!
Hello Amanda!, I’m Gene Castro. I’m form Mexico, and i gotta tell you that i really love the way you look life, you and your husband inspired me in to many good ways(:
Your pictures and your habilities are so wonderfull, i just wanna say you that i see in you a very lovely person for inside and outside!, God bless your life and your husband too!
xoxo from Mexico!, i will see you here!
Howie is definitely a cutie pie!! And I love the action shots :)
Howie looks like such a happy dog and is really great at catching the frisbee! So jealous, my dog Nala loses interest in fetching after 5 minutes because she just wants to eat whatever she is fetching haha. Those are some great action shots!
Great job Howie! You know Mom, he can catch every one; he just knows you take more pictures and have more fun if he doesn’t. LOL! Love seeing the kids and it’s good to see Howie’s athletic skills are improving.
I must admit that I am hopelessly in love with your dogs, but especially Howie. That boy just cracks me up!! I love how he pins his ears back and tracks his target with such fierce determination before he leaps for the prize. What a riot!! And your comments make it that much more entertaining. Keep up the great work. :)
haha awesome!
i’ve been trying to take the same type of pics with my cat, but indoors with her feathr toy. So much fun to watch her leap!
Awwww! Poor Howie on the last few shots!!!
The photo w/the comment “What? Inconceivable!” just killed me! Hahahahaha!!!
Howie is doing a great job! And so are his people, it takes a lot of work to get this good. I am training my 11 month old puppy several tricks but nothing as complicated as with Howie!
Way to go Howie!
That was too cute! I especially loved the second to last picture. That’s a frame up right there! Glad to see he’s getting better at his game. Thanks for sharing, it put a smile on my face. :)
haha, his Kung-Fu pose cracked me up
So dang cute! Thanks for the smiles this morning!!
Oh my gosh! This sooo put a smile on my face and I even lol at the schmack photo! Love your photos and Howie! Thanks, just what I needed to start my day!
Oh my goodness, that Howie is something else! Thanks for starting my day off with a smile.
You are such a hoot! Started my morning off with a laugh. We throw those soft frisbees for our 2 labs and poodle. They love playing as much as Howie. Thanks for sharing the pictures and your captions.
So precious!! Excellent work.
That Howie gets some serious air time!
These pics are soooo cute, Amanda! Great job!
Brings back great memories of our Howie. He was Great with the frisbee and chubby too! Boston terriers are the best. Great photos!!
Love the action shots!! Bostons are so fun!!
So cute and incredible photos
Oh my God, he’s so cute! ^^ And your action shot are great! I hope my Boston will catch the frisbee too sometime… ^^
Amazing action shots! When we’re ready for a dog again, we’ll try frisbeeing too :)