
Eagle Brand Ice Cream Challenge Giveaway (Winners Announced!)

Easy Homemade Ice Cream without a Machine

Time’s up! Here are the winners of the Eagle Brand Ice Cream Challenge Giveaway:

#268 Sheryl: “Wow, I had no idea making homemade ice cream was this easy!! It makes me want to try creating a flavor that includes salty, crunchy peanuts and chocolate. Maybe some mini marshmallows, too. :-) The possibilities are virtually limitless!”

(Oh my heavens, Sheryl! That sounds amazing! Must try it next! )

#456 Brandy: “I think I’m drooooling! The cinnamon bun was definitely on my list when I saw that photo. I’d probably throw in coconut and make some chocolate concoction.”

#694 Tina: “Yummy! Just yesterday I was shopping online for ice cream makers — now I don’t need one to make some yummy homemade ice cream! I think I’ll try coconut, almond,chocolate — Almond Joy!!”

I had so much fun reading all your entries! I have tons of new ice cream ideas now, thanks to all of you. It’s going to be a very yummy summer! :)

Congratulations Sheryl, Brandy, & Tina!!!


July is National Ice Cream month, and the kind folks from Eagle Brand Milk want to show you how making homemade ice cream is easier than you may think! No ice cream maker? No problem! Out of rock salt? Don’t need it! You can make this ice cream in just four easy steps.

And let me just get one thing straight. This ice cream is so incredibly smooth and creamy you would never, ever know it’s not churned. Seriously. Creamy. You must trust me on this. I would not lead you astray.

To show you how fun & easy it is to create your own flavors, Eagle Brand wants to send not one… not two… but three lucky winners their own Ice Cream Challenge Pack! Check out what all you get!

Easy Homemade Ice Cream without a Machine

Eagle Brand Sweetened Condensed Milk… You’ll need this!

Easy Homemade Ice Cream without a Machine

A portable ice cream container, for freezing your homemade ice cream, an ice cream scoop for dishing it out, and some popsicle molds for fun!

Easy Homemade Ice Cream without a Machine

Smucker’s Ice Cream Toppings… Mmm… :)

Easy Homemade Ice Cream without a Machine

And… get out!!! Cupcake Magic Shell??! I am so all over this!

Easy Homemade Ice Cream without a Machine

Okay, now this is the funniest thing I have ever seen.

Easy Homemade Ice Cream without a Machine

It’s a koozie! For your ice cream! Keeps your hands warm and your ice cream cold! You know you want one!

Easy Homemade Ice Cream without a Machine

I had to do it. I had the ice cream. I had the magic shell. It was right there. Ben & Jerry’s Half Baked Ice Cream (that’s chocolate & vanilla swirled ice cream with brownie & cookie dough mixed in) topped with Smucker’s Cupcake Magic Shell. Oh. my.

Easy Homemade Ice Cream without a Machine

Everything comes packed in this insulated, portable picnic basket (so cool!) AND you get a $10 Walmart gift card for supplies!

Homemade Ice Cream without the machine couldn’t be easier!

Easy Homemade Ice Cream without a Machine

Basically, you start with 2 cups of heavy cream and 1 can of Eagle Brand Sweetened Condensed Milk.

Easy Homemade Ice Cream without a Machine

Whip the heavy cream to stiff peaks…

Easy Homemade Ice Cream without a Machine

Add your flavors, toppings, and mix-ins to the sweetened condensed milk…

Easy Homemade Ice Cream without a Machine

Then fold in the whipped cream.

Easy Homemade Ice Cream without a Machine

That’s it! Freeze and enjoy!!

So what can you add to the cream & milk??

Easy Homemade Ice Cream without a Machine

How about butter, cinnamon, and vanilla for… Cinnamon Bun Ice Cream! Oh my gracious, it totally tastes *just* like cinnamon buns! You have to try this one.

Cinnamon Bun Ice Cream Recipe

Easy Homemade Ice Cream without a Machine

What about Nutella & Peanut Butter?? Seriously yum!

Nutella Peanut Butter Chip Ice Cream Recipe

Easy Homemade Ice Cream without a Machine

Do you like Krispy Kreme Doughnuts??! Oh yes I did. I added little bits of Krispy Kreme doughnuts people!

Krispy Kreme Ice Cream Recipe

Easy Homemade Ice Cream without a Machine

How about adding Smucker’s Magic Shell for a really cool fudge swirl effect??!

Hazelnut Mocha Fudge Swirl Ice Cream Recipe


The options are endless!

Easy Homemade Ice Cream without a Machine

Want to win? Here’s How to Enter!

To be entered to win this amazing prize package from Eagle Brand, all you have to do is leave a comment on this post:

What Ice Cream Flavor would you create??! :)

Three winners will receive their very own Ice Cream Challenge pack which includes:

  • Three cans of Eagle Brand sweetened condensed milk. Regular, Low-Fat & Fat Free.
  • Two jars of Smucker’s ice cream toppings.
  • One bottle of Smucker’s Magic Shell.
  • One adorable ice cream scoop.
  • One set of Tovolo Groovy Popsicle Molds.
  • One Zak! Designs Portable Ice Cream Container.
  • One Prepara Ice Cream Pint Sleeve.
  • $10 Walmart Gift Card.
  • One Picnic Time Insulated Cooler Tote.

Contest ends Friday, July 30th at 8pm CST. Winners will be selected by and notified by email.

Thanks for looking and GOOD LUCK!!! :)

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998 Responses
  1. Sherri

    I would make something great! I like chocolate and strawberries so I might make me some strawberry chocolate chunk ice cream. Yum that sounds so good!

  2. Denise Ackerly

    Made Vanilla with Nutella and caramel swirls and it came out awesome!! I added 1 tsp. vanilla extract to the s.c.milk and after freezing for an hour, I swirled in some Nutella and caramel. Everyone is so impressed!!! Thanks for the easy peasy recipe!!!

  3. Sarah

    I would add m&m’s – a combination of plain, peanut, almond, peanut butter, crisp, dark chocolate, or even pretzel – whatever seemed right for the occasion. Thanks Amanda and!

  4. Amy

    BANANA … it’s my favorite and I can’t ever find it anywhere. Then, I’d start experimenting with peanut butter, chocolate AND BANANA! :)

  5. Theresa

    I want to try Honey Bunches of Oats Strawberry Ice Cream…I’m a cereal fanatic. Or maybe Fig Newtons?? So many choices.

  6. Lauren

    Chocolate chip cookie dough is my favorite flavor of all time! I’d make up a batch of my favorite homemade cookies and mix them into my homemade icecream. YUMMMMM!!!!

  7. nadia

    oh yum where can i buy all the supplies ? <3 My husband will be eternally grateful/ happy/ oh cloud nine!!!!

  8. Nikki

    Oh my!!! My mouth is watering and I gained 5 lbs. just looking at the pictures. I HAVE to try cinnamon bun ice cream!

  9. BonniesCouncil

    Wow, that ice cream looks amazing. I have always wanted to make my own but have been too intimidated!

  10. Danielle H.

    YUM – O! I am so going to get that magic shell cupcake. I think I would like to try to make chocolate ice cream with brownie chunks. I seriously need ice cream now!!!

  11. Maggie Dougherty

    I LOVE icecream!!! I would make anything w/ chocolate, chocolate and more chocolate!!!! What an awesome way to make it – – – beats messing w/ the ice and salt!!

  12. Lydia

    Yum!! Your recipes always make me drool and these ice cream flavors are no exception! The nutella one sounds delish!

  13. Shelly Marchand


    I was thinking butterfingers…mmmmmmm! The bag is too cute and the popcicle holders are to die for.

  14. Calley Ondocsin

    How delicious does this look? This will be a great recipe to try with some fresh strawberries or bluberries. :)
    I am making the cinnamon bun flavor TOMORROW! Yum!

  15. Julia

    I have bookmarked this site – love the low fat option! I would add pistacio pudding powder for one of my favourite flavours or maybe some coconut milk?

  16. Kim R

    WOW!! What a great package! I wish I had some creativity, but I would probably start off with a simple chocoloate ice cream with double stuffed oreos!! It’s to die for

  17. nicole lindsay

    i would so make peanut butter and jelly ice cream. either with chocolate or vanilla ice cream with peanut butter and jelly in it! YUMMY!

  18. Lauren

    I’m fairly new to your site, and I absolutely love it! I’ve been trying to incorporate your fonts everywhere I can. Also, this is a really neat giveaway. I can’t wait to try and make my own homemade ice cream!

  19. Geneve

    I think I would try graham cracker ice cream. Yum. That kit looks so yummy! Can’t wait to try.

  20. deanna

    I would create: apple pieces, cinnamon, and raisins. Mmmm…I’m excited thinking about it already!

  21. Jamie

    I would concoct something that combined Cheez-its and Super Bubble Gum. With a hint of Sweet Tea.

  22. SharleneT

    I wouldn’t even know where to start, because I want to make everything, so I really want to thank you for posting such an easy method of making what looks to be some outstanding ice cream… I do know that it would have to have some coffee and some chocolate chips in it, in some way… come visit when you can

  23. Marian

    Yummy! I would slivered almonds, reeses peanut butter cup and some strawberries to mine! Can’t wait!

  24. Marissa

    What a great ice cream package, especially for a family that goes through tons of ice cream!! Peanut Butter Swirl!! Choc Chip Cookie Dough!!! Any ice cream works well on these dog days of summer!!! Love this…

  25. Theresa

    Oh, my goodness why did I read this!!!! I am now craving ice cream. I’m a huge icecream gal! Ben and jerry’s half baked sooo yummy! Great pictures, and blog once again!

  26. Anna M

    Vanilla Brownie! I love brownies. I may need to make sone now that I have been talking about them!

  27. Anna M

    Vanilla Brownie! I love brownies. I may need to make sone now that I have been talking about them!

  28. E DeCap

    Cupcake Magic Shell?!? I will be on the lookout for that for sure!! And I always want to make homemade ice cream with my son but he’s not old enough to do it the rock salt way and this way looks amazing so we will be trying this! Thanks for sharing!

  29. Angela B.

    Anything with chocolate and peanut butter cups is my favorite, add some caramel and it is over the top. Can’t wait to try these ideas for homemade ice cream.

  30. Jenn

    Ohh the endless possibilities!! I think first I’d try a blackberry with chocolate chunks, soon to be followed by cake batter. :)

  31. Amanda White

    Amazing, I love Love LOVE ice cream! How great it would be to win this! Either way, I can’t wait to give your recipes a try!

  32. emily

    Seriously, is there any other flavour than chocolate? I have never noticed before! Shame on me…
    Oh and BTW, you should be giving people directions on how to clean their screens after viewing this article since you know there are a few of us who are going to try and lick one of those amazing cones of ice cream! Hahaha!!!
    Thanks for sharing! :D

  33. Bernice

    Oh my! Those pictures of ice cream are making me drool! I’d love some vanilla ice cream with chewy brownies and caramel! Yuuuum!

  34. Chedder

    This is TOO perfect!! My kitchenaid attachment was delivered to my front door just an hour ago- I can’t wait to get home and play with it. These treats will really help kick me off.

    Even if I don’t win I’ll have lots of fun with your amazing recipes!

  35. Jennifer Camplin

    Yummy all of that look too good. plus basket so cute, my color I love that.

    On side note. My husband and I just booked Tenn trip and going in Oct this fall. Thank to your information you posted in your blog. They asked us where we hear about that place. We mentioned your name and blog. =-}

  36. Lauren

    blueberry special K is honestly just about my favorite food. I think I would have to try that in ice cream!

  37. Crystal F.

    My ice cream flavor that I would do: Cookie Bites (chocolate covered cookie dough candies) available in the bulk section of my local grocer mixed with Magic Shell swirl (drizzle it in as it is mixing). Or I would do fresh strawberries, graham crackers and strawberry jam swirled in for a Strawberry cheesecake concoction.

  38. Cheryl

    Oh, is it ok if I post this giveaway on my blog? I don’t want to offend you by not asking.

    Cheryl M.

  39. Cheryl

    Well, this makes me #922 lol. Don’t know if my comments will make it but I think that this is one of the best ideas I have ever come across. First off, love love love your blog. Second, You are so creative. I have seen pics of your craft space too and I’m having craft room envy:) I would make one of my favorite ice cream flavors, chunky monkey, mmmmmmmm. Thanks for the tip.

    Cheryl M.

  40. Amy

    I would make an icecream flavor filled with fresh blueberries and fresh strawberries. You have to save your calories somewhere. :)

  41. ScappyJaC

    Wow!! I’m so intrigued!! I really want to try this! I would definitely try something fruity – probably strawberry mango or strawberry colada! Yumm!! Makes my mouth water just thinking about it!!!
    Thanks for the chance to win!

  42. Asha Koshy

    Great Ideas!!! I love the Krispy Cream one… oooo with maple donuts or chocolate sprinkle donuts with that magic shell! OOOoooOOoO YA! That Magic Shell is such a good idea, you can make simple chocolate chip ice cream with the thin pieces of ice cream instead of adding actual chocolate chips which taste too chunky (well at least for me). Thanks for the great ideas!!

  43. amanda Smith

    OMG!!! MMMMMM….first of all, I would make some peanut buttery ice cream with fudge chunks…sounds DE-LIGHT-FUL! Hope I win!

  44. PatriciaD

    Oh, wow, as I eat my root beer float I am drooling over your photos and EASY ice cream. I LOVE making homemade ice cream as a summer treat the very best. And, at the moment, I love banana ice cream. I know sounds weird, huh, but I am telling you we had some the other day and it was absolutely to die for. YUM…

    The thing is I almost never make homemade ice cream for just me (I’m single) but I would and could do this.

  45. Sheila

    I would have to say that my ice cream of choice would be banana split. I would throw my own ingredients bananas,caramel,strawberries,cherries,nuts and then top it off with whip cream. Thanks for the chance to win :)!

  46. kayleigh

    i would definitely have some sort of caramel ice cream with a chocolate swirl going on. mmmmmm. man. i love ice cream.

  47. Rhonda Turner

    definitely oreo!!!! love that cookie! but my boys eat any flavor as long as it’s cold! thanks

  48. Patricia Wright

    OMG!!! I made my own icecream following this recipe and it DID turned out sooo goood!!! Even creamier than what you buy from the store! Thanks Amanda for sharing this with us! I’m glad I won’t need to buy an icecream machine anymore. :)

  49. Anna Antique

    Ooh! This looks great! I’m totally going to make some for mine and my husbands double bdays this weekend! Please enter me in the drawing!

  50. Heather H.

    Even thought I do not even EAT ice cream at all, my husband, sister and daughter are ice cream FREAKS. I would love to create them a s’mores flavored ice cream complete with graham cracker and waffle cone pieces, chocolate chunks and marshmallows. Then I’d drizzle it with caramel sauce and crushed almonds.

    OK, maybe I need to join the rest of my family and see what cold creamy goodness I’m missing :)


  51. Carmen

    Hmmmmm…I am so in love with cheesecake right now…o o o o o remember those magic bars with graham cracker crust, Eagle Brand, coconut, chocolate chips and nuts???? what about that IN ice cream or even an ice cream version!

  52. Ashley Welling

    Oh my gosh! I love ice cream. That looks so easy! I may just have to try that while on vacation.

  53. Jessica

    That picnic bag is so cute. We will definitely be trying this recipe…ice cream is meal in our house.

  54. LuRae

    I’d like to try making ice cream with peanuts and fudge. We’ve also been able to get the most beautiful blackberries this year. I would have to try ice cream with blackberries mixed in too.

  55. Claudia

    This is an awesome giveaway. I think I would have to make cookies n cream ice cream … those oreos mixed in are delicious. :)

  56. BettyC

    What a great giveaway! I would make some sort of peachy concoction.

    Eagle Brand–YUM! I never buy any other brand! That’s probably because I have such fond memories of growing up in the 1950’s, & every time my mother would use Eagle Brand in a recipe, my father would have to have a tiny taste of Eagle Brand’s pure, true goodness straight from the can! (And I must confess–what sticks to the lid of the can is MINE when I’m using Eagle Brand.)

  57. Amber

    I’d totally try it with nutella…I have an ice cream maker and that’s the combination I use (2 cups cream to 1 can sweetened condensed milk) and it turns out perfectly EVERY time! So yummy!

  58. Heather Michelle

    Oh ice cream! I just had my wisdom teeth pulled and I’ve been living off ice cream. I would have to try making some type of coffee caramel swirl, with white chocolate chip. Yum!

  59. jenn h

    I would create a vanilla bean with dark chocolate covered caramels..and maybe a hint of mocha too…

  60. Robin walker

    I would make maple syrup cookie dough. I have heard that is what brusters uses as a base for their cookie dough ice cream, and it is my favorite. If I could perfect it from home, I would be thrilled!

  61. Gail Hinton

    I think I would have to try something with pineapple and coconut.
    Can’t wait to try this!

  62. Kristi

    Oooooooo! :) Would LoVe to win this prize! I would definitely have to make some cookie dough ice cream. It’s my FAVORITE!


    LOVE THIS RECIPE…… I have two small children and am always looking to make homemade icecream with ingredients that I can control, but thought I needed and icecream machine. Thanks for posting.

  64. Allie

    I would die to try the Krispy Kreme ice cream! I seriously think it would be like early onset diabetes in a cone, but its probably worth it! :)

  65. Dawn Hart

    Yum! No one loves ice cream as much as I do… :) I would love this giveaway! All the flavors look so great, and I’m sure taste great too! The bag is cute. Eagles brand is yummy!! I hope I win!

  66. Megan C.

    I love ice cream!! And I think I would create chocolate covered cherry ice cream. Cherries and chocolate shell all swirled in chocolate ice cream. Yummy!!

  67. Jen

    What a great treat for the weekend! I’m definitely trying out the Krispy Kreme recipe (they are selling them at work today- yay!)

  68. Doreen

    Ohh, so many choices, chocolate or maybe strawberry with some add in’s. Too many choices………..

  69. Abby

    Going to try this out this weekend! Would love to do pretzels and caramel. Excited to have some ice cream where I know the ingredients and can make lots of healthy options.

  70. Cheryl K

    Hmm,that is tough decision – I think something with marshmallow, chocolate brownie and maybe some strawberries. YUM!

  71. Jenn

    If you can believe it, I have NEVER had homemade ice cream. I know, it’s a crying shame. But now I know how to make my own and I am very adventurous and would mix anything involving mint and chocolate. Thanks for a chance to win and how to make my own. I can’t wait to try it!!!

  72. Laura

    This giveaway makes me want to go home tonight and make some homemade ice cream. I like just plain old fashioned vanilla and add chopped up candy bars.

  73. Linz

    That’s amazing! I love the Krispy Kreme idea! Great, now you have me craving ice cream at 9 in the morning!

  74. Cathy

    I love watermelon and I’d love a watermelon ice cream! YUM! Nice giveaway. I like that tote – did you post where it came from?

  75. Jana Pindell

    What a cute giveaway! I love homemade ice cream! I would defintely make cake batter with chocolate chip cookie dough, my favorite!

  76. Pam Cortez

    I love the entire kit, I think I would make strawberry ice cream with real straberries. Please let me win, Please let me win, Please let me win, Please let me win,Please let me win! Thanks Amanda, love your web site.

  77. Jen E.

    Gotta make some of these! I was just thinking of trying to find the ice cream maker for some fun with the kids this evening!…but now that i can just use my mixer….

    I’d make Lemon Blueberry! yum!

  78. Courtnee D

    Ohhhh yummy!! Thanks for the recipe!! I’m so making this this weekend!

    I would do something with peanut butter, chocolate, maybe some coffee flavored goodies!!

  79. Tammi

    Hello! I think I would throw some peanut butter in with that magic shell…yummy! My favorite though, is always vanilla when it comes to homemade.

  80. Elaine Kirby

    I would make a strawberry with cheesecake bite combo. Actually, I would try lots of different combos because I love ice cream!! :)

  81. Sherrie

    What a SWEET idea! We’ll definitely be giving this one a try tonight with some vanilla cake mix and hmmmm… how about some sprinkles? Yummy! Who needs Marble Slab anymore? Thanks for the great idea and opportunity to win some goodies too.

  82. Kathryn

    Wow. What an awesome treat! Can’t wait to try this recipe. I’m a coconut gal, and am always looking for the best coconut ice cream. I’m going to try making it this way, winner or not!! Thanks Amanda!

  83. Lynnet Hardwick

    This looks so awesome, but I didn’t know you could make ice cream without an ice cream maker! I’ve got to try this! I would love to try chocolate cake ice cream with mint chocolate chips. We make a gallon of Frosty Ice cream with Eagle Brand and it taste JUST like a Wendy’s Frosty. Yummo!

  84. Carla B.

    Awesome giveaway! I’ve always wanted to try making ice cream — mint chocolate chip is my favorite! :)

  85. maritza

    what a great give-a-way!!! oh boy, let’s see…i’d make something with coconut, almonds, pineapple, chocolate chips…ummm…a cross between and almond joy and pinacolada!!!

  86. Ericka Gray

    OOOOOOOH!!!!!;) I can’t wait to try this…..cheesecake, strawberries, snickers, twix, reeses, ect….. What should I try first?!!

  87. bec

    oh me, ooooh my! you’ve gotta be kidding! that is THE simplest ice-cream making method i’ve ever heard of!! yum yum yum! thanks for posting. *SLURP!*

  88. Jenn

    We are chocolate and coffee nuts in this family so it would have to be some combination of those two flavors. Looks so yummy!

  89. Barb in Palm Beach, FL

    Oh my gosh- how easy! With limited space for yet another small appliance, I think I could handle this one-I’m in!!!
    It’s hot in South FLORIDA- we love mangos- I would like to make some Mango Ice Cream!!

  90. Brenda

    oh my! ice cream!!! :-) I *have* to try every single one of your recipes for sure… and for grand finale: creamy vanilla with strawberries and gummy bears. Yes, gummy bears. Yum! :-)

  91. Liz Salcido

    Oh Amanda!!
    This whole thing is just so over the top!! I want one!!!!!! ;o)
    Your cinnamon bun looks wonderful. Think I’d like to try some sweet Michigan cherries along with the cinnamon, oh heaven. Or maybe some bits of lemon cookies,ohhhh.
    Ya know, Decatur isn’t that far from you, you could just invite me to share some of yours! ;o)
    Great give-away to some lucky people.

  92. Carly

    I’d probably make something with cheesecake bits, not sure what else though…I LOVE the ice cream sleeve! I’ve never seen one before, but now that I know they exist, I NEED one!

  93. Tara

    Mmm… I would do something with strawberries and chocolate. Or Butterfinger. Yep, I’d definitely try something with Butterfinger candy bars. :)

  94. Melissa

    Bananas and vanilla wafers for some good ole southern banana pudding for me! My favorite! Such a fun giveaway! thanks

  95. Susan Fennell

    I would create strawberry cheesecake!! YUM my favorite and I love to make ice cream with my six year old and with my class of 22…can’t wait, I hope I win!

  96. Laura

    Blackberry Cream Pie would be a flavor I’d try to create……….blackberries, vanilla pudding and a little extra whipping cream. Made into a popsicle or served in a waffle cone MMMMMM!!

  97. Julie

    ice cream makes me melt. I can’t stand to look at these pictures without craving some! Aagh.

    I’d try something with cinnamon and oatmeal, like an oatmeal cookie ice cream. Sounds delish. Thanks for the recipes!

  98. Cheryl

    How fun!!!! Wow, where would I start….maybe with cake batter, yum. Ooh, the possibilities are endless…

  99. Ashley G.

    Thank you so much for sharing this with us. I have never had homemade ice cream so as soon as I can get to the store I am going to make a snickers ice cream with the candy bar, caramel and peanuts. I would love to win this, I have never won anything and this would be a first great win.

  100. Kristin

    There are tons of combinations I would love to try, but first I would make a fresh strawberry and nutella ice cream

  101. Casie Hammer

    Oh Oh Oh! Me Me! Pick Me! I love your site, and I love ice cream. This would be the perfect little cheat to that diet I’ve been on all summer. I’m going to make me some right now! I would make peach ice cream, because we have lots of those in season around here. Or chocolate? Oreo? Oh, now I can’t decide. I’ll let you know how it turns out. Thanks!!!

  102. Brooke

    I’m not sure if Aussies are allowed to enter but seeing as we are seriously lacking in the good icecream department over here I’m going to try my luck.

    I love the portable ice cream container and as weird as it may be the koozie (currently I use the throw rug I’m snuggling in at the time).

    I would have to go with some pralines and fine bits of chocolate. Mmm..and maybe something lemony, as a second flavour.

  103. Daphne

    I would use chunky peanut butter, oreo cookie crumbs and belgian milk chocolate for that creamy rich textured taste. I suggest also to not blend in the peanut butter completely so that the sticky rich taste of peanut butter can linger on our tastebuds :)

  104. Nicki Kirk

    …oh I forgot about putting the carmel sauce and magic shell in there. oops–those are a MUST! :-)

  105. Nicki Kirk

    What a GREAT giveaway! Love that green basket!! I would totally make Banana Cream Pie icecream with fresh banana chunks, crumbled pie crust and whipped cream. My mouth is watering just thinking about it. YUM! Thanks for the chance to win such a generous giveaway!

  106. Katie, The Design Apprentice

    Oh my goodness I think I gained 10 lbs oogling these photos and I don’t mind one bit. It was worth it.

  107. Mary Elaine

    My two year old always asks for ice cream for breakfast…the “brown” kind, not the “white” kind. So she would pick chocolate for sure! My favorite is vanilla with pieces of reese’s butter cups!

  108. Suzanne

    My combo would have cinnamon, toasted pecans, coffee, and chocolate–of course! Thanks for the wonderful giveaway!

  109. Dakeri Baca

    Oh my goodnes this looks fabulous!!!! The pictures just make me crave these! Here’s hoping I win!

  110. Abby

    I can’t wait to try these recipes! My flavors would be peppermint with dark chocolate chips or coconut cream pie with fresh coconut, coconut milk, and vanilla wafers. YUM!

  111. Samantha

    Oh my gosh how could you decide? And the koozy? That is just asking for trouble! My all time favorite is coffee ice cream so I’d probably keep that as a base and add in different mixes—kit kat maybe?

  112. Heidi

    Wow…you made home made ice cream look so Easy! I want to try it!

    We are big Snickers fans around here so I’d probably do something chocolatey with crushed up snickers for a bit of chewy a bit of chocolatey and a bit nutty ;)

  113. Amy Jensen

    Yummy!!! Ice Cream is a favorite in our household. A flavor I’d like to see is pretzels in vanilla ice cream. I hope I’m a winner!!! Thanks for the opportunity.

  114. carlee

    wow! would i ever love to win this! i’d have to make some sort of coffee and chocolate-flavored concoction, yummy!!!

  115. Becca

    My kids love ice cream and this recipe is so simple they can do it! I would love some Reeses Peanut Buttercup Ice Cream!

  116. stacy murphy

    ARE YOU KIDDING ME??!! I want to make ALLLLLLLLLLLLL of the flavors!!!!!!!!!! YUM YUM YUM. What a FUN giveaway!!!!

  117. Tronesia

    Wow…now that looks delicious!
    I would make anything with chocolate..chocolate and more chocolate!!
    ::crossing my fingers:: Thanks for the chance!

  118. Emma

    I would definitely make coffee brownie chunk. Wish I hadn’t read this at bedtime because now I’m totally craving icecream!!!

  119. Pam H.

    I think I would try the Hazelnut Mocha Fudge Swirl. Anything with chocolate is my favorite. Ice cream is the perfect way to cool off during these hot summer days! What a great prize! Stay cool…

  120. Roxanne Ramirez

    I use Eagle Brand all the time for different desserts and never knew I could use it for ice cream!!!!
    I would love to make a PEANUT BUTTER CHOCOLATE BANANA ice cream! How yummy that would be!

  121. Mary Engle

    I would create ice cream with heath bar chips, chocolate fudge brownies and coconut. Yummers to my tummers!

  122. Tonimarie Scott

    I am so excited to try this. Maybe I can come up with something that tastes like B&J’s Seven Layer Coconut Bar.

  123. Beth Harrington

    Thank you for the chance to win this..I would go for a coffee ice cream with big dark chocolate chunks *drool*

  124. Karen

    Count me in! How yummy–best part> you can look all you want but NO calories! So many flavors, so little time.

  125. Jill C.

    I think I would make chocolate ice cream with peanut butter and brownies in it. Mmmmm!! That would be totally decadent.

  126. Katy

    I would love to do a chocolate mint flavored ice cream. Especially incorporating Thin Mint type cookies.

  127. Gina

    I have to go with my old standby… Homemade mint chocolate chip. Nothing better in the world. mmmmmm…

  128. Marie

    Krispy Kremes are the best! WOW!!! I love ice cream. Put them together and it’s a Southern Dream come true.

  129. Vicki Sowards

    I would make cherry cheesecake ice cream….cherries, graham cracker crumbs, a little cream cheese…YuMMMM

  130. Bekka Erickson Hagen

    I would combine chocolate ice cream, sticky marshmallow, and chocolate chunks to form my own version of Ben & Jerry’s Phish Phood. YUM!

  131. Tammy Vincent

    Wow! You’re very bad–now I’m craving ice cream! I LOVE Butterfinger ice cream, but your flavors look delish too!

  132. Barb Sharkey

    That is soooooooooo awesome, what a fabulous idea!!!! I love Choc chip, choc fudge vanilla swirl……YUMMY!!!!!!

  133. Kathy Stachewicz

    How exciting! I would try something comparable to chocolate mousse tracks!! Bits of chocolate and recee cups!

  134. Marcia Regina Tay May Leng

    I love the rich chocolaty creamy ice cream topped with chopped nuts and chocolate chips. It’s my favourite. Mmmmmmm…..Yum!!

  135. Barb

    I would make black cherry- “Barb’s Bing Cherry” ice cream- yum!!!!!!!!!
    I would LOVE to win!!!!! I used to make homemade ice cream with my students- using 2 coffee cans and rock salt and ice. Thanks for the ideas and recipes!

  136. Tabitha A.

    I would make Reese’s Peanut Butter cup for me, because chocolate and peanut butter are my fav, for my hubby I would make mint chocolate chip, and for my son I would make strawberry! Too fun!

  137. Annie

    Wow! I just found your blog & am officially smitten! Ice Cream is pure happiness over here. The more chunks & ooey gooey, the better!

  138. Bonnie McDonald

    I live in NC and we are having a heat wave (heat indexes of 110!!!) What a refreshing thought all these refreshing icecream choices…

  139. Cheri

    Carmel Dark Chocolate Marshmellow Ice Cream – I love this – Your recipes look great – I sure hope I win – I just love ice cream!!!!!

  140. jahree

    Oh My Goodness!!! SOOOO many. Ice cream is one of my weaknesses but I enjoy it so much!!! The Nutella and peanutbutter sound fantastic. Maybe add a little honey and banana!!!! WHEEEE!!!!!

  141. Gail Bolander

    Mmmmm Ice cream sounds so good right now! I would have to keep it simple right now and go banana strawberry! It’s so hot todY i actully think I melted a little!

  142. Danielle Wright

    I LOVE sweetened condensed milk! I use it in this pie I make. And that cupcake magic shell stuff looks soo fun! This would be an awesome win!

  143. Laura

    YUM!! Currently pregnant and LOVING ice cream. I think my husband would appreciate this very much! (instead of late night runs to town) :) Thanks!!

  144. Demetria

    I would love to make one with Caramel Ice Cream, Brownie pieces, and Buttered Pecans, with Caramel Swirl… NOW THAT WOULD BE AWESOME!!!

    I’ll call it “Southern Summer”

    Thanks for the chance!!!

    createlms_dw2003 at yahoo dot com

  145. Tiffany

    OMG…I actually squealed when I saw this give away! I love, love, love ice cream! I’d making something vanilla, brownie, carmale, whipcream, fudge, marhsmellows…… YUM!

  146. Brittney Finnerty

    WOW!!! This looks amazing! I have GOT to try this AND then cupcake magic shell too!!!!!!!!!!

  147. Jenne

    I would make cupcake ice cream….with bits of buttercream frosting and of course sprinkes too! yum yum yum!

  148. Kasandra Wright

    Are you kidding?! Eagle Brand Milk in homemade ice cream???!!! I can’t think of anything better!!!!

  149. Becca

    What an awesome prize! :-) yummy!! I would make some kind of cookie dough flavor – because I love me some cookie dough!

  150. Monica

    July is my birthday month and what better way to celebrate than homemade ice cream! I am definitely going to try the Nutella Peanut Butter Chip Ice Cream Recipe.

  151. Hilary

    I’m currently obsessed with s’mores, so definitely s’mores flavored…chocolate ice cream, marshmallows (and/or fluff), and graham cracker pieces. Yum!
    Thanks for the chance to win!!

  152. Laurel

    My kids would eat this up so fast it wouldn’t even freeze. It would definitely make their day. Thanks for the chance to win.

  153. wendy

    How fun is that??? I’m already craving ice cream today anyway, so why not enter a fun ice cream giveaway? I’m thinking peanut butter cups for sure in mine :)

  154. Valerie

    I would create something using vanilla ice cream then add white chocolate chips and dark chocolate with sprinkles.

  155. Sherri

    Oh, my goodness! All these treats would certainly make for a great neighborhood ice cream social!!! Yummy!

  156. Dara

    Great for summer! I would probably do strawberry since that is my daughters most fav flavor!
    Hope I win!

  157. Sarah

    I would make Ultra Chocolate Peanut Butter! Some swirls of Magic Shell Chocolate and Magic Shell Peanut Butter, some chopped up Peanut Butter Cups, some Dark chocolate shavings…some smooth peanut butter thrown in…I CAN’T WAIT TO TRY THIS!!! I’m so excited…all I can think about is adding things…I wonder what the limit is before it won’t freeze right?

  158. Mara

    mmmmh yummm!!!
    probably either one with Ferrero Rocher and brownies or Almond Joy like coconut chocolate and almonds

  159. Pat Stockall

    What a fantastic way to make ice cream.Would love to win this prize package to make either coffee or strawberry flavors.Thanks for the chance to win.Love your recipes.

  160. Cathy

    Oh yummy! What a smart idea on their part and I just LOVE the giveaway! I would try some sort of cheesecake ice cream recipe; my husband would be in awe if I turned his favorite dessert into a treat fit for a waffle cone!

  161. Michele V

    ohhh all of the pictures ….looks so very yummy….rocky road….mini marshmellows….I’m gonna have to try this!
    Thanks Amanda, just what my hips ordered!!!

  162. Margot Perry

    Two flavors I would love to try making are Oatmeal Cookie and Nutter Butter ice cream. Both flavors remind me of my childhood and would love to share these with my kids. Thanks for the recipes!!!

  163. Maria

    If I was to create my very own icecream flavor, gosh, a tough one since I worship almost any, except peanut(allergic)… My very own Mariaice would absolutly include salty liqorice, (very Swedish), Turkish Delight, (rose jello), real vanilla and loads of some chewy, creamy, cinnamonny caramel, YUMMIE!

  164. Patty

    All that ice cream looks delicious, and so easy to make! I’d probably try a turtle flavor. Chocolate, pecans and delicious caramel.

  165. Tina

    Yummy! Just yesterday I was shopping online for ice cream makers – now I don’t need one to make some yummy homemade ice cream! I think I’ll try coconut, almond,chocolate – Almond Joy!!

  166. Danielle

    Oh so many choices….I would start with chocolate ice cream, add hot fudge, waffle cone bits, nutella, whoppers, peanut butter cups and heath bar..oh dear I’m drooling now….

  167. FerrisWheelGirl

    This really is so neat!! Who knew homemade ice-cream could be so easy?!? I would add crushed up M&Ms and some of that yummy chocolate sauce. Can you say Mmmmm&Mmmmmm?? Hehe! ;)

  168. Kathy F

    Amanda, you always have such neat stuff on your website, but ice cream recipes AND a giveaway! That is an ultimate 1st prize for summertime :)

  169. AnaBel

    The possibilities are endless. Definitely fresh raspberries and a splash of amaretto! Maybe some crunched up toffee and honey roasted almonds. I love lemon anything… so what about candied lemon peel and vanilla? Oh my, which should I try first?!

  170. Alicia

    WOW!!! Love the flavors you whipped up! If I do not win this I want to know where to buy it!

    My ice cream would be vanilla ice cream with kit kat pieces, cookie dough, and caramel through it! Mmmm!

  171. Chris

    I love Baskin & Robbins Chocolate Peanut Butter so I would love to try and replicate that then the sky’s the limit !

  172. Nicole@Farmgirl Chaos

    Cinnamon Apple Vanilla Bean. Oh man. I can almost taste it now. Think of apple crisp and vanilla bean ice cream in one. I need to make this!

  173. MK Lake

    Rocky Road – and I wish my granddaddy was still here to toast the fresh pecans and chunky-chop the chocolate pieces for me.

  174. Tina

    How amazing would that ice cream recipe be with chopped up Skor bits? MMMMMmmmm!!! I can’t wait to try it!

  175. Rachel C.

    I would love to win this on my BIRTHDAY!
    My ice cream would consist ot vanilla bean ice cream with butterfinger AND snickers with hot fudge and marshmallow cream swirls!

  176. amanda g.

    I’m having a love affair with chocolate & peanut butter this summer. I’d probably go for a sweet cream batter with peanut butter and fudge swirled in. Blissful!!!

  177. Amanda T

    I would have to make anything with chocolate! or peanut butter! or chocolate! oh wait, i already said chocolate!

  178. amy g.

    Definitely something with chocolate, peanut butter and pretzels. LOVE salty and sweet! Thanks for the recipes.

  179. Jacy

    Yummy!! I would make caramel M&M ice cream!! Or maybe scotcharoo (kind of like rice krispies but with peanut butter) ice cream!

  180. Tara Liddicoat

    Those recipes all sound SO yummy!!! I would love to make some vanilla bean coconut or s’more ice cream!!!

  181. Melanie

    I have never made homemade ice cream! I know what a loser, but the cooking in most of the recipes and all the process intimidates me a little. But this recipe is sooo easy! I would add Golden Oreos, marshmallow cream and milk chocolate….Yum!

  182. Mindy

    OMG this is fabulous!!! I’d love to win it!!
    Fav would be fresh strawberries, graham cracker crust and top it with some whipped cream

  183. Lisa McGee

    I would definitely make butterfinger ice cream. Butterfinger is my husband’s favorite candy bar so I will make this ice cream for him!!!

  184. Crystal T.

    Oh man!! Now I’m hungry and there’s no ice cream in the house!! Everything looks delicious!

  185. Cindi

    I would SERIOUSLY love to win this….getting ready to go back to school, teaching a new grade level and knowing I’m addicted to ice cream..well, it makes me want it more, lol!

  186. Katie

    all that ice cream looks so good. I can’t believe it’s that easy to make. I would want to make maybe a cannoli ice cream, or an ice cream with butterfinger in it, or, instead of birthday cake ice cream, I would make like a chocolate lava cake ice cream with chocolate cake pieces and tons of fudge swirls.

  187. Amy Nelson

    I would LOVE to try to make Mexican Chocolate (the kind w/ chocolate + cinnamon + vanilla!) Yumm!

  188. Leigh Anne

    My flavor would be peanut butter, marshmallow creme and a smooth, decadent chocolate! Yum :-)

  189. julia

    Count me in! I would love to win! If I made icecream right now…. I would probably make vanilla :)

  190. Danesa

    Ooh how perfect for a HOT AZ summer!!! I would make something with chocolate, maybe add some homemade brownies to it!

  191. Lauren

    I think I’d like to make a blueberry pie ice cream, complete with bits of crust and fresh blueberries. Yummmmm!

  192. Susan

    Fold stuffed brownie chunks into the creamy vanilla ice cream. {You know, the kind of brownie with Symphony bars baked in the middle.} Drizzle a little chocolate fudge and caramel over the top. Then, sprinkle with Heath bits and pecans. Thanks for offering this fun giveaway, Amanda!!

  193. Jackie L

    I’m thinkin’ Smore Ice Cream or Chocolate with Chocolate Chips or even Vanilla with Snickers chunks..ooohhhh the possibilities !!! I would Love to Win !!!

  194. Kayla

    Oh CUTE! I would love to win! I think I would make a nice summery Raspberry Lemon icecream. Mmmm, yes.

  195. Laurel H.

    O my goodness; so many possibilities! I’m thinking I would HAVE to try my hand at Butter Cookie ice cream; I just LOVE homemade butter cookies with this one particular recipe!

    1. EB

      oh yes, and i think i want to try to make Black & Tan ice cream. Or campfire (smores of some kind) … or pumpkin spice mmmmmm

  196. Sarah

    Oh gosh… what WOULD I create??? Hmmm… I can’t wait to try ALL flavors!! hahaha. I would *love* to win this prize pack though!!

  197. Antonia

    ohmyword. Your pics look soooo delish! I’ve never made my own, but I think my first batch would be something with vanilla and strawberries/raspberries. :)

  198. Lori Bettis

    Chocolate peanut butter with butterfinders in it of course. I think a dark chocolate with coconut would be sinfully delightful as well. Actually with ice cream, how can you go wrong?!

  199. Kim

    Hmmm….I love me some vanilla with cookie dough so I would definetly try that, but your nutella recipe is sounding awful tempting, I love nutella so I would definetly give that a try!! Hope I win sounds delish!

  200. Sarah K

    Sooooo cute and fun! I would make vanilla ice cream with dark chocolate chips and raspberry swirls….yum!

  201. Lana

    I would definitely go for some Butterfinger Ice Cream! YUM-O!! Keeping my fingers crossed xxxxx :) Lana

  202. jen

    oooh yum!! what a great gift basket :) making homemade ice cream is on our summer list… i think this post has excited me to hop to it!!

  203. Tahnaykay

    OOOOOOOOHH!!!! I dream of Ice Cream The cupcake Magic Shell looks sooo good the Ben & Jerry’s did 2! ;o)

  204. Brittany

    I’d definitely have to make something with strawberries and bananas for my husband, however something with peanut butter sounds fantastic to me!! Love the prize!

  205. jo

    They all look sooooo ymmy! My first one though would be the one that has Choc. magic shell mixed in. Can’t wait to try your recipe.

  206. Sugar Mama

    I would mix in chunks of dark chocolate, dribbles of strong brewed coffee, and some caramel.

    Or maybe cheesecake chunks, fresh strawberries, and crushed graham crackers.

    So many choices!

  207. Mary-Marshall Martinez

    Something dark chocolate, maybe a mocha-ish flavor. As long as it’s chocolate overload. :-)

  208. Kimberly

    This looks awesome! I love ice cream but usually stick with the basics but some strawberry dark chocolate fudge would be delish! And the cinnamon bun sounds delectable as well!

  209. Katrina

    Ice cream is my weakness! We’ve been eating a lot of fresh-picked berries this summer and I just made a berry and goat cheese cupcake, so I’m thinking a berry and goat cheese scoop of ice cream sounds devine!

  210. rtsy

    Oh, my goodness! I *SO* must try to make my favorite Raspberry/Banana flavor. Thanks to Borden and to you for making this possible. :)

  211. Michele

    Oooh ice cream my favorite dessert. I would make Peanut Butter and Chocolate if I wanted to share and some kind of coconut if I didn’t ;-)

    Thanks for the give away.

  212. Heather K.

    How neat! I have only ever had homemade ice cream made in an ice cream maker. I definitely want to try this!!! Maybe some chocolate mocha?? OR, how about chocolate peanut butter? Mmmmm!

  213. Dj

    Banana split or something tropical with pineapple and coconut. Those are my favorite Blizzard flavors.

  214. Folk Heart

    I can’t wait to try this recipe! I want to do one with spanish peanuts, fudge topping and banana slices. Decadence!

  215. Stefani

    Oh my goodness – I have no ice cream maker and never knew it was possible to make ice cream without one!! YAY! I love the idea of lots of different, exotic flavors of ice cream, but I always come back to my all-time favorite – oreo cookies!! :) PICK ME! :)

  216. Bré

    What a FUN FUN FUN giveaway~~~ I am going to try to make an almond joy icecream…coconut, almonds and dark chocolate!! YUMMY

  217. Heather L.

    How cool! I would attempt to create something with vanilla cake and fresh fruit… maybe peaches?? Mmmm….

  218. Haley

    As a semi new wife and mama I have been in the kitchen non stop (it feels like lol) trying to learn new things that my mom never taught me. She is rather kitchen challenged haha. I bet even she could make this though! Concidering my son LOVES peanutbutter I would have to make a peanutbutter and white chocolate flavored icecream! Even if I dont win, I will be trying this out! Thanks Amanda!

  219. Nicolle

    Mmmm. I absolutely love the idea of cinnamon bun ice cream, but brownies would be awesome too! Like you said the possibilities are endless…. :P