I came across the cutest site the other day!!
This site has the coolest FREE digital scrapbook backgrounds for your blog. All you have to do is change the blog background and it completely changes the look of your blog!! Even better- they give you step by step instructions on how to do it if you have a Blogger/Blogspot blog. How fun would be be to have a new, hip blog design for every season?? You really will have the cutest blog on the block! :)
Just look at these designs…
Aren’t they just to die for? :) The site is a little slow to load, but as you can see, they are totally worth the wait! :) If you use one of the backgrounds, post a link to your blog in the comments! I’d love to see it live on your site! :)
In other news…
It’s just not summer without juicy, mouth-watering, bacon cheeseburgers.
We had these tonight and they were *delicious.* You’ll love ’em! :D Click Here for the recipe.
Thanks for looking! :)
Wow, you have beautifully decorated this post. I really appreciate it very much. People like you also exist in the world. Who share everything. And there are some people who do not share anything with anyone I wish today’s youth wrote your kind post, thank you very much.
i lalalove your creations! your designs are the coolest ^-^
Very cool, beautiful Lo’s easy and free,TFS, hugs, Rosa.
Hey, I’m smileygirll pea. Love your website and everything you offer to your readers. I’m a user of the blog backgrounds on The Cutest Blog on the Block! You can view my blog at http://www.shawnandstaceyglenn.blogspot.com.
This is Ashley from thecutestblogontheblock.com. You were on our top referrers list this week and after I clicked on your website, I saw this darling post you did about our site!
Thanks so much for the shout out! Your site looks adorable! I’ll have to save it to my favorites so I can keep checking back to see what’s new! (I’m always looking for new recipes.)
Thanks Again!
Ashley – TCBOTB
Thanks for the link for the backgrounds!! There were so many adorable ones, it was hard to choose. So I picked one for my public blog and one for my private blog. Thanks again!!!
Yummy! Those look really good. And definitely worth a try!
I was wondering if you ever make stuffed mushrooms. I looked around your site to see if you had a recipe but didn’t see any. So I thought I’d ask. I have to make some and have two recipes to try but thought I’d ask others what type of recipes they use. :)
Those are really cute. Thanks for sharing. Did you design any of them?
Here is another one I did for my “other” blog!
Thanks again!!!!
Jodi Lansink
I am so glad you posted the link for the cute blog backgrounds!!! Love all of them, I will be changing mine weekly!! :) I also designed my headed to macth—and used ones of your fonts in my header!! Check it out! Thanks again—-I just love your website and check it often!!!