There are some SUPER adorable cookbooks coming out soon, and I am just so excited about them I can barely contain myself. They’re all themed, all desserts, and all completely squee-worthy cute! My pre-order wishlist is piling up by the minute! I mean, just check out the one above from the sweet Lindsay Landis over at Love and Olive Oil and Purr Design. Oh my gosh. It’s an entire cookbook devoted to cookie dough recipes! Cookie dough! If this isn’t pure and complete awesomeness, I don’t know what is!
Here’s a sneak peek of a few of the recipes. I seriously cannot wait for this one. Lindsay is a super, multi-talented gal, so I know it will be amazing! Not only is she a fabulous food blogger, but she’s also an incredibly talented blog designer. If I’m browsing around blogs and come across a blog with a design I love, chances are, Lindsay designed it. Not only that, but did you know Lindsay makes the cutest pet collars? I actually met Lindsay years ago right after we first got Miley and Howie — and before I even knew what a food blog was — when I bought some of her collars for them. They’re still Miley and Howie’s favorites. Here’s a photo of them wearing them! Back then, I was in awe of Lindsay because she had the cutest pet collars around. Now I am in awe of her because she wrote a cookbook devoted entirely to cookie dough! Check out Lindsay’s collars at Pattern and Paw.
The Cookie Dough Lover’s Cookbook by Lindsay Landis
Blog: Love and Olive Oil – click here for more behind the scenes photos of this book!
Release Date: June 5, 2012
Next is Desserts in Jars by Shaina Olmanson. I love this girl to death! This book has such a near and dear place in my heart. It’s all desserts, they’re all adorable, and they’re all in jars.
Did you guys know that Shaina did part of her recipe testing and photo shoot for this book right HERE at my house?? You can bet I was in hog heaven taste-testing all these fabulous desserts! I’ve got a bunch of behind-the-scenes pictures that I can’t wait to share with you once the book comes out, but for now, here’s a sneak peek at two. How adorable is that mini apple pie?? I will tell you that one of the recipes that Shaina created was a Peanut Butter and Jelly Parfait that was completely and totally life changing. I would eat it every day for the rest of my life. Make that one first!
Desserts in Jars by Shaina Olmanson
Blog: Food for My Family
Release Date: June 12, 2012
Okay, how fun does this one look?? It’s all desserts push-pop style! Layers of delicious flavors are all stacked in a cute little push-pop for a decadent parfait-style treat. Courtney’s an extremely talented stylist, designer, and total trend-setter. Her blog, Pizzazzerie, is always my first stop for party design and decor inspiration.
Sweet heavenly Moses. This photo makes me weak in the knees. Check out the Push-Up Pops website for more photos from this fabulous cookbook!
Push-Up Pops by Courtney Dial Whitmore
Blog: Pizzazzerie
Release Date: March 1, 2012
Have you been to SprinkleBakes? This blog is absolute adorableness! Heather’s gorgeously decorated desserts are just incredible. I feel like a kid in a candy store every time I read a new post from this fabulous blog!
I haven’t seen any sneak peeks yet, but if the book is anything like the blog (can you say Sixlets Birthday Cake??!) I know it will be utterly fabulous. Put this one on my must-have list.
SprinkleBakes by Heather Baird
Blog: SprinkleBakes
Release Date: May 1, 2012
Thanks for looking! Have a fantastic weekend! XOXO
Amanda…my computer’s been updated to a newer version but now I no longer have a “search box” on your sight where I had the convenience of keying in recipe titles & such. Has that been removed? Also, I was trying to access a complete listing of your recipes and I can’t find that either. Can you advise??? Thanks!
Great round-up for summer!!
Cannot WAIT for behind the scenes photos from Shaina’s visit and cookbook process…
your blog is super fun! I pinned the Sixlets cake and I had 37 repins in about 5 minutes!! Just had to share b/c I thought it would make you happy :D!!
Happy blogging!!
What a great collection to look forward to! I LOVE cookbooks! TFS your list!
I love the Push up pops and Desserts in Jars. So cute! Thank you. I think my daughter and I will get some good quality time in the kitchen with these books. :)
Amanda, I’m looking for some of your desert recipes (layered bar cookies with Oreos, some peanut butter goodness, etc.). I can’t find them anywhere! Can you help me find them or have they been taken down? I should have bookmarked them, but I knew they were on your blog. Thanks!
Thank you for sharing these, and their blog links too! I swore not to buy another cookbook until i make at least one recipe from each of the ones I already have, but these will be added to the list :)
These are so cool! They look really fun! I might have to request some for valentines…from…me!
These look amazing! I want them all.
I can feel the rush of sugar, the crash an hour later and my thighs growing just looking at all that cookie dough. I have to have a copy of this book.
Thanks so much for including mine, you sweet, sweet lady! I can’t wait to send you a special copy that I have kissed liberally for allowing me to come play and create in your gorgeous home. xoxo
It probably wasn’t a good idea to read this post during my diet. I have the biggest sweet tooth and there are so many yummy things to try. I must get those books.
I too, CANNOT WAIT for Sprinkle Bakes cookbook! I’ve been following her blog for over a year and love the stuff she comes up with. Her cover is adorable too! Gotta go mark May 1 on the calendar!
I “know” all of these ladies from reading their blogs and drooling over their goodies and cannot wait to see their books. Congrats to them all!
OMG…it’s just after noon here, but instead of wanting lunch, I think I’ll skip it and have something sweet instead! Yummy goodness. On another note, I have ordered my dog collars from Lindsay ever since you referred me there (just bought 2 in the last few months, lol). Cannot believe she is a talented baker as well. Some people hoard all of the talent! Kidding, of course. But I will be checking out that cookbook!
Marvelous list!! I will be adding some of these to my (very long) wish list. Thanks for sharing. Have a great day! :)
Awesome post! I’m adding to my wishlist!
Beautiful, simply beautiful. These pictures and desserts just make me feel like “springtime” – must be the colors or something?? I will have a huge salad for lunch to balance out the calories I am SURE I ingested just looking at this delightful post.
Oh my gosh…I want them ALL! Thank you for sharing them with us!
Oh I could HUG and squeeze you! Thank you so much for sharing my book in this amazing list! I can’t wait to buy all of these! Eeeh – cookie dough?! Oh my word! {LOVE}
Oh, I am in sooo much trouble! They all look amazing!
You are too sweet and thank you for posting about my book! This whole process is so surreal.
Wow! I am anxiously anticipating all of the cookbooks to hit shelves. What an incredible selection! Thanks so much for sharing :)
Yay! Such fun reading (and eating!) ahead!!
Yum…I must resist…I must resist… oh boy. There goes my diet!
I want them ALL! Yay!
I am waiting for these too:)
These all look so amazing! My waisteline would not appreciate me making these treats, but my eyes and tastebuds would so appreciate it! How fun and beautiful, and I’m sure they taste just as good.
These all look amazing, but you had me at Cookie Dough Lovers! Thanks for sharing! Now I know what to start putting on my birthday list!
Cookie dough!? *thud*
Thank you for sharing these! Especially the push pop one because I bought a box of those on impulse (still unopened!) and had no clue what to do with them and was too lazy to find out!
Oh, I tried to turn my head away and ignore this post. I failed.
What amazing treats!
Me too! YUMMY!