They’re here!
I was so excited yesterday when I opened my feed reader and discovered that not one, but two of my absolute *favorite* blog background designers had made free backgrounds and headers from my recently released digital scrapbooking freebie- the Fall Collection Kit! :)
If you’ve been searching for the perfect new blog background… Try one of these on for size! :)
The first two sets come from Mikelle at My Style Backgrounds.
*To get any of these headers and backgrounds, and for instructions on how to install them on your blog, just click the images below. :)
Mikelle, I am in love with what you’ve done!! These are just gorgeous!! :)
And this next background and header comes from
Allie at Allie Brown’s Layouts.
Allie girl, you know I love this one!! :) I love the flower accents you added- they give it such a soft and feminine touch! :)
I am constantly stalking Allie and Mikelle’s blogs- If you need an awesome resource for unique scrapbook blog backgrounds, take a look at either of these two *extremely* talented ladies’ blogs. If the Fall Collection Kit isn’t your thing, you will *surely* find something you will just absolutely love there!! :) My jaw drops every time something new is uploaded. :)
*** Edited to Add! ***
I just got an email from an *amazingly* talented blog designer-
Heather from Butterflygirlms Blog Designs.
She can customize Blogger in ways I have never even seen before! Need to spruce up your blog? Her site is definitely a must see- she offers free backgrounds, headers, blogger templates, and even Twitter backgrounds! And so much more!. I just had to add these two templates she made using the Fall Collection Kit! :)
These are awesome, Heather!! I love what you’ve done- thank you so much for sharing your site with me!! :)
If you use one of these backgrounds, I would LOVE to see it on your blog!! :) Leave me a comment here and I will rush right over to check it out! :)
Thanks so much for looking! :)
How to connect to Pinterest?
Smashing! Thank you, much!
I just used Allie’s scrapbook flower. I love it!!
Thanks for sharing these sites. I went to butterfly girl and downloaded one of her free templates. I’d love for you to check it out.
I know it’s been quite awhile since you posted these, but I just found your kit in my long unsorted stash of digital scrapbooking materials and I got so excited I just had to re-design my blog (using the original template I borrowed from your tutorial over a year ago). You can see it at! Thanks for the beautiful kit and the great template!
i don’t like it…. but i LOVE it!!!!!!!!!!!
Love your blog! CUTE!!! Lot’s of goodies and info…YAY!!!
Thank you so much for your tips. Your blog actually inspired me to start a blog. I downloaded the fonts. I’ve tried your recipes too. Thank you so much
I have been trying to make a blog for so long and i finally got one to look cute but i was still having isssues with it. Then i saw this blog template and i fell in love! it is so simple to use and SO cute! thank you! :)
you made the background really cute,,
keep going, thanks alot :D
Hi Amanda, I downloaded your fall kit, and used it to make my background. I am using it on my blog. Thanks for sharing it!!! :-)
Hey Amanda! Love that new fall scrapbook collection! My two favorite color combos right now are purple & gray, and the collection includes those plus a few of my other faves! I decided to use Heather’s design because it was super simple to set up my blog with it! Thanks for sharing with us!
-Elyssa B.
finally broke down and created my own header from scratch. thanks for the freebies that made it possible!!!
~ Kathryn
I Love your blog! Very creative !
Hi Amanda! I’ve used your kit and your font to decorate my blog!! It was love at first sight and I think they work perfectly for my blog
In it I talk about interior design and the building of my new home!!!
If you wiil have the time to make me a visit, it would be fantastic!Thank you for sharing!
Have a nice week end!
Thank you!! i now have a cute background for my blog –
Thank you x x x
I love Love LOVE these templates! They’re so beautiful! thanks for putting them up!
I just recently stumbled upon your blog and fell in LOVE with your fall and spring mixes!! I’m brand new to the blog design world and your sets have made it super easy to get started. Please check out my blog and let me know what you think! Any hints or tips would be very welcome. Also, how do you make the papers/buttons/ribbons in the first place?
Thanks again!!! You’re awesome!!!
Amanda I have used your great designs on my blog! Thanks for the post and the info on how to use it – I love it…love the colors ~ feel like my blog now has some class & sass! cheers!
Hey Amanda – I just wanted to say thank you so much for posting the information about these fabulous designers! My family blog was in DESPERATE need of a makeover & the whole task seemed kind of daunting to me.
The easy to follow instructions along with the A-DOR-ABLE headers & backgrounds just made me smile!
So I am changing the header & background every day because there are so many cute ones & I want to be sure to use the Thanksgiving/Fall ones before Thanksgiving Day!
Thanks again! I look forward to each new post. It’s very inspiring.
Hey Amanda thanks for the shout out! Thanks for giving me all those free kits too, your so sweet. Happy Thanksgiving to ya!
Hey Amanda! I did one too. Check it out. The only problem is that I have 2 computers and I can only see the background on one of them. I’ll be working on that (again!)
Thanks for the kit! You have me addicted to this color! LOL
Love the backgrounds, thanks for sharing. I picked one from Mikelle to go with the header that I made using your Fall Collection. Thanks again!
I am using Heather Reilly’s design! Thanks Amanda!
I made a couple of cute November desktops with your kit. I haven’t made blog backgrounds yet….it’s on the top of my to do list. I have made a cute one for my blog design site and my sites button.
I didn’t use one of these premade layouts, but I did designs my blog with your kit! check it out!
also, would you consider doing another tutorial on the ‘fonts for your blog’? Minus all that geocities business. Just from starting new with Im so confused!
Thanks for the free blog designer links. I just made a new one with one of Mikelle’s headers. All I know how to do is save it, upload to flickr, edit and add wording, and then download back to my computer. The extent of my photo shopping knowledge right now, but one step at a time.
OMGoodness….this is just BEAUTiMUS!! It makes me want to start a new blog just so I can use it.
I went to her site, and noticed that her headings are done in a ‘pretty’ font, and it’s not an image. Can anyone tell me how to do this?
:) I am so happy with the fonts I’m using on my blog thanks to you!.. I think the next step is going to add the signature, and later the backgrounds :)..
Heyy!!.. Now I got your blog botton on my site.. :)
your site just keeps getting better everyday!! I love these!! And I’ll definitely start following My Style backgrounds & Allie Brown’s layouts for sure!! Thanks so much!!
I’m so glad you found out about Butterflygirl’s templates and gave her a shout out. She’s been very friendly to me and my new free backgrounds place. I saw her templates with your kit yesterday. Such a cute kit, btw!!
I have a question. I would like to use one of the butterflygirlms template but I want to create my own header, so I need to know if it’s possible. Thanks Amanda!!
I’m super happy you love the designs I created =) Thank you for creating such an AWESOME kit ;) The other background designs are amazing as well!
Hey! I noticed that they are giving the backgrounds away using the scrap stuff you made. Is it okay that we do that as long as we give you credit??? I have been making tons but I *REALLY DON’T LIKE* not being able to share them!
{Abby M.}
p.s. You have *NO* idea how excited I was when you responded to my e-mail. Thanks so much for taking the time to write back!
ok i know i just left the previous comment a few hours ago, and I seriously just want to thank you for all the AWESOME blog tips, super Cute and Fun Fonts (for scrapbooking and blogging), and all your fun posts! I just Love all the things you teach me! THANK YOU THANK YOU! is there anything i can give you now? {i kinda feel bad for all that you’ve given me and i’ve given you nothing…}
Love it!!! although i didn’t use one of the pre-made layouts, i was so excited to see ACTUAL instructions on Allie’s blog on how to make your own layout!!! YEAH!!! i’ve been trying to experiment and make my own for quite some time now, but couldn’t get the measurements right! so a B-I-G THANKYOU to Allie for instructing me!!
HIP HOO RAY for cute new blog layouts!!! :D
Love your kit, and love these backgrounds! Just added them to my new blog (where I fully confess that I’m a stalker… or at least obsessive) at Thanks!
Thanks girl! I appreciate it! Like I said on my blog, I LOVED your kit and thank you for making it! You are so talented! I wish some of that talent could rub off on me via the internet!
A friend of mine directed me to your site. I must say that I absolutely LOVE everything you post….the pictures of you and your darling family….the wonderful recipes….the great fonts! Thank you so much for sharing the creativity!!
Love these!! Thanks for sharing.
I wish, I wish I was internet savy … I have no idea how to create a blog, or maintain a blog. I still don’t understand the concept of digital scrapbooking either. I’m such a dweeb !
It’s a universal truth that your art has a lot of possibilities. Blog backgrounds, beautiful layouts, wallpapers… so thank you for sharing it with us!!