
Francesca’s Collections Giveaway (Winners Announced!)

Time’s up!

The winners of the $100 Francesca’s Collections Gift Cards are:

#57 Edward
#526 Kiley
#1476 Jenni

Congrats! I’ve sent y’all an email.

Francescas Collections Giveaway

Have you guys heard of Francesca’s Collections? It’s an adorable little boutique with locations all over the US. I can’t resist dropping in my local store whenever I go shopping. They have a variety of fun items that are always changing, including cute dresses, jeans and tops, like this coral rose tank I wore in New Orleans.

Francescas Collections Giveaway

They also have a large collection of fun jewelry like necklaces, chunky bracelets, big rings and dangly earrings. Especially dangly earrings.

Francescas Collections Giveaway

They even have cute things for the home, like these cupcake measuring spoons I brought as a gift to Jenny when I visited her in the OC and we baked our giant LA cookie.

Francescas Collections Giveaway

And the pretty pink cupcake luggage tag I use to identify my suitcase when flying.

Francescas Collections Giveaway

Or this funky insulated lunchbox we take hiking with us to keep sandwiches and a couple bottles of water cool.


The Giveaway

Francesca’s Collections would like to offer three (3) Kevin & Amanda readers a $100 gift certificate to go shopping at Francesca’s.

Three (3) winners will receive a $100 gift card to Francesca’s to be used online or at your local Francesca’s Collections boutique. Francesca’s Store Locator.

Plus, now through July 31st, use the coupon code MILEY to get 30% off any regular priced item at Francesca’s Collections online.


How to Enter

To be entered to win the Francesca’s Collections giveaway, simply leave a comment in the comments section of this post.

Contest ends Saturday at 8 pm CST. One entry per person, please. Winner will be selected by and notified by email.


Good luck!

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1,678 Responses
  1. Janet Bartlett

    I would love to win one for my youngest daughter to go shopping before her wedding/honeymoon in September. We love Francescas!

  2. Mel Tardy

    never heard of that place, but wow!!! what cute stuff! I’d love to have a “spree” there!!

  3. L Maise

    I would love to win a GC…my daughter & I just shopped there over the weekend in Omaha….1st time in the store …. and we both found something we couldn’t live without.

  4. Nicole Hutchison

    I am loving those cupcake measuring spoons – adorable!!!
    Thanks for hosting this contest, sure hope I win. :)

  5. Kara

    LOVE Francesca’s Collection! We have one at our mall and it’s by far my favorite place to go! My fiance knows he’s in trouble when I see a Francesca’s! :)

  6. Jules R

    Love all the cupcake stuff! I really could’ve used that little cupcake to identify my luggage as I traveled last week. Thanks for the chance to win!

  7. jenn w

    great giveaway. i’ve never seen a francesca’s but just looked online- you’re right- they do have REALLY cute things!

  8. Agus

    ohhh fingers crossed!!! Francesca’s Collection has such adorable stuff (:
    thanks for the chance to win!!

  9. Hillary Brewer

    Love Francesca’s Collections! A shopping spree would be nice before my trip abroad to England! Nice to save money too haha. Have a good day, hope who ever wins enjoys!

  10. audra

    hi, we have a store not far from where i live… would love to go for the first time with a gift card!! woo! hoo!! how much fun would that be??

  11. Joni Olson

    I love this fabulous store! I just purchased a beautiful (yellow) magnetized 60 -second timer that I found there. I’d love to win!!

  12. Monica LeBeau

    I must get those measuring spoons for my Mom! She has been looking for a cute set like those!

  13. Lisa

    The hardest part of it all would be picking just a few things out if I won! Thanks for the giveaway!

  14. Alicia Brimley

    Thanks for sharing this fabulous store with all of us. I love…love…love those adorable measuring spoons. Fingers crossed!

  15. Lori

    I would love the gift certificate! Especially because my first year of college is coming up and I would need all the help I can get in buying stuff for me, and for my dorm!

  16. Amy

    What a cute boutique!! I went to their website and there are SO many items that I would like to have. Hope to be one of the winners!!

    Thanks for such a GREAT give-a-way!!

  17. Sheila in Springfield

    I completely love the measuring spoons! I nearly bought some there a couple years ago and forgot all about them until now!

  18. Larissa

    I love Francesca’s! I didn’t even know it was a chain boutique until recently. Here I thought I’d found a neighborhood gem ;)

  19. Nancy

    So funny. I was just in a Francesca’s store this week. That was the first time. I would love to have a gift card to go again!

  20. Vicky Marshall

    Everything is so cool! I adore the Tropical Forest Bracelet. I can totally see me rocking that out!

  21. alexis ellysse

    Francesa’s recently opened near me and I adore it. It has such beautiful, unique items there and my friends and I always go there when we want something extra special to wear to an event (even if its just a statement necklace–they will have it). I hope I win! Fingers crossed.

  22. Vicki N

    Oh, how I would love to win this! I have never heard of Francesca’s Boutique but now that I have seen what cute items they have I can’t wait to check it out!

  23. stephanie j

    I would LOVE to win one of the gift cards, I love the shirt you work in New Orleans & always wondered where it was from :)

  24. Amanda M.

    What a fun giveaway!!! :) In Central KY we just got one of these boutiques! Such cute fun stuff!

  25. Becca @ One Girl

    Oh!! I always go in there at the mall but still have never made the jump of buying something. I would love to win though :)

  26. Lindsay

    Cute, cute, cute! I think I NEED pretty much every pair of earrings that they sell….but I especially love the Trellis Earrings. Thanks for the giveaway!

  27. Rosemary S.

    Oooh! I hope they have an on-line shopping capability!……and ship outside of the U.S. I’m off to explore. I can see at least 3 things my daughter absolutely needs to have! :)

    Love your blog – and thanks for all the cool promotions you offer!


  28. Dawn Bennett

    I didn’t realize we had them so close to where I live! I would LOVE to get some new ‘grown up’ clothes. Ever since I’ve had kids, I’ve been stuck in a rut of jeans and tee shirts with tennis shoes, or flip flops, I would LOVE to start to dress like a grown up!

  29. Jen Lessek

    I never heard of Francesca’s, but would love to win now that I have seen their adorable merchandise!! Thanks for the giveaway!

  30. Maddie

    Francescas is definitely my go to shop that provides me with cute and budget friendly options that I love!

  31. Kaatje

    Oh, today is my birthday and wouldn”t this just be the greatest birthday present if I won this!!! I’m such a fan of Kevin and Amanda. . . and cutie stuff to win! I’ll be optimistic, and why not? Thanks!

    Happy birthday to me,
    Happy birthday to me,
    If I win this free giveaway
    what a great day it would be!!!!!

  32. Bonnie@Thisyoungmama

    Wow, I have been eyeing so many things on their website lately. That lunch bag is so cool :)

  33. Desi

    I LOVE Francesca’s! We have a small one in the mall and I love it. It’s kinda pricy but I love the clothes and accessories, would love to win :)

  34. Lori S.

    So cute! Never heard of them before, but I see I’m going to have to make the drive to one of the stores near me. Having a little fun money in had sure would make the drive worth it. ;)

  35. Ashley

    Some of my favorite dresses are from this store! I always feel so pretty in their clothes and they last for a long time. Love this store!

  36. Cassie

    Thank you for offering this awesome giveaway!
    I really hope I win because I am dying to get the Dropping In Necklace in Coral and this candle, Kobo Vanilla Citrus Zest Candle, seems like it would smell divine!

  37. Candice

    I love Francesca’s!! I have one less than a mile away from our house, I’d love to win the gift card!!

    Thanks for hosting the contest, super cute blog!

  38. Erin

    What a fun give away! Though I don’t have one close by, I frequent Scottsdale and whenever I go I’m sure to go to Frencescas for some fun gifts!

  39. Lauren

    ooh, i LOVE francescas! I think all the earrings I own are from there. Would love to win, Thanks!!

  40. Karlene

    Thanks for sharing this! There happens to be a Francesca’s close by. Can’t wait to check it out.

  41. Joy

    Winning would be oh-so-cool! Also haven’t heard of them till now, what a great opportunity! Thank you!

  42. Katy Ehrsam

    Okay I shop at Francesca’s all the time! At times it gets pricy but sometimes I manage to walk out with nothing! :) I would appreciate if you would pick me but I would also understand if you didn’t!

  43. Lindsay MC

    I’d love to win…I looked up the nearest store and its only 1 hour away. I had no idea something so cute was so close!!!

  44. Mrs. Moon

    Would love to win! New back to school clothes for my first year as an elementary school counselor.

  45. Amanda Kay

    Oh wow what a great giveaway!! I am smitten with that skull lunch bag!! So cute!! Good luck to everyone! :D

  46. Janeybird

    Oh my goodness! How did I never hear of Francesca’s Collections before!?!? I’m feeling so lucky that I’ve already filled my shopping bag on her site! Pick me! Me! ME!!!!

  47. Brandy Scully

    I love Fracescas… I’ve been a handful of times, but I can spend so much time in their browsing over there selection of boutique clothes & specialty gifts! I’d LOVE to win!

  48. Sherrie

    Love your style and Francesca’s fun items. Can’t wait to find a store nearby, unfortunately we don’t have one in the Daytona Beach area. My daughter has a few in the Atlanta area, will have to visit soon and go shopping! :)

  49. Erin

    I just L-O-V-E Francesca’s! I was there a couple of weeks ago and picked up two dainty gold necklaces. Looks like I may need to head back for those gorgeous turquoise earrings you featured!

  50. Julie

    Thanks for this opportunity! I love this little boutique and really want the
    adorable cupcake wallet! Thanks again, you’re the BEST!

  51. Dianna

    I LOVE.. LOVE.. LOVE that store! I first found it in Des moines, Iowa @ Jordan Creek Mall and now they have one in Coralville! It is the cutest store. Looking for a gift for a girlfriend? That is the place! :)

  52. Tabitha A.

    What the heck I will leave a comment, and see what what my chances of winning a gift certificate are!

    Love those earrings!

  53. Deidre Joy Johnson

    Hi Amanda,

    ANOTHER giveaway? – You spoil us! ; )
    Thank you for the opportunity to enter.

    EnJOY the day!
    ~ Deidre Joy : )

  54. Rebekah

    I love to win this give away! Amanda, you’ve inspired me to become more crafty and creative and I’ve loved getting to know you (virtually) by reading your blog!

  55. Kristi Boehle

    I have never heard of it either, but would sure love to try somehting out!! Could use something to spruce up my summer wardwrobe!! Thanks!!

  56. Kari McWhorter

    I love Francesca’s Collections! There is a store in Montgomery, which is about an hour from where I live. Every time I go shopping there this is ALWAYS my first stop! :) Great giveaway!

  57. crystal jean

    stumbled upon your site yesterday and i fell in love with it! and the giveaway looks super sweet! look forward to trying one of your recipes tonight and a craft this weekend!

  58. Christina

    Would love to win this!
    On another note- I just discovered your blog yesterday through repinning through Pinterest. Your tutorial on Av / Manual modes etc- is the best one I’ve seen EVER. The light bulb went off and I totally get it now. I was about to enroll in a workshop to understand my camera better- and you just saved me some dough that I can now put toward a new lens. Thank you from the bottom of my heart!!

  59. Jessica @ Acting Adult

    I just discovered this store in my local mall a few weeks ago. They have some great stuff!

  60. Jessica

    Love the cupcake luggage tag! Definitely need one for my next trip. Thanks for the fun giveaway!

  61. Linda Hyams

    What a great give away. I enjoyed looking at your great pics and all of the fun fonts. Thank you!

  62. Michelle

    I have been in our local store but didn’t realize that there are more than one out there AND that they have a website. Thank you for opening my eyes! :) Very,very cute items!!

  63. Mary

    Those cupcake measuring spoons are just too cute!! But the top is just my style! Thanks for the opportunity and God Bless You!

  64. Tracey C

    Everything looks wonderful. I would love to own any of it. My daughter would love the funky lunch bag and the measuring spoons are so different.

  65. Christina

    I love Francesca’s! They have the cutest things! I love all of the items you’ve shown here, especially your top!

  66. hannah

    Im from the UK and coming to the US for my honeymoon. I’d love to win the voucher to buy some cute stuff for our trip! Thanks for the opportunity to win. x

  67. Stephanie

    What a fun little boutique! It’s probably good there isn’t one in Arizona…I think I’d spend a small fortune!

  68. Marie/Mer

    Such fun goodies!! I would love to win this. I’d give it to my daughter for her birthday. I’m havinbg a surgery on her birthday so the purse strings are pulled quite tight. It would just be plain fun!!

  69. tiffany h.

    I live in the OC and I think Francescas opened recently near me. I’ve only been in once but will have to go again now that you’ve reminded me about it. I love to see all your fashion finds; get anything from Loft lately?

  70. April

    Love this store… but am always just window shopping. Would make great treat for my daughter’s birthday!

  71. Alisa

    I just got done browsing Francesca’s today! They have such pretty items that are so unique from what you find in other stores. Love their stuff :)

  72. Ulyssine C

    Doesn’t get much cuter than the cupcake measuring spoons! Makes me want to run to the kitchen.

  73. Jeannie K.

    I just looked at Francesca’s store locator and saw that there are two of their stores within minutes of my house!!! I looked through their site looking for a dress for a wedding in August and found 4 dresses, a belt, and a top. Now the big decision is either to wait for the contest, order online or go to the stores!! Good luck to all the girls in the contest!!

  74. Lynn

    You will have to let me know where this store is located if I can’t find it! The items you pictured are darling!

  75. Sarah

    I keep finding myself coming back to your blog, I just love it! And I also love all of these cute things this boutique has to offer!

  76. Debra

    I really want to win!!! Love your blog…………… your free fonts…………….love your recipes too!

    Please “pick” me!! LOL

  77. NikkiB

    I adored that shirt of yours in your New Orleans pics!!! Maybe I can get one??!! Love your blog….

  78. Jill

    I was surprised to see a couple of these stores close to where I live — I never knew! I’d love to win!

  79. Jamie

    Looks like a great place to shop. Love the measuring spoons and cupcake tag. Thanks for the giveaway.

  80. Jen Knox

    How cute! I love the measuring spoons! I’ve never heard of this boutique but the things you highlighted are adorable! I’d love to win!

    Thanks for the chance!

  81. Kacie

    I’m in college and moving into my first apartment with friends, so basically I could use cute clothes, cute measuring spoons, cute jewelry, CUTE ANYTHING!

  82. Deb King

    Great blog…love Francesca’s and there is one near me in Murfreesboro!!!
    woo hoo!!! pick me.

  83. LeAnne Cheatham

    Just stumbled upon your website & love, love, love it! Francesca’s looks like my kind of place!

  84. Kari

    What a great give away! Everything looks so cute! I absolutely adore those cupcakes measuring spoons.

  85. Sydney

    Cute, cute, cute items!! I just peaked at the site and saw lots of cute things! Thanks for letting us know about them! Would love to win a gift certificate! Thanks!

  86. Kristin

    I made the Chicken Enchiladas for dinner today and they were A-M-A-Z-I-N-G!! I love Francesca’s almost as much as I loved the enchiladas!

  87. Samantha

    Everything is so cute! I have never stopped in to look when shopping at the Summit, obviously I need to change that.