
Blendtec Total Blender Giveaway

Win a Blendtec Total Blender Classic Blender with WildSide Jar and Twister Jar from! #giveaway
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Time’s Up!

The winner of the Blendtec Total Blender Giveaway is:

#2052 Amanda Hansen: Definitely smoothies!!! Easy and healthy breakfast!

Congrats Amanda! I’ve sent you an email! :)


Hi guys! I’ve got such a fun giveaway to share today! Have you seen the classic “Will it Blend” series on YouTube? They blend the most outrageous things! Footballs, Bic lighters, video cameras, and even iPhones — just to test the power of their blenders. Well, this is that blender!! If you’re tired of your blender not even being able to blend smoothies without locking up, you don’t have to worry about that with this blender. Blendtec Blenders will blend almost anything!


The Giveaway

This giveaway includes…

*The Wildside Jar is a patented 5-sided jar that produces a better blending vortex to blend more efficiently.

*The Twister Jar is designed to blend your thickest recipes such as: Nut Butters, Hummus, Baby Food, Dips, Thick Shakes, Dressings and more!


How to Enter

To be entered to win the Blendtec Total Blender Giveaway, just answer the following question in the comments section of this post. What’s your favorite thing to make in a blender?

Contest ends Thursday, October 18 at 8 pm CST. One entry per person, please. Winner must have a US mailing address. Winner will be chosen at random and notified by email.

Giveaway graciously provided by Blendtec. Check out Blendtec on Twitter and Facebook.

If you’re on Facebook, come check us out here! :)


Good luck!!! :)

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2,096 Responses
  1. Candice S. in Colorado

    Congrats to whomever won, this really is my dream machine! And I do intend to get one, one day!!! :) You have THE BEST giveaways ever, Amanda!

  2. Debi H.

    Frozen yogurt…plain yogurt, frozen berries, frozen banana slices and a little bit of dark chocolate. Yum!

  3. Penny

    I love to make healthy smoothies for me and my hubby! I could see this blender in my newly remodeled kitchen that my hubby did :-)

  4. Polly Holthaus

    Salsa! Grow tomatoes and peppers in the summer months, can the tomoatoes and freeze the peppers then make fresh salsa in the winter months. MmMmMmMmMmMm Doesn’t get much better than that!

  5. Jenny C.

    Salsa! I love making different salsas in the blender. Ours broke a couple of months ago and buying salsa from the grocery store is definitely not the same!

  6. Susan H

    I had given up on blender concoctions, but if I had this…. well, I could recreate myself into a healthy person! This would be fantastic. Oooo, I hope I win!

  7. Leslie Lienemann

    BlendTecs are AWESOME!! I love making green smoothies (or any smoothies), nut milks, and baby food!

  8. Silvia

    I love to make juices/smoothies with kale, spinach, apples & peaches. I mix it up depending on the season. So yummy for my baby in my tummy!

  9. Deanna Johnson

    My favorite thing to make in the blender is health. And the best way to make that is green smoothies!

  10. Valerie K

    Beverages… of any kind :) although like you mentioned I have never owned a blender that I truly loved ;( I will soon need baby food so maybe this can kill 2 birds with 1 stone !!

    thanks Amanda!

  11. Cher

    By far my favorite would be milk shakes. My son’s first recipe request was platano con leche, banana milk shake. He was 12 at the time. He has gone through three blenders since then.

  12. April

    Probably smoothies…I only have an immersion blender, so I’d love to find out what I could make with a real blender!

  13. Makeup Morsels

    this is such a boring answer, but smoothies :) I like mine with Fage 2%, frozen strawberries, the banana strawberry orange juice base from Trader Joe’s, and a drizzle of honey. So good! Thanks for the giveaway!

  14. Brittany McGowan

    Smoothies, especially green smoothies! Throw in some kale, mint, spinach, pineapple, lemon! Voila!

  15. ileana

    Soups and smoothies! And ice cream!

    I’ve been coveting my friend’s blendtec for months now! All summer long she and her girls made the best ice creams with fresh fruits. And the strawberry lime recipe in the blendtec recipe book is SO good! My fingers are crossed!

  16. Kimberly M.

    I’m a smoothie fanatic, but my favorite thing I’ve made in a blender is a refreshing frozen cocktail creation I came up with.

    I made a vodka watermelon once, and we had wayyy too much watermelon left over, so we cut it into chunks and froze it. Took the frozen watermelon out and blended it in the blender with some frozen strawberries, local honey and a bottle of champagne. It was a super sweet and very PINK summer drink to enjoy in the hot Knoxville summer.

  17. Jeanne

    I don’t have a regular blender, just an immersion blender. I make salad dressings most often. I’d love to win a Blendtec!

  18. Kim in RI

    I would just like a blender that will actually blend! And I would christen my new blender with a coffee shake!

  19. Stephanie

    My favorite thing to make in a blender is a smoothie. I use the blender for all sorts of other things, but our morning smoothie is probably my favorite thing and it’s easy as well!

  20. Joy

    I have a recipe for “emergency blender chocolate cupcakes” and I can’t think of anything better to come out of a blender! Thank you Kevin & Amanda for running this amazing contest- I have had my eye on one of these super high power blenders forever! Keeping my fingers crossed :)

  21. Racheal Stahlman

    Smoothies for sure! And baby food for my baby boy. :D thanks for the opportunity, I’ve been drooling over the blend tech for about a year now!

  22. Alisha

    I am trying to eat right these days and have started adding protein shakes to my diet! I have one every morning and have lost 50 pounds in the last 3 months. My favorite thing to blend would have to be my morning protein shake! Love ’em!

  23. Kim @ Real Life for the New Wife

    Definitely smoothies – my favorite combination is peanut butter, blueberries, almond milk, and chia seeds! YUM. :)

  24. Yvonne

    My favorite thing to make in a blender is a chocolate milk shake. If it weren’t for the calories, I’d make one every night! Thanks for a great giveaway.

  25. Hayden Davis

    I love to blend fruit smoothies in the blender….before having kids I used to blend margarita’s quite frequently :-) My how things change…haha

  26. Jenni

    We love our smoothies! But I’m also excited to start grinding my own grains – and I hear the Blendtec can do that. How cool!

  27. James Orr

    My daily high protein, salted caramel mocha!

    I worked to figure out how to make a healthy frappuccino for months. I started from complete scratch, trying straight coffee with almond milk and ice. NOPE! After working through as many online tutorials as I could, I started asking the local coffee shops what they do, and they pointed me to Big Train. After trying some Big Train products with a few tricks of my own, I still wasn’t satisfied. I finally ended up here:

    – 1 to 2 scoops of your favorite chocolate protein powder. This serves to thicken and impart the chocolate flavor.
    – 2 pumps of your favorite sugar free Torani syrup (I like English Toffee and Salted Caramel)
    – 1/4 cup espresso toddy (cold-brewed espresso)
    – 1/4 cup almond milk
    – ice to preference (I like 5 cubes)
    – cacao nibs to preference
    – spinach to preference (tasteless, but does change the mouthfeel—thickens it)

    Blend. I actually pulse the ingredients to combine before adding ice, but either way works.

  28. Angela Akinniyi

    Tomato sauce! I mix a red bell pepper, tomatoes, hibanaro pepper, and an onion for a spicy nigerian tomato sauce!

  29. Susan

    Wow I can only pick one favorite. . .I make daily blended ice coffee drinks, I also make smoothies, protein shakes. But if I have to pick one I think my favorite is the peanut butter/lime/garlic sauce for pasta, sounds weird but it is sooo good, even my daughter that doesn’t like peanut butter (can’t imagine no one liking peanut butter but. . ) loves this sauce that is made in a blender.

  30. sondra

    oh thats easy,my click mocha protien change it up alittle i add fresh fruit.hope i win this as i need a new blender

  31. TJ. Carothers

    It’s getting out of the season, but my morning kick in the summer is a Wildberry Redbull. Wildberry Jet Tea, Huckleberry syrup and Redbull. Cool way to start your morning with a bite and a boost!.

  32. Jessica Caudill

    My husband and I love to try to come up with new smoothie recipes for each other- some turn out great, some not so much, but smoothies are still my favorite thing to use the blender for.

  33. Jennifer Moore

    It’s a toss up between my daily Big Train Blended Spiced Chai Tea and of course Margarita’s :) I would LOVE to win a great blender.

  34. Karissa Rogers

    I absolutely LOVE taking unhealthy recipes and making them fat-loss friendly. I’ve lost over 185lbs and blending is my life! My most favorite thing to blend would have to be my veggie smoothies! :)

  35. Krista Nelson

    I am a protein smoothie addict. I recently had WLS and even before then, I loved making all different kinds of healthy smoothies and shakes. I don’t want to get bored, so I just try anything and everything. Currently I have a blender that I am barely getting by with. It has a heck of a time with ice, so I have to crush it first before I put it in my blender. :( Don’t even try to do green smoothies…I learned that the hard way.

  36. Layla

    Oh a blender can make anything! But I like to make a healthy form of ice cream (frozen banana, skim milk, peanut butter, whey protein, and yogurt) :)

  37. Lauren

    I love to mix my base quiche ingredients (cheese, egg, and milk) in my blender before I drop it on top of my crust! It disperses the ingredients wonderfully and makes the perfect base for whatever veggies and meats I toss in on top.

  38. Nina

    I enjoy making homemade enchilada sauce (a recipe my mother gave me). Having a powerful blender helps create a smooth, silky sauce.

  39. Elizabeth

    I love to make hummus in my blender since i don’t have a food processor. My boys love for me to make milk shakes and smoothies. I also love to make sauces for different foods in the blender. :)

  40. Kimberly

    I like to make green smoothies in my blender, although if I get a twister jar, I think it will become this fudge recipe I tried once. I’ve been eyeballing the twister hoping it would make that fudge a lot easier to make. :) As it is, it is too difficult to actually like to make.

  41. Chris

    I love to make smoothies for my kids…and have been finding a lot more things to try as I explore more low carb recipes.

  42. Kelly

    My favorite thing to blend is definitely my mom’s homemade smoothie- super easy blench of yogurt, milk, fresh strawberries and bananas. It brings me right back to my childhood. :) Thanks for the giveaway!

  43. Kim McDowell

    My favorite thing to make in a blender is Green Drinks. I am taking control of my health and this has been one of the best things I have incorporated into my day. My favorite is Pineapple, Apple, Spinach and Carrots blend with filtered water and ice cubes for a great way to start the day.

  44. Janel Baker

    It’s hard to say what my favorite thing to make in a blender is…. so many choices (smoothies, baby food, ice cream…..)! I guess I’d have to say my homemade bbq sauce. My husband goes CRAZY over it! :-D

  45. Sam

    I make smoothies on the reg, but I also like using a blender for soups, sauces and salad dressings. A new blender would be wonderful!

  46. Anele @ Success Along the Weigh

    Oh yay, I’m not too late! I was out of town.

    My favorite thing to make is nutella milkshakes! YUM!

  47. pickmepam

    omg! what don’t we like to make in the blender?
    my kids make their own milkshakes with fresh
    fruit or frozen “fresh” fruit! go for it boys!

  48. Christina

    GREEN SMOOTHIES. My friend and I take turns bringing in green smoothies for breakfast. Kale, Banana, water, flax seed, 2 frozen fruits.

    After a family member of my friend was diagnosed with cancer and a nutritionist recommend green smoothies, to help support my friend I offered to make the smoothies with her and start drinking them. We have been drinking them for almost 3 years now.

  49. Deirdre

    Butternut squash soup with apples and potatoes is my favorite thing to make in a blender. Thanks for the chance to win. XO

  50. Jenny

    Chocolate banana shakes made with bananas, vanilla ice cream, chocolate syrup and a splash of milk. My kids love them!

  51. Amber

    My favorite thing to blend is a banana + peanut butter smoothie. It’s perfect for a meal on the go and is super yummy as well. It’s best when blended with a fresh banana – – then the flavor really pops in your mouth! YUM! :)

  52. Heather G.

    Milkshakes for sure, but close second because I don’t have a food processor is blending up all those veggies to stick in spaghetti sauce or other things. :)

  53. Michaela

    Smoothies are my favorite thing to make, but for years I’ve been dreaming about all the things I could make with a Blendtec. Sauces, butters, ice cream, soups . . . Oh, someday :)

  54. Sara

    I currently only make smoothies in my blender…but that’s only because it’s awful and doesn’t blend anything else! If I had one of these, I would have so much fun trying new things!!

  55. Colleen Harding

    I would love to win this!!! My favorite thing to make is smoothies in the morning. And my blender just broke so this would be awesome to win! Thanks

  56. Clarice Williams

    I love making my breakfast smoothies in the morning, so this blender will be on the ‘so awesome to have’ list! I’ll even tell my husband that he don’t have to worry about my birthday present if I win :D

  57. Heather S

    My favorite is green smoothies with spinach and frozen fruit, greek yogurt, rice milk and flax seed! It’s so good and my kiddos love it too!

  58. Molly

    I would make smoothies and fresh salsa!! Time is fading away for the salsa making, but I have plenty of tomatoes for it, as well as homemade tomato sauce for pasta! So many wonderful things to make!

  59. Jillian

    I would have to say that my favorite thing to blend up would be my daily protein shakes. It would sure be nice not to have to worry about blowing up my blend as I do now. Haha!

  60. Megan

    Favorite thing to make in the blender on a daily basis is green monster shakes for breakfast. On the occasional basis, I love to use the blender for sunrise muffins where you toss a whole orange in the blender with your wet ingredients. So tasty!

  61. Stephanie

    I love making soups, smoothies and salsa in the blender. Makes the process so simple and the cleanup a breeze. Thanks!!

  62. Mary Lea Wolf

    My Favorite thing to whip up in a blender is peanut-butter and banana smoothies…yummy!! (use frozen banana, a scoop of vanilla fat-free yogert, a whopping table-spoon of peanut (or almond) butter, and some orange juice…blend…enjoy…!!

  63. KerryH

    I have two versions of favorites….
    Healthy = Strawberry Bannana Smoothies!
    Sweetness = Reesecup chocolate icecream mix! (YUM!)

  64. Tina

    I would definitely have to say SMOOTHIES! I have been making green smoothies every day for the entire month of October. So far it’s going very well, except my blender sucks! It takes forever to actually blend the frozen fruits and veggies, but I will keep at since I have a goal. This is an awesome giveaway and thank you for hosting.

  65. Heather @ Side of Sneakers

    My fave thing to make in a blender is a smoothie…but that’s because I have a crappy blender. I’d love to make bigger batches of baby food, grind groats, and make nut butter!

  66. Karee

    I love making cancer-fighting smoothies with organic fresh fruits and veggies! Mmm mmm yummy, healthy antioxidants kicking lymphoma’s butt one delicious gulp at a time!

  67. Bonnie T

    What an impressive blender. I can’t believe it can blend footballs and video cameras! I love milkshakes & smoothies (especially on a hot summer day)…those must be a piece of cake for a blender this powerful!

  68. Mandy Cope

    Currently I love experimenting in my blender with fresh purees for my 7 month old.
    It is such a wonderful feeling to provide organic, fresh food and to know what exactly
    is in the foods I feed her(:

  69. Ashley

    Making a yummy fresh smoothie is always a favorite use for my blender, but lately I have enjoyed making my sweet little one homemade baby foods :)

  70. Kimberli

    Milkshakes – can’t beat a yummy chocolate milkshake!! Thanks for the chance to win this great blender, ours is on its last leg!!

  71. LeeAnna

    Smoothies. I love them for breakfast or afternoon snack! I think this would also be great for making baby food.

  72. cynthia

    i like blending my sauces for when i cook like cremes , and hot sauces with spices , or puree some fruits and yogurt smoothies. i

  73. Remi

    i love making sauces, soups, and since we are expecting our peanut’s babyfood would be the BEST for us to use and make if we won this blender!

  74. Mindy Sue

    I would love to make soups for the winter months. I heard that this thing is the best for that. Cream of Asparagus would be my favorite for the winter months.

  75. Faith

    Our son is lactose intolerant so it’s fun to make him ‘milk’ shake with almond milk so he can have some normal kid ‘stuff’ too. Sadly, ours broke Sat night while trying to make him one.

  76. Allisan Cade

    Without a doubt, smoothies! I’m not the healthiest person but, I’ve been working on changing my eating habits and smoothies have been a life saver. Quick, easy and
    inexpensive. Tons of different variations to suit your individual needs. Love smoothies!

  77. Taria

    I love to make green smoothies (with Spinach/strawberries/bananas) in my blender. They are delicious and nutritious!

  78. Shanice S.H.M

    My favorite thing to blend is my base for seasoning for all my food cilantro, garlic
    Parsley, scotch bonnet, green pepper, tomato green onion , salt and pepper. This blend
    Is for everything chicken , fish, beef it gives all my food foundation.

  79. Robin Barwacz

    First would be a smoothie and then I would try a vanilla milkshake! Yum, yum. Thanks for the opportunity. That blender really rocks!

  80. Tamiko Beals

    Right now In my regular blende i can only make shakes and smoothies but with the Blendtec it sonds like the skies the limit!

  81. Anne-Marie @ Regal Beagle Books

    Loving drink a strawberry pineapple smoothy sitting next to our fireplace and our beagle, Shiloh

  82. Gena@BakeAllTheThings!

    Strawberry and pineapple smoothies! Toss in a big handful of spinach – I promise you can’t taste it!

  83. Karlea

    Oh what a fabulous giveaway. Blenders are my favorite appliance and I love to make green smoothies and soup.

  84. Ann Merry

    My favorite thing to make in a blender is hummus! My son-in-law gave me his Lebanese recipe and it makes such delicious hummus.

  85. Susan Sanchirico

    Smoothies give my blender the most use! So many different types to make and a new blender would be wonderful…thanks for the opportunity.

  86. Lisa

    Well, today I made the pumpkin-spice mixture for homemade Pumpkin Spice Lattes in my old discount store blender (and it nearly couldn’t handle that simple task)!

  87. Karen Thompson

    My favorite thing to make in a blender is smoothies! I like to experiment with different ingredients, but the funny thing is, I always seem to go back to my basic favorite – strawberry & bananas. Thanks for the offer!

  88. carole burkhardt

    I love to make smoothies for my kids and myself. Of course, it’s not the only thing we use the blender for but it’s our favorite thing :) Oh my blender came from my mom… it was new in the early 1970s

  89. Cheryl Ann

    I would love to make our family’s favorite smoothies!! And my husbands Butter Pecan Milk Shakes!! He would be so happy!

  90. Susan Dodd

    Absolutely, hands down, the answer is…..mudslides!!!! :-) Yumm! And, our blender is ancient! A new one would be so so amazing! :-)

  91. LiSa

    Its a tie!! I love making margaritas but I always love a great breakfast smoothie :). Thanks for hosting this giveaway!

  92. emily j0

    I dont have a blender but i could imagine the endless of things i could make in that blender!! shakes, smoothies, dips, and oh so much more! i hope ill win! =D

  93. Anne

    Smoothies! It’s super easy and delicious…and it’s a nice way to get rid of fruits when you have too many in your house and no one wants to eat them! :)

  94. Mary C Civello

    Smoothies of course! I use whatever fruit is on hand, but I always add yogurt and OJ. Make Pesto sauce and dips if family or friends are stopping by.

  95. Kelly

    How cool that is! I would dump a bunch of fruit and chocolate and nuts and make crazy smoothies. my kids love the combos.

  96. sierra Hess

    I love to make salsa in the blender! Way easier than chopping by hand and I love that it is like a restaurant salsa when it comes out! But…with a Blendtec, I can’t even start to tell you all the things I would make! They can do ANYTHING!!! I want one so badly! Thanks for doing such a great giveaway!