Remember this cute photo of Miley and Howie and their custom crate covers? :) (I just feel like I need to warn you, that post is from way back in 2008, so prepare yourself to be jolted back in time if you click!) It has been going around Pinterest lately, and I’ve gotten lots of requests on how I made the crate bumper pads. So I thought I’d share this quick pattern today for anyone who’s interested in making custom crate bumper pads. A quick few things to note before we get started:
- This pattern does not include the instructions for the matching bed. Honestly, it was just basically a pillowcase around 2″ thick foam. It didn’t have a zipper or anything, so it wasn’t very practical for washing. If I were going to do it again, I’d just buy a bed first and then use coordinating fabric for the bumper pads, which is what I recommend. So this pattern is for the crate bumper pads only.
- I made these so long ago that I don’t have real step-by-step pictures on how to make them, but I’ve included graphics that I think are probably more helpful than images would be. :)
- Crate Cover Instructions: I didn’t use a pattern for the crate cover, but here’s how I made it. It’s super easy. Measure all five sides of the crate (front, back, two sides, and top). Cut pieces of fabric about 2″ bigger than your dimensions (enough for seams and hemming). Lay the Top piece on the crate (wrong side up) and pin the Sides to the Top piece (also wrong side up) so that they hang down in place. Make sure you leave enough room to hem the bottom, but don’t do that until the very last step. Go ahead and sew the two Side pieces to the Top piece. Then repeat with the Back piece. Next pin the Front piece at the top. Measure where you need the opening for the door, then cut it out. Sew the Front piece in place, then hem all the way around the bottom. Glue ribbon around the opening on the Front piece to hide the raw edges. That’s it, and you’re done! That’s my hacky, non-professional way of doing it. :)
- No, I’m sorry, I don’t sell these. (I actually get lots of requests for this, lol!) I thought about it, but Etsy wouldn’t let me charge five billion dollars per crate cover. What’s up with that, Etsy?
Okay, let’s get started on making your own! :)
Fits Small, Medium, and Large Crate Sizes
Small — 24″ L x 20″ W x 21″ H
Medium — 26″ L x 23″ W x 24″ H
Large — 42″ L x 36″ W x 28″ H
Recommended Fabic:
54″ to 60″ home decor fabric
Fabric Requirement:
- Cover — 1 7/8 yard
- Padding — 1/2″ thick foam: 9 1/4″ x 61 3/4″
- Cover — 2 3/4 yard
- Padding — 1/2″ thick foam: 11 1/4″ x 92″
- Cover — 3 1/8 yard
- Padding — 1/2″ thick foam: 13 1/4″ x 102″
Optional for All Sizes
- 3 1/2 yards coordinating ribbon for bumper ties
Here is the pattern you’ll need for the bumper pad and matching ties. Just a simple rectangle here. If you’re having trouble seeing the measurements, I’ve included a printable PDF down at the bottom of this post for this entire tutorial and you’ll be able to download it and zoom in on all the measurements. You can also print out the tutorial and take it with you so you don’t have to read from your computer.
Step One – Ties
Prepare 8 ties — You can also skip this step and just use coordinating ribbon. That’s what I did for Miley and Howie’s bumper pads.
Fold tie in half lengthwise with WRONG sides together. Press to crease.
Unfold, then fold the top edge down and the bottom edge up WRONG sides together so they meet at the crease. Press to crease.
Fold tie in half lengthwise, hiding raw edges, to bring pressed edges together. Stitch both long edges.
Step Two – Bumper
Fold each tie (or ribbon) in half widthwise and pin to one bumper piece. Pin on RIGHT side of fabric, having the fold even with the raw edges. Pin one tie on each stitching line (top and bottom) and the reminaing four ties to each corner of the bumper, with the fold 1/2” in from the short edge. Baste in place.
Baste foam to WRONG side of remaining bumper piece. Use big hand basting stitches and a long needle.
With RIGHT sides together, stitch entire outer edge of bumper sections together, leaving an opening to turn. Watch out for the loose ends of the ties. Trim Corners.
Turn bumper right side out through opening. Hand stitch opening closed.
Stitch along stitching lines and then a 1/2” over from those stitching lines so that the ties are in the center of both rows of stitching. Remove basting.
That’s it! So easy! :) I hope you’ve enjoyed the quick project.
Follow more adventures of Miley and Howie.
Hi there! So glad I found this. I don’t sew but want to make bumpers for my 36″ x 36″ dog pen. How would I do that? Any help appreciated. Thanks in advance.
Thank you so so much for taking the time with these detailed instructions! I made one for a friends dog crate. She fosters dogs and was getting one that has seizures. I tweaked the instructions and ended up making a ‘tube’ and putting the foam inside. Also I made a door panel for the dogs protection. I’m so happy with how it turned out. Thank you for your guidance!
I know this is an old post, so I don’t know if you’ll even see this comment – but I hope you do! These are so so cute! Just wondering, does there need to be a gap between the mattress and the walls of the crate in order to fit the bumpers in, or can you sort of just squish it all into place?
I have 2 cages like this for my cats to sleep in… I made beds but now I can fancy them up.
Thanks so much for sharing this!!!
I was reading your tutorial on custom crate covers. I was wondering, after you cut all the pieces out, do you sew the 2 sides to the back side before sewing it to the top piece, or do you sew the part of the sides and back to the top piece first and then sew all the sides and back side seams {vertical} after attaching them to to the top piece? I don’t want my side & back pieces unsewn.
Thank You
Hi, just 2 simple questions.
1. Does the bumper (with the foam sewed in) wash well in the washing machine?
2. Where did you buy the foam?
Can you give me the fabric requirements for a crate that is 24″L x 18″W x 21″H and a create that is 36″L x 24″W x 27″H please?
well, etsy is bring pretty reasonable. i mean 5 billion is a “little” spendy. i might pay a half-billion, i mean… if you will take a check. but i want free shipping! :-) these are adorable! even i can make these if i use ribbon and not to over reach my sewing abilities! thanks for the pattern and the confidence!
These are adorable!!! I was just wondering what size the small crate is in the picture? Then I will continue with the pattern. Moving to Illinois at the end of the year, and this would be purrrfect for moving my two cats.
Hi Erin! Pictured are the small and medium size crates listed in the pattern:
Small — 24″ L x 20″ W x 21″ H
Medium — 26″ L x 23″ W x 24″ H
Hope this helps!
Lovely dogs! And they have lovely new crate covers!
Don’t your Bostons shred these?! My two girls would have the stuffing removed within the first hour–luckily they don’t destroy anything really important like shoes or furniture, but anything with foam or stuffing, they make it their goal in life to dismantle and scatter all over the rug . . .
How ridiculous! Ridiculously cute, that is! I love, love, love the lengths that people will go through to make their animals happy. It just brightens my soul.
These are so darn cute!
I really need to do this with ours! love them!
Never mind. I just found it on the link to the other post.
Thanks :)
This is going to sound so random, but what color of green is on your walls in the photos above?
I really like it. :)
Great idea! If I could sew at all, I would sew make these for our dogs crates downstairs. Will keep them in mind and make my sister in law sew them for me in exchange for babysitting. :)
I LOVE this! We have three cats and no dogs but I know my sister-in-law would love to have one of these covers for her precious puppies. Thanks for posting this.
thanks for be so sharing woman!!… i will try this for my dog!! hugs
Those are SUPER adorable! Yeah, those look like some work and you should be able to charge $1000 for them because time is money! ;-)
Yesterday I was on YouTube looking at an old rock band from the 60’s and across from the video were several videos of Miley and Howie!!…it was like “I know those pups”!! Your pups are everywhere!! WDE!!!
WOW!! This is great!! Thank you so very much for sharing!