Time’s Up!
The winners of the Uncrustables Unstoppable Family Photo Package are:
#72 beth: I am boring–regular peanut butter and grape jelly
#119 Christine: Definitely peanut butter and grape jelly! I don’t eat it often but when I do, instant childhood memories. I keep uncrustables in my freezer for my teenagers. When they run out the door, I would rather they grab one of those than a candy bar to fill them up.
#252 Judy: My favorite Pb&J combo is peanut butter & raspberry jam!! Love it!
#284 Leslie Kiley: Such a fabulous invention! Who wants crust with there PB and J? My favorite flavor is the original PB & grape Jelly!
#290 Kaity: my favorites are the berry jams – strawberry, blackberry, raspberry, whatever. I think they all make for a delicious PB&J sandwich. :)
#326 Jodi: Love peanut butter and strawberry!
#464 Stephanie DeArco: I love peter pan peanut butter and raspberry jam with the seeeeds :D
#542 Corisa: i love toasted pb and j!
#952 Francine M: My fave combo is peanut butter and strawberry jam. Although I do like the grape jelly uncrustables! Uncrustables have been a great way to ensure I don’t run low on lunch items for my son – I can just grab one from the freezer!
#1174 Angi@MakingMayhem: My favorite PB&J combo – creamy peanut butter with strawberry (but my fave PB sandwich is a fluffer nutter with bananas!) I haven’t tried Uncrustables, yet, but my kiddos like them. They are pretty convenient and cute!
#1275 Noelani Hwang: Hi Amanda! I love strawberry jam and extra crunchy peanut butter for my PB&Js! I’ve never had Uncrustables but I def will go try them now!
#1284 Josh: I’m allergic to peanut butter, but my wife and son love the stuff. Raspberry jam is my favorite though!
Congrats winners! I’ve sent y’all an email! :)
The awesome folks at Smucker’s recently launched the Uncrustables Unstoppable Family Photo Contest celebrating Unstoppable families who are always on the move, creating memories, and embarking on adventures at a moment’s notice. Since they know Kevin & Amanda readers are such big photography fans, (they know you guys have TASTE ya’ll! ;)) they would love to have *you* vote for your favorite photo at www.uncrustables.com!
To celebrate the Uncrustables Unstoppable Family Photo Contest, Smuckers would like to offer Kevin & Amanda readers the chance to win a seriously fun Uncrustables Unstoppable Family Photo Package.
The Giveaway
Twelve (12) lucky winners will receive:
- Canon SELPHY CP900 Wireless Compact Photo Printer
- Uncrustables Coupons
That’s right! You’ve got TWELVE chances to win this cute printer!! How awesome is that?! Plus you’ll get coupons to try Uncrustables. Sweet!
SELPHY CP900 Wireless Compact Photo Printer
High-Quality, Easy-to-Use Wireless Compact Photo Printer
- Wireless capabilities lets you print right from your computer, iOS and Android devices
- Print directly from your memory cards, camera or USB flash drives
- Light, compact body and an optional battery makes it easy to take this printer with you
- Preview your images on the built-in 2.7-inch tilt-up LCD
- Enhance your photos with the improved “Portrait Image Optimize”
- Print water resistant photos that last up to 100 years in just 47 seconds
How perfect does this tiny printer sound? You can print pictures straight from your phone in seconds and take it with you anywhere you go.
How to Enter
To be entered to win the Uncrustables Unstoppable Family Photo Package giveaway, all you have to do is leave a comment on this post. What’s your favorite PB&J flavor combo? Are you a fan of Uncrustables? How does Uncrustables keep your family unstoppable?
Contest ends Wednesday, March 6 at 8 pm CST. One entry per person, please. Winners must have a US mailing address. Winners will be chosen at random and notified by email. Giveaway graciously provided by Smuckers.
My sweet friend Kristen from Dine and Dish is giving away 12 printers too! Head on over to her blog for another chance to win. :)
If you’d like to see more giveaways like this, Like us on Facebook! :)
Good luck!!! :)
My favorite combo is definately the ole stand-by, grape! My family big pink puffy hearts Uncrustables and I cannot keep them in the cupboard. Uncrustables keeps our family unstoppable because we have a very active 1 year old who cannot be bothered to sit down for a meal and we respect that. They are easy to tote and don’t take much room in the already overflowing diaper bag.
I love PB & Strawberry Jam! I haven’t tried the Uncrustables, but I am sure that I would love them. I still don’t like the crust on bread. :)
Uncrustables are perfect for when the grandkids visit. They love the grape ïŠ
The classic PB and Grape Jelly
Those printers look like the handiest like devices. I’d love to be able to print out photos of my kids and stick them on the fridge right away.
As for PB&J…it has to be crunchy peanut butter with raspberry jam (or banana slices!) We haven’t tried the Uncrustables yet, but I’ll bet my boys would love them.
I like peanut butter and marshmallow fluff sandwiches! I love the grape Uncrustables, they make a quick grab and go lunch.
Peanut butter and black raspberry rocks!
Peanut butter and strawberry jam! Yum!
I’m actually allergic to peanuts…so none for me. :)
Uncrustables are the best snack! Love love raspberry & PB!!
I haven’t tried Uncrustables but I bet my boy would love them since he can’t stand crust! I love peanut butter and any kind of jelly, with a cold, frothy glass of milk to wash it down!
I think peanut butter and strawberry jam is my favorite, although raspberry is right up there. Thanks for the giveaway!
My favorite is PB and grape jelly. I LOVE uncrustables and feel like a kid when I eat them. They are great for a road trip!!
Not a fan of jelly but I do like PB and Honey sandwiches
I love peanut butter and orange marmalade!
My favorite PB&J combo is Smucker’s Natural Peanut butter with their Orchard’s Finest Pacific Mountain Strawberry Preserves. My kids love uncrustables –any flavor! Even though they are older ( high school and college), they still ask for them. Uncrustables are great to keep in a dorm room freezer. The students can grab one when late-night studying makes them hungry. My high schooler likes them after school as a snack before sports.
My first love is the good old stand-by peanut butter and grape jelly!
Love that strawberry. That’s what I choose every chance I get!
I love a good raspberry…….works everytime!!!!
GRAPE!!!!!! Always has been and always will be……
Has to be strawberry……always strawberry!!!!
I love raspberry and peanut butter, but we like the strawberry uncrustables as a quick pull from the freezer and go hiking snack :o)
My daughter loved the uncrustables in her lunchbox when she was still in school. Her favorite flavor was peanut butter and grape jelly. My favorite is peanut butter and strawberry jam.
Great giveaway!! My fav PB&J is the old stand-by … PB & grape jam. Must be jam, jelly is too thin. Uncrustables are great for afternoon on-the-go snacking and roadtrips!
Definitely peanut butter and raspberry! They make things quick and easy!
my kids love uncrustables, peanut butter and grape jelly
would love to win!
I haven’t actually tried Uncrustables but I love making toasted peanutbutter sandwhich and sprinkling choc chips on while still hot. Just like a reese cup! My favorite PB&J would be PB and strawberry! YUM!
I’ve never had Uncrustables, but I LOVE pbjs – I eat them frequently for dinner, even though I’m all grown up and a mom myself.
I love raspberry jam and crunchy peanut butter.
I love strawberry and peanut butter. Uncrustables are awesome
I love peanut butter & honey!!!
PB & Strawberry jam for sure! Uncrustables are great! Definitely a time saver for families on the go!
I’m a fan of the classic. Peanut butter with grape jelly. Still a comfort eating that. :)
Definitely PB and Strawberry. I’ll admit that I sometimes make my own Crustables because I don’t want to spend the money…but if I had coupons… ;-)
I love anything peanut butter related and that printer would be so cool! :)
We can’t keep enough PB & Strawberry jelly in stock at our house!! My stepdad loves it!! The uncrustables are a quick and easy snack on the fly!! <3
I love just Peanut Butter. Not a big jelly fan!! But my hubby is and he does PB and Grape jelly
peanut butter & HONEY!!!
What’s your favorite PB&J flavor combo?
Chunky PB and Raspberry jam
Are you a fan of Uncrustables?
Yes–great idea there!
How does Uncrustables keep your family unstoppable?
Quick and simple and no mess! Two sticky knives and countertop begone!
Read more at http://www.kevinandamanda.com/giveaway/awesome-giveaway-for-a-portable-mini-photo-printer-12-winners.html#ixzz2MlfJDQXU
I LOVE uncrustables…my kids love them but I use them mainly. I love the traditional grape and PB but love that it has a whole grain option. And there is more pb in there than what I’d spread on a sandwich so it’s a great protein boost when I am in the field, etc.
Peanut butter and strawberry!
I like peanut butter with blackberry jam
Peanut butter and honey! I haven’t yet tried uncrustables but will look for them!
Grape and PB is the only way to go and we take uncrustables everywhere! School, the ballpark and one has even made it to church!! Thanks
My fav is PB and raspberry jam. We love Uncrustables! Especially on long days at the dance studio. The girls throw them in their bag and they are perfect when they are ready for lunch or a hearty snack after hours of dancing.
My favorite PB & J combo is peanut butter with strawberry jam….a favorite of 5 year olds everywhere.
The classic peanut butter and grape jelly is my favorite!
STRAWBERRY! Uncrustables are fantabulous!
My favorite is peanut butter and black berry jam!
Yess I have tried Uncrustables before they are so good! I always take crust of bread anyway when I eat grape jam w peanut butter, That’s my favorite!:-)
I love smooth PB and Raspberry jam/jelly! YUM O…
Uncrustables are a must have in our house! My kids and hubby love them!
My favorite combo is raspberry jam with some crunch peanut butter! I’ve never tried these before but they do look quick and yummy!
Uncrustables are great for this busy mom on the go! My two year old loves them, making mornings easier!!!
I like both the grape and strawberry. It is a quick and easy pick me up when my husband and I want something sweet!
Love me some PB&R (raspberry jam!) What a fun giveaway – thanks!
i like pbj with bannana. uncrustables are great when we are on the go
Our favorite is creamy with grape jelly. Uncrustables make a great grab n go snack.
Toasted peanut butter on buttered toast. Yum. My favorite from childhood. And yes, I would so very much love one of these printers. Which I will try not to get peanut butter on.
I love creamy peanut butter and strawberry jelly. That printer looks like so much fun!
Peanut butter and strawberry jam is my favorite. Those Uncrustables look really good!
Peanut butter and strawberry jelly. It’s a classic!
My husband likes the PB & grape. He loves them for on the go.
pb & grape jelly is the best!!!!
Uncrustables are great especially the raspberry ones! They are just so easy to take along in a jiffy!
This printer looks amazing !! Keeping my fingers crossed!!
My favorite combo is crunchy peanut butter and grape jelly. We buy uncrustables for parties at school. They’re so easy!!
PB and grape is my fav!
This printer sounds too good to be true! Y’all come up with some awesome giveaways. Good luck to everyone, especially me.
Love grape jelly on PB&J!! Thanks for the awesome giveaway!
I love PB&J with homemade strawberry jam.
What’s your favorite PB&J flavor combo?
I love the good ol’ fashion smooth peanut butter and strawberry jelly.
Are you a fan of Uncrustables?
Yes, so yummy!
How does Uncrustables keep your family unstoppable?
They’re great to pack for a day out either for a snack or lunch. We all love them!
PB&J…the original. Uncrustables are great for school lunches!
My favorite PB & J combo is peanut butter (obviously) and raspberry jam! Uncrustables are great for on-the-go moms with toddlers!
I’m all about the grape:-) Of course I’m a fan!! Totally keeps us going!
Peanut Butter and Strawberry jam is my favorite!
I have never tried an uncrustable but I love PB & strawberry jam
Peanut butter and strawberry is my favorite. Thanks for this opportunity!
I love uncrustables and so does my daughter. Easy for lunch and they taste so good!
I love PB and honey!!!
I am a favorite of the classic creamy peanut butter and grape jelly! And I love Uncrustables, it saves so much time during busy mornings!!
We’d be in trouble if my daughter ever stopped liking Uncrustables. That is the only protein she gets. She likes grape one week and strawberry the next so we can’t really pick just one favorite.
I wondered when someone would plug these!! I’m not a huge PBJ fan or processed food, except for uncrustables. I leave them in the freezer …running to go grocery shopping and don’t want whinny kids or self, grab one; i throw a box into the cooler for sporting games, not only for my kids but those other kids that see them eating them and want them. At their price, I can afford to feed other kids; we have a sick m-i-l who ends up in the hospital every few months 2 hours away…..They have SAVED us so many times when we get that unexpected phone call and we toss every one in the car to make the treck, nerves on end. Have you ever tried driving and making sandwiches, I did ONCE, never again!!! Uncrustables all the way! We lived at a hotel last summer for 3 months while she was in the hospital, we kept those on hand to easily grab and honestly, I didn’t feel one bit guilty. $$ was soo tight and we just needed quick food sometimes to take the edge off. We all love them!
Seedless strawberry jam with creamy or chunky peanut butter. We’ve had Uncrustables served at a kid’s birthday party, my daughter thought they were “fancy”.
My favorite pB&J combo is creamy peanut butter and strawberry jelly! I haven’t had the privilege of trying Uncrustables, but I’m looking forward to it. They would make a quick, delicious snack!!
I love the combo of grape jelly and peanut butter to peanut butter with bananas
PB and grape jelly on homemade honey oat bread! I’ve never tried uncrustables with my kids… I’ll have I try them!
I love PB & Blackberry jelly!
I’m not a Jelly fan….just peanut butter for this girl! We always have uncrustables in our freezer though, my little man LOVES them!
Pb and strawberry and we love them. They are a great after school snack keep them going to dinner time.
I have never tried Uncrustables. But if I win, I will get the chance to do so with the coupons! YAY!
PB and Strawberrry Jam, though honey and bananas is a close second.
My fav is PB & blackberry jam! I could eat those everyday.
I love Uncrustables. I have one box in my fridge at work. It’s a quick snack when I’m busy or on the go.
Back in the day before my kid and his peanut allergy it was Strawberry jam..the kind with the chunks of strawberries in it.
Now it’s Strawberry Jam and Tahini :)
Peanut butter and grape jelly! My soon takes an uncrustable in his lunch everyday!!
Oh geez – the hubby and I both love PB&J! This morning he woke me up to ask me if I wanted him to make me one for breakfast. Too cute! We love strawberry jam with our crunchy PB!
Peanut Butter and Strawberry is our favorite combo! Uncrustables are a favorite go to snack for our family and for my girl scout troop!
My favorite PB combo is with strawberry jam. My kids love them for their lunch sandwiches! This makes it so easy in the morning…..thanks Uncrustables!
My favorite combo would be Peanut buter/strawberry jelly, I have never tired uncrustables, so I will give it a try and see how it tastes. Thanks Amanda.
We absolutely love the grape flavor Uncrustables. They are great tasting and so easy for our life on the go. Whether it’s for a quick portable breakfast on the go or giving me a break from making plain lunch I love them!
My hubby loves PB & grape jelly with clam chowder! Uncrustables make that easy & delicious!
I have never tried Uncrustables but they sound awesome. They would be great for the grandkids and also for me to each lunch in the car when I am working! Can’t wait to try them!
Smooth PB and Raspberry jam!!
I love the traditional jif pb with grape jelly….but my kids like me to mix grape jelly and strawberry jam on the pb sandwich. we’d love to try uncrastables. convenient always goes a long way with me.
Favorite PBJ is Crunchy PB with Blackberry jam!!!!
I LOVE PB&J with Grape Jelly and either Creamy or Crunchy Peanut Butter.
I love the Uncrustables SO much because they have the perfect amount of Peanut Butter and Jelly and Bread. My Favorite part is “crust” or the crimped part! YUM!
How does Uncrustables keep your family unstoppable? They are so easy and perfect to take on the road and create no mess!
I haven’t had an Uncrustable in a while, but we used to get them with lunch in college. I think we usually got a grape one.
What’s your favorite PB&J flavor combo? Nothing beats the classic….smooth peanut butter and grape jelly. My favorite!!!
Are you a fan of Uncrustables? oh yes, indeed!!!
How does Uncrustables keep your family unstoppable? Fabulous on the go… or even on a lazy day… they are convenient, nutritious and yummy anytime. And, loved by all of us!! :)
Read more at http://www.kevinandamanda.com/giveaway/awesome-giveaway-for-a-portable-mini-photo-printer-12-winners.html#ixzz2MgbbpZk8
Peanut Butter and Strawberry!
My favorite PB+J is Blackberry Jam and Smooth Peanut Butter. My kids love the uncrustables!! They make a great snack since they can grab one out of the freezer and they thaw out very quickly! They don’t stay in the freezer for long!! :)
I like PB and strawberry jam. However my son is allergic to nuts so unless they have a jam only option we can not buy them. Sadly they sound like a quick snack or lunch item.
i LOVE creamy peanut butter between uncrusted bread!
I think my kids like the strawberry jam Uncrustables the best, but I’d like try the wheat ones with honey- I like to use Uncrustables for team snacks when its our week to bring after game snacks, they are already packaged & easy!
pnut butter & grape jelly … making me hungry right now !
I love a good peanut butter and strawberry jam sandwich! I only had Uncrustables once, but I’m willing to give them another try.
Creamy peanut butter and raspberry jam on soft, whole wheat bread :)
I love creamy peanut butter and raspberry jam! Yum! I haven’t tried uncrustables, but my sister in law swears by them for lunches!
Favorite combo? Oh, you know it has to be peanut butter with Smucker’s strawberry jelly. Mmmm…. Just the sound of it makes my mouth water! Do I like Uncrustables? Of course! I grew up on Uncrustables! I remember the first time I had one; my friend invited me over to her house and said, “We’re going to have this for dinner tonight…” Yes, it was a delicious Uncrustable [more like 4 delicious Uncrustables… :)] How does it make my family and I unstoppable? It’s so easy to grab one and go. Whether it be breakfast, lunch, dinner, or all 3! They’re delicious, filling, and just an amazing invention!
Peanut butter and grape jelly only!! :-)
I’ve never tried Smuckers Uncrustables because we follow a low carb diet but my favorite combination is always PB & Strawberry Jam.
My fav combo is Jif peanut butter with a local raspberry-peach jam. So delicious
Uncrustables are often in the fridge at work….mom’s don’t buy them just for the kids. :). I haven’t tried them yet as I’m still trying to acquire a taste for peanut butter.
We love ALL Uncrustables for their delicious taste and convenience factor! I mean, who doesn’t love PB&J on the GO!!! :)
Grape Uncrustables are my very favorite :) Thanks for the chance.
My favorite combo has always been peanut butter with grape jelly and my mom always bought Smuckers! We have not tried the uncrustables but would love the chance!
My favorite is peanut butter and strawberry jelly. My family hasn’t tried uncrustables yet but I do plan too. Looks like something the kids would love
I LIVED on PB&J’s while I was pregnant! I go back and forth between almond butter and peanut butter and my favorite local raspberry jam.
Love grilled PB & strawberry J!
Big fans of uncrustables! They are just so easy for a great fulfilling snack. My fav is peanut butter and grape jelly.
Peanut butter and wild blueberry preserves is my favorite! Can eat this almost everyday.
The uncrustables with peanut butter and strawberry jam are great (even for parents too)!
LOVE the Smuckers PBJ’s and so do my twin girls!!! Easy, delicious, convenient, and not messy!!! Grape is our fave!!
PB&J’s have been a favorite since childhood. These are a great snack item…love the raspberry!
Crunchy peanut butter with honey & strawberry jelly!
Creamy peanut butter and grape jelly! Uncrustables are great for the kiddos- but I love the crust ;)
We LOVE uncrustables in this house!! Not only does our son devour them but mommy and daddy
Like how easy they can be taken on the go!! We are a peanut butter and strawberry kind of family! Thanks for the chance!! That printer looks amazing!
My fav combo is plain old peanut butter and grape jelly :)
PB and strawberry!
Peanut butter and grape jelly. Yum!
I’ve never tried Uncrustables, but my niece likes them. My favorite PB&J combo is a little bit of smooth peanut butter and a lot of grape jelly on honey wheat bread. Yum!
Strawberry and creamy PB, with NO crust :0
PBJ is great with strawberry jam!
I love pb, honey and banana! I’ve never had uncrustables, though they look good!
grape jelly and crunchy peanut butter – uncrustables are awesome warmed up, keep some in my food storage and 72-hour kits.
I love an apple jelly, peanut butter sandwich, toasted to perfection. Yum!
I like smooth pb and strawberry. My kids love uncrustables!
I love creamy pb and raspberry or blackberry jam. Uncrustables are awesome, I have small children so they’re an easy on the go food for us,
I’m a crunchy PB and Strawberry J person myself. ;) My very favorite peanut butter sandwich is crunchy PB and Bacon! Definitely not a sandwich I can have all the time, but it’s a nice treat! :)
Strawberry & peanut butter! YUM!!!!!
PB with strawberry jam :)
Wow! This is great! We love natural peanut butter and plum jam! Cut in whatever cookie cutter my kiddo’s choose! We have uncrustables often, very easy on-the-go snack!
LOVE PB&J!! Uncrustables are the BEST part (the PB&J) without the WORST part (the crust)! You can’t go wrong!
Thanks for the opportunity!
my favorite pb & j combo is white chocolate peanut butter and strawberry jelly
My true fave is PB and grape jelly! Takes me back. : ) Now I usually have PB, banana and honey.
PB and strawberry is my go to!!! It reminds me when my grandma would fix me a PB sandwich when I visited her…. Such a sweet memory! Now that I have a grandson I hope to be able to do the same with him and the convenience of Uncrustables!!!
Peanut butter and grape jam is my favorite! I’ve never bought Uncrustables but sometimes I make my own and freeze them. Gotta love easy lunchbox packing!
I love PB & raspberry jam! We’ve taken Uncrustables on long road trips, and even used them for birthday parties.
My favorite is pb and grape jelly! I’d love to try the uncrustables, never have!
PB & strawberry jelly on whole wheat!! Such a great option when I am running a little late to throw in the baby’s lunchbox! :)
My favorite combo is pb and strawberry jam. I love how easy it is to pop a frozen Uncrustable into my son’s lunchbox and it’s perfect by lunch time for him.
Thank you!
Peanut butter and strawberry jelly is my hands down favorite. And I agree that uncrustables make a busy mom’s life much easier. :-)
i love peanut butter and strawberry jam. i also love uncrustables…even though i’m over 30 haha :)
Peanut butter and strawberry for the win!
I love me some pb & grape jelly…mmm my fav
My favorite combo is PB & Grape Jelly! Yum! My two year ok approves too!
Our family likes peanut butter sandwiches without any jams!!! I’m thinking as my three year old gets older she may venture out and try a jam to spice it up!!! Love the printer would be awesome for my PL album. Good luck to everyone.
We love our pb&j’s with strawberry jam or with honey! I am the only one is the family that likes chunky pb. Yum!! My kids love the uncrustables for lunch at least 3 days a week. Makes mom’s life a ton easier on lunch duty. :)
My kids love Uncrustables, and I would love if I could buy them with the Smucker’s Natural Peanut Butter that we all love! PB&RaspberryJ is my fave flave combo! :o)
My favorite PB&J flavor combo is chunky PB with strawberry jelly. mMm delicious! I AM a fan of Uncrustables – they’re so convenient, however I’ve only had the chance to try them once. Unfortunately I do not have a “family” to keep unstoppable – however, I enjoy them myself and it keeps me unstoppable because I do not like crusts – so this just saves me the time, and I’m not wasting pieces of my own bread – also its a quick grab for on the go. LOVE IT.
Packed one….Not picked!
I looove the peanut butter and honey and the pb with raspberry. Thank you for the whole wheat as well! We keep Uncrustables in the freezer to grab and go…I just picked one this morning in my daughter’s soccer bag!
Still love pb with grape jelly!
I have a 4 year old who only like peanut butter. My 8 year old likes strawberry jam and peanut butter. I LOVE strawberry jam and peanut butter. Uncrustables are great for traveling.
my favorite is smooth pb with strawberry jelly! uncrustables are awesome, convenient & addicting! hard to eat just one! oh yeah, my kids like them too!
thanks for the giveaway!
I’ll always pick peanut butter and strawberry jam! Uncrustables are great – easy lunch option!
Grape jelly and PB are our favorite sandwiches. I had noticed in our freezer that we had a couple of boxes of the Uncrustables and wasn’t sure who had bought them. Our daughters were all out of high school and it wasn’t really anything that they ate anymore, but one of our daughters in college (things kids find to eat when they are dorming, haha) said how much she liked them and how easy they were to grab when she wanted a snack or something quick to eat running out the door to class. It is something she can throw in her backpack and can eat later. So now I try to keep a couple of boxes in the freezer.
Never heard of them, but now I have. Uncrustables look yummy!
Through my whole pregnancy, all I could eat were peanut butter and grape jelly ones! Kept me going!
I love to eat PB&J with smooth peanut butter and strawberry jam. I have never tried uncrustables.
I kick it old school with Skippy & welch’s grape jelly. Haven’t tried uncrustables yet.
Love the peanut butter and grape jelly combo. Always have them on hand for when my grandson comes over. Thanks for the chance to win a great prize!
never had them but would love to try them, would love to win the printer so I can send some photos thanks for the info and good luck
The whole family love Peanut Butter & Grape!
I have not tried this product but I think my husband would love them. I am not a jelly fan so my favorite combo stops at the “P” LOL! Thanks for a great giveaway!
My kids’ favorite on-the-go treat!
I love PB and guava jelly….my next fav is good ol grape jelly.
Love creamy PB with raspberry or strawberry jam! YUMMY! With a nice big glass of milk. That is definitely comfort food.
My favorite PB&J combo is creamy peanut butter with strawberry jelly, and some sliced bananas!
My favorite combination is Peanut Butter and Strawberry Preserves with BIG chunky strawberries. I am also a fan of Uncrustables. :)
PB & Raspberry jam. Or PB, banana slices, and honey. It’s been a long while since I’ve had uncrustables, but I remember them being good!
Peanut butter and strawberry jam is my favorite combo!
PB w/strawberry jam is yummy. I’m a new fan on uncrustables. They make for an easy snack.
love uncrustables!
I am a creamy peanut butter and grape jelly kind of girl. I am a fan of Uncrustables. Uncrustables let me eat on the go. I don’t have to take time and sit down to enjoy a pb&j.
I love PB&J! The classic combo with grape jelly is my favorite! And Uncrustables are deliciously convenient :))
Michael M. got my vote.
I love peanut butter and grape jelly. Uncrustables make life so easy!
My favorite PB&J is super crunchy peanut butter with strawberry jam..yumm!
Crustables are a staple at our house with a 14 going on 15 yr old boy with friends that like after school snacks. Quick and easy to grab, thaw and eat!
I am not picky about the flavor of jelly. It is all good.
The one thing that always impresses me about Uncrustables is how soft the bread is. Store bought bread is never that soft.
PB & Raspberry is my families favorite but I don’t like PB with anything but chocolate ;-)
Strawberry Jelly and PB. ♥ the PB and Chocolate combo too. YUM! I’m kinda weird, but I like the Uncrustables frozen the best! True Story!
I love PB and strawberry jam!
My fave PB&J is one using JIF crunchy peanut butter, homemade strawberry freezer jam, on super soft white Grandma Sycamore’s bread. Oh baby. Occasionally when I’m making my kidlets their sandwiches with creamy PB, I’ll make myself a half just to have a little creamy delight.
We love Uncrustables at our home. I mean, WHO doesn’t love a PB&J…really!
Did you know that Disneyworld (and probably Disneyland for that matter) serves Uncrustables on their kids menus? Talk about a life saver when they are done eating pizza and chicken nuggets for a week. We were so excited to have a change of pace in the kids meal options! Loved having that as an option!
Strawberry Jam!
Creamy peanut butter and blackberry is my all-time favorite, but I’m happy with grape when I can’t find the blackberry jam!! ;). I’ve honestly never tried the uncrustables but they look yummy! Will look for them next time I’m shopping for groceries!
Pb&j with toast! Give me some creamy peanut butter and good ole grape jelly & I’m a happy girl! I haven’t tried the uncrustables but seeing all the comments makes me want to try them
My favorite PB combo is: PB and grape jelly and Doritos. Gotta put the Doritos on the sandwich! Yum! I have never tried a Uncrustable…I think a taste test is in order!
I love the PB & Grape jelly. I don’t like grape jelly on regular sandwiches, but it’s awesome on the uncrustables. Yum!!!
I am sorry to say I have never tried them. However I just added them to my grocery list for tomorrow. And I will be buying the grape one. Love pb and grape jelly….. I think the family will love them as well. I feel like I have been living under a rock..
My favorite flavor is PB & grape! I love grape anything, ha ha! I’ve never had Uncrustables, I can’t wait to try!
Yum! Love Uncrustables! PJ & Strawberry is my favorite :)
Smooth peanut butter on wheat with strawberry just fruit!
I love the strawberry and peanut butter, but my 2 year old granddaughter likes the grape….anywhere, anytime! Uncrustables are unbeatable!!
Love PB, honey, and banana! And we love Uncrustables on vacation the most- so convenient and lets us skip out on the expense of eatting lunch out!
Love uncrustables! PB and Grape Jam are my favs!
love the pb and strawberry!!
Strawberry is our favorite! Uncrustables are perfect for days at the park! Now hassling with making a sandwich before we leave, just grab a couple out of the freezer And toss them in the diaper bag…by lunch time they are defrosted! And this printer would be awesome to have!!
Favorite is pb n honey! Yes i’m a fan! And uncrustables help make morning breakfast easy
Love a classic pb&j… jif peanut butter and smuckers grape jelly!
My favorite PB&J combo is peanut butter with raspberry jam. I’ve never tried Uncrustables. My daughter has a peanut allergy. I wish they’d make some with only jelly; they would be such quick, easy snacks!
My favorite flavor is the peanut butter /raspberry … Soo yummy!
Peanut butter and jelly! Tried and true :)
I have not tried this but I love peanut butter and bananas.
i love uncrustables – pb&j with strawberry!
LOVE Peanut Butter and Grape Jelly …not jam but JELLY!! YUM. I would love to try uncrustables.
I LOVE uncrustables!! Perfect for on the go, and they remind me of high school :) my fav is strawberry jelly and PB. Awesome giveaway
My favorite is the peanut butter and honey spread on wheat!
Natural PB with any homemade jelly. Yum!
I like smooth PB and strawberry jam. My son’s school serves Uncrustables and he loves them!
I love just regular old grape and peanut butter! Crustables are so easy on the run and the fact that they’re crustless is just icing; I never liked that pesky crust anyways! :)
I love Uncrustables. Perfect for a Friday lunch or a snack anyday. My favorite is the Strawberry Jam and PB.
PB & Strawberry!!!
My favorite is crunchy peanut butter and strawberry jam! Uncrustables are delicious-yes, love ’em!
Thanks for the opportunity!
I like my PB plain, but my daughter loves PB & grape uncrustables!
What’s your favorite PB&J flavor combo? Peanut Butter / Strawberry jam!
Are you a fan of Uncrustables? YES
How does Uncrustables keep your family unstoppable? I am a fulltime RN and at times I don’t have time for a real meal, so I literally pack some of these to work each week and leave in the freezer. That way I always have a quick bite to eat, and the strawberry ones are delicious.
Apricot Jam and Creamy Jif! Oh yea! On toasted bread so everything gets gooey and warm!
Peanut Butter, Honey, and Banana is my ultimate favorite!
Love Uncrustables because they are a quick grab & go snack or lunch item which helps to keep my family “unstoppable”. I love all the flavors of course!
chunky peanut butter and cherry jelly is my favorite!
Favorite would be PB & Strawberry jam! Uncrustables are a perfect solution for a quick and easy lunch or snack!
Love Uncrustables! Favorite PBJ is Raspberry Jelly with Crunchy Peanut Butter on a bagel!
Peanut Butter and banana on toasted wheat bread!! Love Uncrustables! They are our go to for picnics!
My favorite PB&J is with strawberry jam and bananas, peanut butter on toast…YUMMO!!! I enjoy uncrustables!!! THank you.
I love peanut butter and red raspberry jelly on fresh, soft bread!
Peanut butter with grape jelly :)
Our family is classic pb and j. If its my choice, it’s chunky pb with strawberry jam!
Peanut butter and blackberry jam is my favorite. We do have some Uncrustables in the freezer. They are the peanut butter/honey ones, but I need to try some of the other flavors!
Fave PB combo is PB & banana but when it comes to jelly, PB & Grape all the way. I love to have things that quick and easy to throw in my camera bag, like granola bars, to keep me unstoppable so these would be perfect. :)
So my favorite would have to be PB and strawberry jelly. My husband looooves uncrustables such an easy snack to grab and go.
My favorite combo is pb&j with strawberry jelly! I love uncrustables! When they first came out, I thought to myself ‘ew. those don’t look good.’ But after hearing a friend of mine rave about them, I had to try it for myself and it was love at first bite!
PB and strawberry jam is my favorite. We haven’t tried Uncrustables yet though.
I love crunchy peanut butter and honey…I have never tried an uncrustable…I would love the prize though…I print so many photos.!
I love me some PB&J! My favorite combo is crunchy peanut butter and apricot preserves – YUM!
This printer is awesome, too!
What’s your favorite PB&J flavor combo?
Creamy peanut butter and grape jelly
Are you a fan of Uncrustables?
How does Uncrustables keep your family unstoppable?
As a hypoglysimic person– these are easy and fast grabs for me! Love them!
I love grape jelly with my pb! I take uncrustables with us on road trips! They are thawed by lunchtime and the kids love them! Great for the car too!
Pb and strawberry
Yummy! Love grape!
I’ve never heard of these, but they look like I should have some on hand for my grand kids!
Ooooh! What an adorable little printer! :) Our favorite PB&J combo is with strawberry jam! Might have to give uncrustables a taste! :)
PB&J is all good… any flavor!
I love extra crunchy with grape jelly.
WOW-awesome giveaway! My favorite combo is crunchy pb, grape jelly and butter, but I can also just have the pb and jelly. Haven’t tried the Uncrustables, but would certainly like to give them a try. Thanks Smuckers for the chance to win.
My favorite PB&J sandwich has always been peanut butter/grape jelly. Mmmmmm….yummy! I’ve never tried Uncrustables but they sound pretty good and I think I’m going to have to try them soon. Thanks!
I love the classic PB & Grape Jelly sandwich! I used to live on uncrustables in college! I love them!
Grape jelly is my fav!
I’m a traditionalist PB & grape jelly. These are great for having to rush out the door – no time to eat. I want a teeny tiny cute printer! :)
We LOVE Uncrustables!! They’re so yummy and convenient – perfect for a snack on the go, or a last minute lunchbox. At home, PB & J is probably the favorite.. along with PB & Bananas :)
they are awesome… so convenient… just pull them out of the freezer and they are ready to eat by lunchtime…
My favorite is pb and strawberry!
We haven’t tried Uncrustables at our house yet, but I can already tell it is something that my daughter would LOVE! Peanut butter and jelly is her favorite lunch right now.
Love pb & j with some homemade fresh strawberry jam! Haven’t tried the unscrustables but I want to now!
Peanut butter with homemade strawberry jam!! I’ve never tried uncrustables but they sound delicious!!!
My grandsons love those! They love both strawberry and grape jellies and uncrustables for their school lunch.
Thanks for giveaway. Diana
My favorite PB & J combo is smooth peanut butter with bonne maman raspberry preserves. I’ve never had uncrustables, but I would definitely try them!
My mom’s strawberry jam and all natural pb are the way to go! I lived on uncrustables in college … so good!
I love the grape pb&j! The uncrustables are great for my family who is always on the go!! Certainly helped me get thru my pregnancy too :)
Ohhh, how I would love to use this printer. Uncrustables are one of my favorite on the go snacks.
Thank you.
My favorite PB&J is the classic smooth peanut butter and grape jelly, cut in half on the diagonal! Honestly, I don’t believe I have ever had an uncrustable, but it’s never too late for that :)
I would have to go with peanut butter and raspberry jam. Or peanut butter and banana is always a favourite!!
Peanut Butter and Huckleberry Jam on bread, graham crackers, soda crackers or eggs! YUM! Peanut Butter with Honey is at the top too We love our Honey since we are Beekeepers!!Our Grandson is famished when he gets home from Preschool. Crustables are a great healthy snack in the afternoon. It tides him over till dinner. And we feel Good about that!!
Pbj and grape jelly. They make it easier some days when it’s really busy!
Love peanut butter (crunchy) with grape jelly. Yummy! I think I need to try Uncrustables for school lunches. Kids love fun shapes.
Classic pb & grape jelly!! Sometimes it’s the perfect snack or dinner when you don’t have any plans :)
My favorite peanut butter and jelly combo is grape with chunky peanut butter. I haven’t tried uncrustables yet so it would be fun to try!
My favorite is PB and strawberry!
Our family LOVES Uncrustables!!! This amazing amazing amazing product makes our life SOOO much easier and our kids happy!!!! PB&J are the best!!!!
Love PB and strawberry jam! Never tried Uncrustables before.
I love pb and grape jelly or pb with my homemade strawberry freezer jam. Love the Uncrustables for trips to the mesuem or zoo with my kiddos. It makes packing lunch super easy and is MUCH cheaper on my budget than getting fast food while we are out and about.
Toasted PB&J with grape jelly!
My kids love Uncrustables. PB & strawberry!
My favorite is the PB and Raspberry on wheat. Prefect for a quick breakfast when we’re running late int he morning. And since I hate crust… these are the greatest thing ever invented. :) Thanks Smucker’s!
I love crunchy peanut butter and strawberry jam. Great giveaway!
I like crunchy peanut butter with raspberry jam! I’ve never had Uncrustables, but I’m sure my kids would love them!
I love Pb&j with strawberry jelly. I have tried them and do like them. They are great when we are busy all summer out and about.
I like the PB and grape jelly uncrustables! They are yummy!!
Would love to win this cool printer!
Uncrustables PB&grape jelly are perfect for those quick snacks and lunches!
My favorite is the classic grape & crunchy pb, however I live it with corn tortilla chips in the middle.
We’ve not tried uncrustables yet but look to try them soon.
Raspberry jelly and crunchy PB!
Love peanut butter and grape jelly!!!! Never have tried an uncrustable….
This is an AWESOME giveaway. I like a good old fashion PB&J with a glass of milk!!
I personally love peanut butter with strawberry jam. Unfortunately my kids are allergic to peanuts, so they enjoy sunflower seed butter! I love uncrustables and hope someday my kids outgrow their allergies so I can give them these! Thanks for the great giveaway!
PB-extra crunch and grape jelly! I will definitely try Uncrustabels-didn’t know they existed. Thanks for the info!
Peanut butter and strawberry is still my all time favorite.
Peanut butter with blackberry jam – yum! Can’t wait to try uncrustables. They sound like my kind of snack!
What kid likes crusts??!! That’s why uncrustables ROCK!!! And any combo of PB & Jelly is a-ok!
Strawberry for sure :)!
Uncrustables are great cause I don’t have to cut the crust off myself lol
I’m allergic to peanut butter, but my wife and son love the stuff. Raspberry jam is my favorite though!
I enjoy my PB crunchy and usually use strawberry preserves for the J! Of course, I also like to use Biscoff and nutella!
Pb and raspberry is the best!
I love PB and strawberry jelly. :). I haven’t had uncrustables yet but plan to buy them soon because my daughter is starting to LOVE pb and j!
Strawberry and peanut butter is the only way to go :)
PB&J with grape jelly — classic is the best! I do like Uncrustables — all the best parts of the sandwich!
Creamy peanut butter and Smuckers grape jelly every time.
Peanut butter ( smooth or crunch ) ( hubby like smooth only!) and Strawberry yum.
would you believe me if i said i didn’t like peanut butter? gasp, i know! but my boyfriend does, and he loves his pb&j. he uses a peanut butter/honey blend with strawberry jelly. yum to the strawberry and honey part!
Hi Amanda! I love strawberry jam and extra crunchy peanut butter for my PB&Js! I’ve never had Uncrustables but I def will go try them now!
My favorite is creamy peanut butter and blackberry jam on fresh white bread. Yum, yum good!
This may be weird, but I love my PB&J’s with popcorn! ;) I’ve never tried Uncrustables. They seem fun and simple, though!
I love peanut butter and pear jam the best. Uncrustables make eating lunch on the go better.
My favorite Crustables flavor is the whole wheat strawberry. Love em’ cold! :)
I’m a crunchy peanut butter only fan; no jelly for me. But both my husband and daughter like pb & grape jelly sandwiches.
I love peanut butter and raspberry jam mixed together and then mounded on Italian bread. My.family loves how handy uncrustables are on a busy morning. I love having them for right after school before our many after school activities and sports!
Uncrustables are our families choice for PB&J sandwiches
My winning combination is reduced fat creamy Jif with Smucker’s sugar free apricot preserves!
Peanutbutter and Grape!
I love the PB & strawberry jam combo! Love how they’re portable and ready to go! Yummy, yummy, yummy!
I’ve never tried them but this makes me anxious to do so!
Um, Strawberry and PB is the ONLY combination! Love it! And I’ve never had uncrustables…but I’ll definitely try them!
Pb & strawberry
never tried uncrustables but i bet they would be great for the kids lunches.
My favorite pb&j combination is peanut butter and blueberry jam. I do like Uncrustables in both strawberry and grape flavors. I like to have a box or two on hand in the freezer and then eat one for a quick and delicious little snack.
I’m a peanut butter and honey fan, myself! That or blackberry jam (homemade, of course!) :)
Uncrustables are great for on the go. I keep them in the freezer and by lunch, they’re thawed out, but still cold!
Old favorite, peanut butter and grape jelly! A big fan of this great invention, and no stopping to cut crusts off keeps you going!
PB and strawberry jam-the best!
This is a great give-away! I teach Kindergarten/First and this printer would be GREAT in my classroom. Thanks Smuckers!
We love jelly sandwiches for snack – sorry, we are a nut free school:) It is fun to cut them into different shapes. Uncrustables jelly would be a great treat.
What a great giveaway… love all flavors and this makes my morning routine so much faster!!! Keeps the rest of their lunch cold also… a win win!
Funky Fresh Firsties
My favorite is Creamy peanut butter with raspberry jam.
PB & honey with a sprinkle of cinnamon on top. So yummy!
Pb&strawberry jam! Yummy!
Crunchy peanut butter and strawberry jelly! My boys love Uncrustables!
Love Pb and grape jelly on fresh white bread!
Have never tried uncrustables~
Would love to win!!
We love peanut butter and grape jelly at my house. I’m a caregiving grandma for my 3yo granddaughter five days a week. Believe it or not I send these in my husbands lunch. In the evening when it’s time to pack his lunch I’m tired. It’s nice to just reach for these.
My favorite PB&J combo is creamy Peanut Butter & Strawberry jelly! Yum! Uncrustables are awesome for on-the-go eating!
I haven’t tried Uncrustables but will now. I love Smucker’s and strawberry is my favorite. My kids are older but you are never too old for peanut butter and jam. I love the printer…how awesome would this be to use to take pictures of all the pedi patients my therapy dog, Bubba, and I visit. Bubba loves PP&J too:)
I love both the Grape and Strawberry….they are so darn good….
I love chunky peanut butter and grape jelly!
Yumm!! Peanut butter and raspberry? Yes, please!
Smooth pb and homemade strawberry jam!
Peanut butter and grape jelly on white bread..my favorite! Uncrustables are delicious, easy snacks..love them.
i love peanut butter and pineapplejam, and my hubby love peanut butter with grape jelly
I like Peanut Butter and Grape. I have never tried the Uncrustables but I would like to.
creamy Jif and grape jelly for this girl! never had an uncrustable either!
I love peanut butter with grape jell, it is my favorite. I do enjoy – uncrustables – they are quick & easy!
Thanks for the opportunity to win – what fun!
Classic grape jelly and smooth peanut butter for me!
My fave is honey peanut butter and raspberry jam. I am yet to try the Uncrustables!
Unfortunately I can’t eat them as I have a gluten sensitivity and get really sick if I eat wheat or gluten containing products. . . Hope that doesn’t keep me from being an entry in the contest for the printer :) If I win the Uncrustables I will give them to my kids :)
We love Uncrustables cold!
I love peanut butter and honey sandwiches.
Love, love, love black raspberry jam! Mmmmmmmmmmmmmm!!!!!
As for Uncrustables? My son would have the PB & honey ones EVERY day in his lunch!
I love the uncrustables PB&J sandwiches! They are so easy to throw in lunch boxes and send to school!!
peanut butter with raspberry jam is my favorite!
Peanut Butter and Nutella and Uncrustables!
I love pb & nutella, that keeps my family happy! I add bananas to my sandwich :) Thank you for the chance to win a printer!
I’ve never tried the uncrustables, but they sound great! I had a peanut butter and blackberry preserves (Smucker’s) the other day and that is my favorite all time peanut butter and jelly sandwich!
You can’t beat Smooth PB and grape jelly!!
Absolutely love the peanut butter and strawberry baby!!!
My fav is peanut butter and strawberry jam! My kiddos love uncrustables when we’re in a hurry! And easy to toss in a lunch box.
My favorite is good old creamy peanut butter and jelly! Being the mom of 4 I LOVE Uncrustables! They make errands, road trips, and even park visits so easy! I just throw a few in our bag and we have a yummy filling snack on the go. They’re a brilliant idea! ^_^
My favorite flavor is raspberry jam! thanks for the chance to win!!
I’ve heard of Uncrustables before… but never got a chance to try it. I had to look up the flavors and I definitely have to say, the Raspberry Spread on Whole Wheat looks mighty delicious. I must try it :) Thank you for sharing!
My favorite PB & J combo is crunchy peanut butter and homemade strawberry preserves on good white bread. A special treat!
We love uncrustables. We always have the peanut butter and grape jelly ones in our freezer. Thanks for the chance to win this Selphy Printer!
Good ole grape is my favorite!!!
My boys loooove pb&js! These are great and easy!
Peanut butter and grape or strawberry jam are my favorites! I haven’t had uncrustables but my kids like them as snacks. Thanks for the chance to win!
I’ve never tried unscrutables before, but they sure sound amazing!!
my husband loves the uncrustables! i love pb and raspberry jam :)
We love Grape jelly but with soy butter! We have peanuts allergies.
I am a old fashioned girl. My one and only love is grape jelly with creamy peanut butter. Throw in a tall glass of cold milk and I will love you forever. Uncrustusables keep our family going since they are so portable. A few in my purse can get us through any interstate traffic jam.
I Love me some PB and blackberry jam. These are so so to go!
PB + Grape Jelly. Uncrustables got me through my pregnancy. They were the only thing I craved thoughout and didn’t make me nauseous. And I still love them!
AHWWWW!!!! What a pity!! I reside in China and am loosing out on this WONDERFUL opportunity to taste UNCRUSTABLES and to win one of these fantastic printers!! Good luck to you all!! XxX
i love them all
thanks for the giveaway! so awesome! i love the pb&grape jelly. yum!!! so excited!!!
Do I have to choose? There are lots of combos I like but I think the best is pb and strawberry jam!
Mmm..peanut butter and mango jelly! Delicious. :)
This looks like a great printer so even if I don’t win I’ll buy one! Free is preferred though, lol.
Classic pb and grape jelly!
Pb and grape jelly is my favourite.
favorite PB&J combo? Peanut Butter & Blackberry jam. Yum! Haven’t tried Uncrustables yet.
What’s your favorite PB&J flavor combo?
The classic Peanut Butter and Grape Jelly of course!
Are you a fan of Uncrustables?
How does Uncrustables keep your family unstoppable?
We “heart” them because they are simple, quick, easy, and my grandmother loves how soft they are on her teeth.
Read more at http://www.kevinandamanda.com/giveaway/awesome-giveaway-for-a-portable-mini-photo-printer-12-winners.html#ixzz2MciWfb2H
Pb and blackberry jam, lovely!
I haven’t tried them yet but they sound lovely. Must look out for them. Great giveaway.
I’m a sucker for the classic strawberry jam and smooth pb!
Favorite combo peanut butter and strawberry jam on oat nut bread, yummmmm
Raspberry and smooth peanut butter! I love Uncrustables and that the bread thaws unsoggy! Plus the jelly to peanut butter portioning is perfect! The Best!
I’ve never had these but I prefer to make my delicious sandwiches by hand. Can’t get more personal than mixing jams in that sweet baby!
My fav uncrustable is ob and GRAPE jelly. These keep energized and satisfied when I’m on the go between work, school and the gym! Yum-o!
PB&J is a main staple in this house! We prefer to eat our PB with strawberry jelly, but my husband isn’t picky & will eat any kind of jelly. Thanks for the chance to win!!
Smooth peanut butter and strawberry jam is the best!
I love uncrustables. Haven’t eaten them much but love what I tried. My favorite combo is peanut butter and marshmallow cream. Yummers!!
my favorite is PB&J is creamy PB with raspberry or peach jam and a bit weird but sometimes I add potato chips if I have them. I have never heard of uncrustables but am adding to the grocery list for this week.
Peanut butter with Bama Apple jelly. To me, there is nothing better!
My favorite PB&J is smooth PB and raspberry jam
Have not tired uncrustables tho. Would love to win the prize!!!
I’m a fan of PB & Peach freezer jam like my Nanny used to make. : ) My family loves uncrustables for lunches on the go! I also print a ton of pics since I’m a scrapbooker! This printer would ROCK!
I love PB and strawberry!! What an awesome giveaway!! Thanks.
I haven’t gotten to try Uncrustables, but I would love to!
My fav is definitely creamy peanut butter with blueberry jam! Love it! And oh yes, I love Uncrustables. Even though I don’t have kids, they just make for such a quick, fun snack or meal. Really good. Love the peanut butter & strawberry Uncrustables.
I love peanut butter and honey :) :)
My favorite is peanut butter and raspberry jam!
Love the grilled cheese uncrustables! :)
We love smooth peanut butter with strawberry … Love uncrustables for quick lunches!!
Peanut butter and raspberry! This is a great giveaway, thanks for the opportunity.
Peanut Butter & Honey… Confession: I love Uncrustables to eat myself and I am a 41 year old grown adult.
My 9 yr old loves Uncrustables – they are a quick and easy grab before soccer or golf.
Our favorite PB combo’s tho are with Nutella or Marshmello Fluff – Nom Nom Nom!!
We love the peanut butter and grape jelly…Uncrustables help this busy mom of almost three/teacher get out the door (almost!) on time in the mornings!! :)
My favorite PB&J combo – creamy peanut butter with strawberry (but my fave PB sandwich is a fluffer nutter with bananas!) I haven’t tried Uncrustables, yet, but my kiddos like them. They are pretty convenient and cute!
I love crunchy PB with grape jelly! Uncrustables are yummy and convenient to take and run when I don’t have time to sit and eat. Thanks for the chance to win!
Love pb & grape jelly! Uncrustables are my go to snack. Love them!
I love just plain old PB & grape jelly! Reminds me of being a kid. I love the PB & grape uncrustables, although the ones with strawberry are great too :).
I like Skippy PB and homemade jam. But overall, I’m not all that picky when it comes to PB&J.
crunchy PB and blueberry jelly
My favorite combo is peanut butter and grape jelly. I’ve never had the uncrustables but looking forward to trying them!
Creamy PB with strawberry jam. The best sandwich ever! Uncrustable’s are great! Great quick snack/lunch on the go.
I’m more of a pb & fluff fan but the kids love the grape & strawberry uncrustables!
The kids love all the Uncrustables… its to hard to pick a favorite :)
Classic strawberry jelly and creamy PB.
My favorite flavor would have to be strawberry.
Blackberry jam and crunchy peanut butter!!!
My favorite has got to be peanut butter and jelly unceustables–yum! Especially good slightly frozen ;)
Ok are you ready? WHEAT bread is a must with RASPBERRY (real raspberries) jam and CRUNCHY pb (not organic yuck). I love the crust on bread, but uncrustables look like something I’d indulge in! :)
It has to be creamy peanut butter with grape jam!
Peanut butter and nutella!
I love peanut butter and grape jelly! I am now aware of uncrustables and will give them a try! No crusts and convenience will help make life easier for any family! I hope there is a wheat bread option too. Thanks for the opportunity to enter!
We love PB and grape… And we love Uncrustables, my 8 year old has started packing her own lunches an they make it soooo easy!!
I like crunchy peanut butter with strawberry rhubarb jam.