
How To See Who Visits Your Blog

This easy tutorial shows you How to See Who Visits Your Blog and what your readers want to see next! Make your blog the best it can be with this simple step-by-step guide!

How to See Who Visits Your Blog

If you’ve ever wondered who visits your blog, there’s a fun site you can use to see what your readers are interested in — and what they like most about your site. By placing the invisible code on your site, you’ll get answers to questions like:

  • How many people visited my blog today?
  • Who links to my blog?
  • Does my blog show up in search engines?
  • What are my most popular posts?
  • Do my readers click on the links I recommend?

And many more. Here’s a quick peek into Statcounter, and what I like most about it!


Check Your Summary

How many people visited my blog today? How many were brand new visitors? How many had been here before?

How to See Who Visits My Blog

When I first login to Statcounter, I start off by checking the Summary. This lets me know how many people have visited my blog so far today, along with a comparison chart for the past seven (7) days.  I can see the number of unique visitors, the number of pages they viewed, and whether or not they were a returning reader.


Your Blog’s Popular Pages

What are people looking at on my blog? What are my most popular posts?

How to See Who Visits My Blog

Another fun stat to check is Popular Pages. It’s important to note that Statcounter monitors your readers’ behavior in real-time, for the last 500 readers to your blog. This page will tell you what is the most popular post on your blog right now. It may be different if you check back tomorrow, or even later in the day!

How to See Who Visits My Blog

Something neat you can do from Popular Pages is click on the little magnifying glass beside one of your posts, then click on Came From in the blue box that appears next. Like the image above, this will show you how your readers are arriving at this particular post. As you can see from the example above, my most popular post gets a lot of traffic from Pinterest, with some hits from Facebook, Stumble Upon, and Google as well.


Where Your Viewers are Coming From

How are people finding my blog? Who’s linking to my blog?

How to See Who Visits My Blog

Speaking of Came From — this is probably my most favorite feature of Statcounter. Click on Came From in the menu list on the left side, and you’ll see a list of your top referring links. This is how people are finding your blog — you can see who’s linking to and talking about your blog!


Keyword Analysis

Does my blog show up in search engines? What do people search for that leads them to my blog?

How to See Who Visits My Blog

Another way readers can find your blog is through search engines like Google, Yahoo, and Bing. By the way, if I was writing this post 15 years ago, I would’ve said “search engines like HotBot, Lycos, and DogPile“. Wonder what the search engines will be 15 years from now! Anyway, Keyword Analysis will show you what search terms readers are using the find your site. Some of them can be quite entertaining! Keyword Analysis sorts the search terms by the most popular terms.

How to See Who Visits My Blog

You can also click on Recent Keyword Activity to see a list of search latest search terms used to find your site — with real-time accuracy. What’s neat about this page is you can see if people found your site from a certain search engine, if it was an image search, and how high your blog showed up in the results list. For example, check out the first two results in the screenshot above. This person searched for “30 day shred before and after” on Google and my blog was the 14th result that appeared for them. The next reader searched for “cookie dough oreo brownie” on Google, and my blog was the first result that appeared for them.


Link Activity

Do my readers click on the sites I link to? Are they clicking on links to blogs or products I recommend?

How to See Who Visits My Blog

If you’ve shared a link on your blog or in a post, you can view your Exit Link stats to tell if people actually clicked on it. Again, since Statcounter monitors your readers in real-time, this will show what people are clicking on right now. For example, this might be extremely helpful to check if you shared a round-up of links. This will show you the most popular links that people are clicking on, giving you a better idea of what your readers are interested in.


Visitor Paths

What do people do on my blog? What pages do they look at? What links do they click on?

How to See Who Visits My Blog

Visitor Paths — now this is a fun one if you’ve ever wondered what people do on your blog! Do they read one page and leave? Do they click around and keep reading? What do they click on? Click on Visitor Paths and it will show you, in order of your most recent visitor, exactly what they did and what they looked at on your blog. For example, the reader above came from a link on Facebook. They landed at the Ultimate Layered Cookie Dough Oreo Brownies page, and from there they kept on clicking! They looked at cookie dough cupcakes, photos of Louie, Savannah, and Mexico. Fun!

How to See Who Visits My Blog

Click on the magnifying glass beside a reader on the Visitor Paths page, and you’ll see even more information about this particular reader, like how many times they’ve visited your blog before and how long they stayed on your blog for this visit.



The best part about Statcounter is that it’s super easy to install, and you’ll start seeing your stats right away. When you sign up for an account, all you have to do is click on the blogging platform you have (Blogger, Tumblr, WordPress, etc) and it will walk you through how to install the code with a step-by-step photo tutorial.

Happy Statcounting! :)

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88 Responses
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  2. Taylor

    Hi there,

    Sorry I’m a little late to the game. Thanks for this post, I’ll have to check this out! I noticed one of the options is country/state/city…etc. Or something of that nature. Does this mean that you can specifically see where your visitors are reading from? 

  3. Brian Abela

    Hi Amanda and Kevin, just discovered this Blog post through a Google search as I was trying to find something that could help me keep track of my analytics. I have to send out a huge thank you to you for providing this article. I now have Statcounter installed on my website and cannot wait to see what stats come in, in the coming days.

    I’ve also bookmarked your website and will visit regularly!
    Thanks again!

  4. Dana

    Very interesting! I came across your very informative post when I was looking to see if I could see the amount of traffic my blog gets daily. The site you provided, doesn’t this compromise a person’s privacy online?

  5. Cheresa

    Thanks very much! I am a new blogger and just installed Stat Counter on my blog! Thanks very much for the detailed explanation!

  6. Tracy

    Thank you so much for this information, it was so helpful. I’m a very nervous person when it comes to changing the html code, I’m so afraid I’ll mess something up, but this was super easy…Thanks again.

  7. Amber

    I’m a total newbie to the world of blogging so I really appreciate your clear step-by-step instructions (I used your mouse-over pin it button tutorial too). Thanks for explaining what all the stats mean!

  8. Sheryl

    I’ve been trying to figure out which analytic tool to add to give me the detail I need about my blog traffic. This was exactly what I needed, and Site Counter is now happily installed on my site!

  9. lucien

    I just installed StatCounter on my blog. Like Kat, I can’t wait to try blocking my own visits (cuz most of them are from me–trying to remember how I did things in blogger, between postings). Your font tutorial is the BEST! Thanks for all the things you share. You, Keven, and the kids are awesome!!!

  10. Shawnee

    After reading this post, I installed StatCounter on my site. What an informative and fun tool! Thanks so much for sharing!

  11. Shannon

    This is absolutely golden! Thanks!!! I’ll be hanging around here for a bit more tonight before heading over to StatCounter for my account… :)

  12. melita

    Thank you so much for this post! I was so curious to see who visits me etc. and didnt know it can be so simple with statcounter. Just signed up and cant wait to see first results :)

    1. melita

      one more thing, I’d love to have comment box like yours. Do you maybe have any tutorial how to do that? Or you could make one? :) Thanks!

  13. Becca @ Amuse Your Bouche

    Love this walkthrough, thanks! I have Google Analytics but don’t really like it much, Statcounter sounds much more my thing. Just signed up for it :)

    PS – it’s a bit creepy just how much info you’re able to get on each individual visitor! Feels like someone’s watching us browsing the Internet hehe

  14. Johannah

    I wonder if stat counter would register the ip every time your webpage shows up in search results BUT not click on your site?

  15. Shannon's Tales of Motherhood

    Thanks for the step-by-step instructions on how to see who visits our blogs! This post gives me more motivation to work on my blog because now I can see what my visitors like and how many visits as well as where they linked in from! Now I’m wondering does it show the information only from the time I install the StatCounter or will it show my entire history from when I started my blog? ( I quess I can check out that information once I install it huh!)

    I love how-to posts when it comes to blogging related topics, I’m happy I came accross your blog and I hope you keep posting how-to’s!!

  16. Jennifer

    Thank you so much for this post and your website in general. I am new here but have already learned so much valuable information from your site. You are truly a blessing to me and my websites in progress. Oh and I am even attempting a few or your do it yourself projects. Awesome!

  17. Jesse Morris

    After doing a good hour of visitor tracking research I came upon your blog.
    Your thorough description and how-to on StatCounter has finalized my decision. Thanks!

  18. Amy

    I appreciate your how-to’s more than I can tell you. You describe things step-by-step and don’t use all of the over my head lingo. When trying to figure out something for my blog, yours is the first look to for information! Thank you.

  19. Kate

    {sigh} How I covet your designing skills. I’m trying to put a blog together and, alas, am *so* not able to do all that I want! Little by little, right?

  20. Mama Laughlin

    Hey Amanda! Great tutorial!

    I have a question for you. On my blog when you view the comments, it only shows the first 200 comments… I can’t seem to find out how to access the other comments if there are more than that. (which there RARELY are, but I’m hosting a lot of giveaways lately, so there have been a lot).

    If you can point me in the right direction I’d really appreciate it.
    I’ve tried entering html codes already to try and add a pager to the comments, but it hasn’t worked??

    Thanks a ton!

  21. Angie

    Hi Amanda. I love all of your tutorials! , but I really appreciate you sharing all of the blogging secrets I have not figured out yet. Having it broken down into several easy steps makes me believe I may not be as computer illiterate as I think I am : )

  22. Julie {Angry Julie Monday}

    Seriously, this is amazing! Thank you so much for doing this. I’ve been using Sitemeter for five years, and Google Analytics is sooo confusing to me. Your step-by-step tutorial immediately had me re-installing Statcounter and configuring the plug-in.


  23. Line

    I just registered my blog there and I already love it. Super interesting!! Thanks for telling us about it. If you wonder who keeps popping by from Denmark, well, then that’s me. I love your site. Have a wonderful weekend ;-)

  24. christina @ ovenadventures

    I installed this last night. I was showing my totally not at all interested boyfriend all the neat things like where people visited from and what posts they liked. Even he thought it was cool.
    I think for a newer blogger it’s really invaluable because you can see more than just referring site and top posts.
    Thanks for the info!

  25. Lori @ RecipeGirl

    Amanda, do you have Google Analytics code installed as well? I use that and I’m wondering if there is a need/advantage for having both?

  26. Tabitha (From Single to Married)

    LOVE State Counter. I’ve been using way before it was probably cool. And how many things can I say that about?

    (found you from PW’s site, btw. Figured I’d tell you so you don’t have to look.) :)

  27. Carla Walker

    I have been following your blog for a few months now, and I get your new posts sent right to my email. I love that feature! I have been blogging for about a year now, and I just started a brand new blog this week, which is really a continuation of the old blog, but more specific to me and I am trying to make a habit of posting at least once per week. With starting the new blog, your recent posts on blogging have been very helpful! I put a pinit button on my posts (although the picture doesnt show-not sure why), and I cant wait until my blog gets more popular so I can use this site as well! Thank you so much for helping out fellow bloggers! I love your site!!!! :)

  28. Haunani

    Amazing post! I have statcounter on my blog and LOVE it, but reading this post helped me get even MORE out of it. Thanks so much. And how in the heck do you have that many visitors? I’ve had my blog for over a year and only have 16 followers and maybe 75 visitors on an average day. You’re amazing!

  29. Kristen

    As always, such an informative post. That much data hurts my head, but there is some of it I’d love to know. Thanks for the info :)

  30. Angela Watts

    Hmmm, might have to look into this. I already run GA and use the AWStats in my CP…but this looks like it might be more intuitive.

  31. Kat

    Thank you for sharing this! I already added it to my blog and found out how to block my own visits (cuz then I’d be at about 100 per day, just from me, lol)…
    I love your tips, thanks again!

  32. Amy @ All In A Day

    What a great site!! Thank you so much for sharing! I literally was just looking last night for a site that will let me easily see who links back to my blog!! This is perfect! xoxo

  33. Angie

    Thanks for this post, Amanda! I barely look at Google Analytics because there is so much info, it is almost useless to me. I use Feedjit to see where my traffic is coming from in real-time, but I’m totally going to have to try Statcounter. I used something similar, but it was slowing down my site so I got rid of it. Thanks so much for the recommendation!! You rock! :)

  34. Diana

    This is so cool and interesting! I’ve been too intimidated to start a blog b/c I’m afraid I don’t have time to keep up with it w/ 2 kids and a full time job (oh and a husband to spend ‘quality time’ with. But this makes me want to start one! I love that these stats are available!

  35. Susie

    Thanks! I am so new at blogging…made one post in 2010, two in 2011 and now have done three in 2012! It can be intimating to get going – I will definitely use this information.

    I enjoy reading yours – the trip to the Tennessee mountains was gorgeous, our family spent last Easter in Gatlinburg.


  36. The Mrs @ Success Along the Weigh

    I don’t know how I forgot about Statcounter! I was obsessed with it when I very first started blogging years ago on a different site. I might have to revisit it!

  37. Gina @ Running to the Kitchen

    Oh boy, I think this might be another analytics tool I’ll need to install (and subsequently become obsessed with) I can already lose hours between WP stats, GA and my host’s stats!

  38. Mindy

    So the truth is out! Amanda, you must now know that I am addicted to your site and I am your biggest fan. ssshh.. don’t tell anyone ;)

  39. Kelley

    This is super interesting. I am wondering, though, do I show up as a reader/visitor if I am reading your blog through Google Reader? I’d hate for bloggers who work so hard to miss out on traffic registering because of that.

    1. Amanda

      Hey Kelley, that’s a great question. No, you don’t show up as a visitor if you are reading the blog through Google Reader. Only if you are actually on will you show up as traffic. Hope this helps! :)

  40. Averie @ Love Veggies and Yoga

    I’ve had statcounter installed for almost 2 years on my blog and love it! But I never knew what it all meant and don’t poke around with it too much. I click on referring traffic/came from most often because of course I wonder how they got to me.

    And can you believe how much traffic you get from Pinterest? If you’re anything like me, it’s probably done more for you blog than 10 other things combined. It’s truly been a gift…on so many levels. I love Pinterest and it’s my favorite time suck ever :)

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Kevin and Amanda

We love to travel and to eat! Here we share our favorite quick and easy recipes, plus travel tips and guides for our favorite places around the world. If you have any questions about what camera I use or how I edit my photos, check out my photography tutorials.


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