
An inspired gift idea for your holiday shopping list. (And you can win it!)


Inspired is most definitely the first thing that came to mind when I first visited Lisa Leonard’s charming blog and beautiful custom handmade jewelry store. Wow! I just love it! :) Seriously- love reading about her darling family, her fashion (ultra hip!), her photography (so stunning and serene) and her sense of style is so what I want to be! I browsed pages and pages of her blog– her color inspiration posts are my favorite!! :)


Meet Lisa – so sweet :) and look! A scarf! :D Ya’ll know I’m a sucker for scarves. ;)

When Lisa contacted me about doing a giveaway on, I was thrilled. Thrilled, thrilled, thrilled! :) Beyond thrilled. And honored!! Just look where all Lisa’s been featured! :)

If you have someone special on your Christmas list this year, or are wondering what to get the hard-to-buy-for mom, sister or friend who has everything?? :) You’ll definitely want to check out Lisa’s designs. And you’ll probably want to leave the browser window open on your dear husband’s computer too! ;)

Just look at a few of these delightful pieces by Lisa! :)

Custom Handmade Family Tree Necklace
Oh my goodness. It’s a family tree necklace!! A hand-stamped tree with each family member’s name stamped around the edge! This is just too sweet. :)

lisa-leonard-giveaway- custom handmade sterling silver jewelryLove these whimsical flowers and the pearl adds such a delicate touch!

lisa-leonard-giveaway Custom Handmade Sterling Silver JewelryBeautiful. Just beautiful.

lisa-leonard-giveaway Custom Handmade Sterling Silver Jewelry

Love this vintage key- the XO stamped down at the bottom just puts it over the top!! So sweet :)

lisa-leonard-giveaway cream freshwater pearl drop earrings

This is what’s on my Christmas list this year. Kevin gave me a traditional pearl necklace for our wedding, and recently I’ve been thinking about getting some pearl studs to go with it. But when I saw these- I knew they were the ones. :)

Okok- So I know you’re dying to know more about the giveaway!! Lisa is generously giving away not one but TWO $50 gift certificates!! Two lucky winners will take home a $50 gift certificate to spend however and on whomever they choose! (I’m still trying to figure out how I can keep both of them for myself! ;))

We have our winners!!!

Congratulations to……..

#6 Megan Hawkins and #448 Erin!!

You guys are our winners!!! Sweet! I know ya’ll are going to love whatever you pick out! :)

blog giveaway winner

blog giveaway winner

Thanks so much everyone for making this such a fun giveaway! I loved reading all your entries and seeing what you’d pick! :) Have a safe and Happy Thankgiving!! :)

To Enter This Giveaway…

All you have to do is leave a comment on this post! How would YOU spend your $50 gift certificate?? Leave me a link to your favorite piece! :) And would you keep it for yourself? Or do you have the perfect recipient in mind?? :)

The Details…

One entry per person please! Two winners will be randomly chosen by their comment number using’s number generator. This contest will run until Wednesday, November 25, 2009 at 9:00 pm CST. Check back Wednesday night to see if you won!! Winners will be added to the bottom of this post! :)

Thanks so much for looking and good luck!!! :)

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518 Responses
  1. Lisa Marie

    I love love the dress she is wearing with that great scarf and the jewelry is so divine… Love it all awesome

  2. Julie

    First of all, I love, love love your website. It is on my list of super favorite things!!!! As for Lisa’s creations, it is very hard to choose just one thing but I would have to say the open circle bracelet is my favorite. I would want to keep it all for me but I would have give it to my precious daughter-in-law and then buy another to give to my precious daughter-in-law-to-be!!

  3. Hani

    oh no!! I missed!! T_T” I really love the whimsical flowers.. oh I hope you’ll giveaway another haha. love them! :D

  4. Jane F Mykleby

    Love the family tree, birds and lanterns…not sure which I would get…how bout one of each. Love your blog. Congrats on the weightloss, btw.

  5. Christina Lee

    Love, love, love the necklaces. Have been looking for one like them with my kiddos names (Carter and William). LOVE THEM!

  6. Sue Flynn

    Oh my! Lisa’s jewelry is just wonderful. What a natural talent she has, and so creative. Thanks for sharing.

  7. Vicki

    I would LOVE to get a family tree necklace, but I know my family is not complete yet…

    So I would definately ge the “be still” necklace you showcased in your post!

  8. Kathy

    I would buy a necklace for myself … and ignore the fact that I’m only supposed to buy for others so close to Christmas!

  9. Kari W.

    I sooooo love them! I would love have the family tree necklace!!! I’m just not sure if all 5 kids would fit on it. Not to mention my best friend would love the friend necklace, how beautiful!

  10. Stephanie

    They are all so unique and beautiful!! I would have to say my favorite though is the flowers with the pearl. It’s dainty, girlie, yet fun at the same time! If I win, I will keep me for myself… :) I like it too much to give away!

  11. Km

    As a fellow Alabamian, I love reading your site.

    As far as the jewelry goes – love it! Probably get my Mom something with the gift certificate.

    Thanks and keep writing!

  12. Danielle

    If I won the $50, I’d buy a pair of earrings for my mother-in-law for Christmas. I just know she’d love Lisa’s jewelry.

  13. Robyn Ketzbeck

    All of her pieces are so beautiful but I would really really like to win the Family Tree necklace so give to my mom this year for Christmas. This is a tough year for my husband and I and we are very low on funds for Christmas and for the 1st time will not be able to purchase gifts so I am going to make my own gifts by creating wonderful baskets with my homemade chocolates but I would really love to present this to my mom for all the help and love she has always shown us!

    Thank you so much for the chance to win such beauty and Happy Turkey Day!

    Scrappin Robyn

  14. Michaeleen

    Thank you for in turning us on to that website. I LOVE everything there. I really like the family tree and would love to get it for my mother. What a generous give away!

  15. Cindy

    Wow! I just love the whimsical flowers with “friend” on the back. This is a PERFECT gift for my childhood friend’s birthday this week. She loves sterling silver jewelry as I do! What else to buy with the certificate…well, of course, one of each! Thanks for giving us a chance to win and for introducing another winning artist’s works!

  16. Dandelion Daydreamer

    Think I am in love with the friend necklace :) over 400 entries later I think I will be unrequited love! Loving your blog btw x

  17. Tera

    I love this website, in fact I asked the ladies at Lisa Leonard to make personalized charms for my volleyball girls on my volleyball team. If I won, I would put the $50 toward the pearl earrings for myself…I love them so!

  18. Courtney

    My second baby is due on Christmas and one of these adorable charm necklaces with my little one’s names would be the perfect gift. :) Love them!!

  19. Rachel

    Oh my! I can not believe how beautiful some of her stuff is! Love the one with the flowers….no wait, the one with the key…nope, I LOVE them all!! So creative!

  20. Laurel A

    soooo cute. and perfectly simple! love reading the blog and all the great ideas. love the bird themed necklaces. fingers crossed that one will be coming my way!

  21. Steffanie S

    So hard to decide! For now I have it narrowed down to 3, all necklaces—captured heart, jumble of charms and my heart. I guess if I win, I will have a decision to make! Darn!

  22. Evil Pixie

    These pieces are gorgeous! If I won, I would spend my gift certificate spoiling my little sister. She totally deserves it, especially after the year she has had. Little luxuries are not something she can do for herself right now, so this big sister would do it for her.

  23. Valerie

    I love the family tree! What a cute idea… I would definitely get one for my sweet mama who has always put us kids first. **HAPPY THANKSGIVING**

  24. Randa Pospisil

    I bought supplies a while back to attempt to make some of these on my own, but never have tackled it. I have admired them for a long, long time. Her designs are unique and everyone seems to love them!! Thanks for giveaway :)

  25. Amy Johnson

    I loved so many of her pieces…I can’t decide! But I do have to say the family tree necklace really stole my heart…it’s so beautiful!

  26. Chloe Gordon

    Oooo pick me PLEASE!! I love love love the pearl earings, it’s going to be very hard not to use the gift card on me :)! Thanks for doing the give-a-ways!!!

  27. Mandie

    I LOVE her jewelry! I will definetely be using her for Christmas this year ;) If I had $50 I would use it to buy some things from her. The family tree necklace is my favorite and I can’t decide if I would keep it for myself or give it to my mother-in-law.

  28. janene

    These are beautiful! I would most likely get the family tree necklace or the be still necklace. They are all amazing though…so hard to pick just one! Thanks Amanda for the amazing site!

  29. angela

    Oh.. there are so many nice things to choose… I’d choose one for my sister who has a wonderful little 2 year old – something sweet for her to have to remind her of him whilst she is at work.

  30. TJ

    These are so darling. I would give the gift to my daughter. I would choose “be still” or “sweet & simple birdie” necklace. Thank you!!!

  31. Hello Mommy Blog

    Hmm… so hard to choose…

    The friendship necklace is very cute, but I also love all the birds. I’m in a bird phase at the moment. Honestly… I’d wear any of them though. Great giveaway!

  32. Chelsea

    Thank you so much for the chance to win! These are beautiful, although I’d feel selfish I think I might just have to spend it on myself, it’s usually my kids or husband getting spoiled, so I think this time it would have to be my turn, and I think I would definately get the family tree neclace. Again thank you, I love your site.

  33. Michelle

    Wow very pretty I love everything I see…lol It is a toss for me. I like the family tree necklace cause I like Geneolgy. But would probley get the personalized key chains cause yesterday we put a offer in on a home and we got it. (Super excited but yet nervous….lol) With it being our first home to own would love a mememto key chain for our first home.

  34. Catrisha T

    I really love the earrings, but I would probably use the gift cert. for a Christmas gift for my mom (the family tree one) as I still have yet to get her something.

  35. Brianna

    Pioneer Women made a post about Lisa’s jewelry a few weeks ago and I absolutely love it! I’m definitely not super-girlie but this jewelry has the perfect amount of substance too it but is still feminine. I would love to get a necklace for myself as well as my mom, she never gets any jewelry and it would make an awesome Christmas present for her.

  36. Sara Watkins

    Hey I love your blog, it is the best! If I had 50 extra I would take my family out to a night at the movies, since it is so expensive to go anymore! I hope I win, wish me luck!

  37. Barb in FL

    Thank you so much for bringing to our attention these beautiful pieces of jewelery….great ideas for Christmas!!!

  38. erin

    pretty sure that her jewelry has been on my wish list forever! she is so talented & her stuff is darling. love it!

  39. Jamie H

    I am dying to win one of these necklaces! I’d love to get the Laundry Line necklace. I hate to be selfish but I’d keep it for myself!

  40. brooke

    I absolutely love everything on Lisa’s website! Such precious things…I would definetly want to give my mom the family tree necklace!

  41. Mandy

    I love the friendship necklace and the keychains too! I’d probably have to keep whatever I got for myself…just too cute to give away.

  42. Rachel - Once Upon A Miracle

    I have been a longtime Lisa Leonard fan (before she got popular, if there was even such a time!) I was going to say the “Wish” necklace for myself, cuz I’ve only ever given her beautiful items as gifts and thought it was about time for one for me :)

    But then I kept coming back to the “I hold your heart in mine” necklace ( and just fell in love with it for my sister.

    She was able to spend 25 hours with her beautiful Baby Gracie before Gracie took the hands of her angels. And this necklace would perfectly describe how she keeps Gracie with her everyday.

    So beautiful! Thanks for the chance at a giveaway!

  43. Gina D.

    Great site to send us all to! Love the family tree item you have included in your blog. What a great piece! Thanks!!!!

  44. Joanna

    YIKES! Doubtful I have a chance of winning with 400+ comments, but I’ll give it a go. I’m typically not a jewelry person. It’s not that I don’t want to be, I just don’t have time to find my style in jewelry. However, Lisa’s jewelry is truly amazing!!! If I won, I would purchase jewelry as gifts to my bride-to-be friends. I am in 3 weddings this Spring, yes, 3…it would be such a beautiful and thoughtful gift.

  45. molly jasso

    i love the friend one! if i would win i might get a gift for someone since the holidays are coming! however, the family tree charms are sooo sweet!

  46. Rhonda Turner

    I would give an initial necklace and probably get the earrings for me! Thanks for the chance. Have a Happy Thanksgiving!

  47. Denise

    I love the Family Tree Necklace, and also the Friend necklace. I would give it to my best friend, once I decided on which one!

    Thanks for the link.

  48. Kimberly Hlaing


    I love your site and your fabulous recipes! The jewelry on here is amazing. I hope I win!

    Kim H

  49. Melanie

    I can’t decide what piece I love more. They are all so beautiful. I would definitely buy myself something if I won the gift certificate.

  50. monica

    I love her style too. The family tree necklace has got to be the best. As much as i wouldlike to buy, i would give it to my mom. :)

  51. Keers

    I just died over the family tree! I just had our sweet little third girl last week. I’d love to have a fun new family necklace for my girls!

  52. Chelsea D.

    Wow, beautiful jewelry! It’s so hard to pick a favorite! But I would definitely keep one for myself and give my mother a gift, we are both great fans of hand stamped jewelry! :) Thanks for the chance to win!

  53. Heidi

    I absolutely LOVE this jewelry!! I can’t decide if I will do something for myself (leaning this way) or for my sister! Thank you for this awesome giveaway!

  54. Charlene

    I would love to win! Those are simply gorgeous. I would most likely give it to my future mother in law! ;) hee hee

  55. Jennifer Hamilton

    I would definitely purchase this and keep for myself!…

    I just had my first baby so I think I would put his first name on one and his middle name on the other…or his first name on one and our dog’s name on the other…or his first name on one and my husband’s name on the other…tough one! I’ve seen her work before and it’s amazing. I had this necklace as one of the items I wanted my husband to get me for my birthday.

    BTW – I found your blog a year or so ago I think after I saw your bostons on Little Beasts. I then continued to check in after I saw y’all were Auburn fans. War Eagle! Love your recipe section of your blog and your beautiful pictures.

  56. Marty

    Beautiful stuff! I love the style – I would definitely use it for gifts – my mother would absolutely love a necklace with the the grandchildren’s names!!

  57. Wendi Olvera

    I would definitely get something for my friend and mom-to-be Ashley. Looks just like something she would wear! Beautiful

  58. Diane Eck

    These necklaces are adorable…it would be hard to decide! I’m going to be a grandmother for the first time and it would be wonderful to be able to have the new baby’s name on a lovely piece of jewelry! I would probably give it to my daughter-in-law! Diane

  59. Angie

    I adore the “Be Still” necklace, but if I won I would give it to my best friend. She loves jewelry with little birds on it.

  60. Sarah

    To be honest, I’ll give it to my husband so he can buy me a gift. For 8 of the last 10 Christmases he’s given me jewelry in this price range and style, but for the last 2 we couldn’t afford to exchange gifts. I’m making him something special this year but he won’t have time to do that in return. I’ve had that family tree necklace on my wish list for more than a year! Love LLD! Thanks

  61. Michelle

    I LOVE these! I would pick something for my mom for sure…that is if I can part with whatever it is I choose! :) Thanks for a great giveaway!

  62. Larke

    I love the jewelry….my daughter and I just spent some time looking at all of the beautiful pieces! Couldn’t decide on just one…I forwarded the link to her….maybe we will get each other a piece for Christmas!

  63. Tawnya

    Those are so adorable! I would love to win and use the gift card to get a necklace for my girlfriend who has done so much for me this past year.

  64. Christie O

    Oh my goodness. I absolutely love Lisa’s jewelry and ANY of the custom necklaces are GORGEOUS!!! It would take me a while to choose!!

  65. Pam

    The necklaces are very beautiful and not “cheesy” like some family or inspirational jewelry. They will stay “classic” forever! I would spend it on my daughter because she won’t spend a lot on herself.

  66. stephanie

    I Triple LOVE Lisa’s stuff!!! She lives not far from where I grew up so when she posts photos it gives me a bit of home!!! Today is my birthday (the 24th) so it would be wonderful to win :)

  67. Tanya P.

    Love them!! I really like the family tree necklace. Really like them all!! I would really want to spend it on myself but knowing me and with Christmas coming I would probably use it for a gift!!! Hard choices!

  68. Heather

    I LOVE LOVE LOVE Lisa Leonard’s jewelry. Especially the new friend necklace. I’d love to get my SIL a necklace w/ her kiddos names or initials. Thanks!

  69. Monika Wright

    If money were no object, there would be several must haves. But the Petite Original spoke to my heart. I love pearls and the way it lays on the small silver disk is just so dainty. Love it and Lisa’s work.

  70. Amy

    I’d purchase a friend necklace to give to one of my best friends when we move. She’s been a wonderful support to me while we’ve lived here and I’ll miss her terribly when we PCS with the military soon.

  71. Melissa

    Oh my… too many beautiful things to choose from!
    I think I love the pearl earrings too… thank you for this awesome chance to win!

  72. kelley

    This is a fantastic giveaway. I would love to purchase the pearl earrings and the square bird charm necklace with my $50. :)

  73. Farmgirl Chaos

    Oh, how I love jewelry like this. I would definitely pick out some items for my family. Or maybe I would just let them pick out something they wanted.

  74. Tanya

    OMG!!! I love love love this jewelry. I want to get the “original” for my son’s girlfriend with their names on it and there are several I like for myself. Hope I win!!!!

  75. heather prins

    Woweeee!! I love Lisa’s designs! I would spend the $50 on a piece for myself because i have been wanting something of hers for a long long time :) How will I ever choose which piece?!!!!

  76. Jules

    Those are totally adorable. I think I love every piece she has. I would actually keep it for myself, and maybe get another for my daughter. She would love them too. Thanks for the giveaway.

  77. genevieve

    wow- i am in love! i especially love the my heart necklace and would so love to give it to myself for christmas!! :) thanks!

  78. Lisa (imgarysgirl)

    Wow! what a win that would be!
    I’ve been wanting something that says “imgarysgirl” to show the world how crazy I am about my husband!(and father our 6 children!)

  79. Niki

    It will be difficult to choose as all of the items are really nice. I think, however, that I would probably choose either the family necklace or the bracelet. We have an international family (I’m American, my husband is Canadian, and both of my children are adopted from different countires) and because of the adoptions – we do a lot to stress family unity. I think my kids (now pre-teens) especially will love that everyone’s names are on 1 piece of jewelry.

  80. Debi

    How beautiful these are. I love the key with the xo, there is a special meaning to us the xo my daughter would LOVE it. WOuld make a great gift, hope I Win!!!

  81. Judi

    Wow – thank you for the link to this etsy shop – I am IN LOVE with the FAmily Tree and thinking I really need to own this for myself and need to buy for my sisters and my two best friends Mari and Michele!

  82. Carolyn

    How does a girl choose when faced with so many perfect choices??? Lisa’s work is stunning, simple, sleek and elegant. She’s truly an artist. I hope I am the lucky winner!!!

  83. Stephanie

    What adorable jewelry, and so unique. I LOVE the family tree necklace. I’d definitely spend my money on that piece. I waited a long time and struggled alot to have my two beautiful IVF babies and a necklace like this would symbolize so much.

  84. Christy

    I totally love the flower with the pearl. It’s so darling. I would have to get me something for me and my bestie if I won this giveaway. Thanks Amanda for the contest. :)

  85. Carrie Joy

    Thanks for introducing me to this delightful, whimsical jewelry…just orderd my daughter’s 21st birthday keepsake and then saw the giveaway!!! I would love to bless her with yet more charms for her necklace–since she’s blessed me the past 21 years. And by the way–they’ve gone way too fast. Enjoy the journey.

  86. Brooke Reid

    Wow, I LOVE all her stuff! I especially love the family tree one. It would be the perfect Christmas gift for my mom! Thanks for sharing.

  87. Karina

    I love love love the family tree. My baby turns ONE on the 25th and I would love to get a gift to celebrate that. I would spend the gift card to get one of those. :)

  88. Danielle

    Hi! I stumbled upon your wonderful blog in search of unique fonts and after a year and a half I’m still coming back to see all your new stuff :)
    It’s so generous of Lisa to provide 2 $50 gift certificates!! :)

    I have three beautiful children and would love one of the family tree pendants! Lisa does gorgeous work! Thanks for the chance to win one! :)

  89. allie-mac-fallie

    I love the simple yet elegant design and I would love to give these away to my bridesmaids. I think they would make the perfect touch! :)

  90. Heather Lafter

    Rather then make goals for the new year I find a word that I want to work toward durning the year! So I’d have a neclace w/ my word!!

  91. Jennifer G.

    I would LOVE something like this, I really don’t know which one I would like, I guess I would see if I could get something custom done and have it say ‘courage’, would love to have a little pearl with it too, wow, too many options to love!

  92. Julie

    These are each a blessing….I know someone who has gone through a lot this past year–her husband with cancer–we have all tried to surround her with love and support, she deserves a little extra something special this Christmas…I think the one with the little bird, to let her know there is a little bird looking out for her!
    thanks for the great website and ideas :)

  93. Candace

    I am not a mom or even soon-to-be…but I know my mom is dying to be a grandma. When I saw the baby’s first spoon and the custom necklace choices, I just thought I would LOVE to tell my mom she’s going to be a grandma by giving her this necklace: saying “grannny” instead of sister, and a baby spoon with a custom name to keep at her house!! Wouldn’t that be the best Christmas present ever for my mom?? Now I just have to work on the grandchild. ha ha.

  94. taranicole

    Oh how cute! I am going to get a family tree necklace for my mom! … you know – that gift certificate could help with that ;)

    BTW, you do look AMAZING! I loved reading the weight loss story!

  95. sandi m

    love her stuff. I have one, recently gave 1 to my sister for her birthday and now need one for my other sister who just became a “grammie” – the family tree would be perfect for her (it is on my Christmas list). thanks for the great giveaway!

  96. christa

    ohhhhhh mercy…..I have been looking for just the right little morsels of delishishness…and these little babies fit the bill. So glad I stumbled across your blog (a link sent to me by my buddy, Robyn). I am hoping to win but will surely be adding to my collection soon. Congrats on such beautiful work!

  97. Kalli Jo

    I love Lisa and her designs are beautiful. I would get the family tree necklace and give it to my mother for christmas. I love it.

  98. Sarah

    They are soooo beautiful! I would LOVE LOVE LOVE to have one of these as a mother’s necklace. I’ve been searching for the PERFECT one since my youngest daughter was born 4 months ago!

  99. Michelle

    Here you go again, Amanda! Another fabulous giveaway! Thanks for sharing your talents and those of others! My favorite is definitely the whimsical flower necklace. Too cute! God bless!

  100. Leitha Cantrell

    Awesome giveaway!!! My sister is a jewelry nut so I would probably get her something. Thanks for the chance to win.

  101. slcbby

    Oooh…I love my necklace I have from here already. I also love the pearl earrings. And the be still necklace. And the thin sterling cuff. And the open circle bracelet. There are just too many choices!

  102. Darcy

    They are all so simply PERFECT. I must admit- I’d splurge on me and get to celebrate my 3 precious children.


  103. Alissa

    I would spend it on my mom for Christmas… she deserves that family tree necklace, and i know she would love it so much!!! Thanks for this opportunity!!!

  104. Sandy_in_MD

    Thanks for sharing this wonderful find! Love the Key to my Heart necklace. And the dog tag inspired necklace, and so on, and so on. Thanks for having the contest, too!

  105. Sarah

    So does it make me a completely horrible person that I would totally keep the gift certificate for myself right now? I just had a precious baby girl in October and I absolutely have been dying for a handstamped necklace with her name. I would choose the original necklace or the captured heart necklace. Such beautiful designs!

  106. Jenna

    Wow, so much to choose from. I love the family tree necklace and I also love the baby spoon for my little one. Thanks for the give away!

  107. fran vanStaalduinen

    I love them, I love your site check it everyday to see what’s new. I hope that I win. Would make a great gift.

  108. Terri Dunnewin

    I love them all! Hard to choose a favorite but I think I’d choose the one with the little bird. I love how simple but elegant they all are. I’d be so honored to win = )

  109. Jae

    I would love to give a necklace like that to my daughter with all four of her children’s names on it. It’s beautiful!

  110. Nicole Barczak

    Ohhhh I love her stuff!! If I were to win I’d definitely get a necklace. Although those earrings are sooooo adorable too!

  111. Angela

    so adorable! I am in search of some personalized, unique gift ideas for my bridesmaids, some of these items are just perfect! Thank you Amanda!

  112. Ashley

    omigoodness! So cute. Love the key with the xo on the bottom. I would love a necklace like that. I keep adding links to our favorites folder hoping my hubby will get the hint! ;)

  113. Cathy

    Love her work and the personal touch to each piece. I would love to get the Kisses and Hugs necklace for my husband’s 12 year old daughter so that she know we are always sending her hugs and kisses and thinking of her always. Thanks for sharing the site, now to write my Christmas list!

  114. Amanda N.

    These tiny little pieces of art need displayed around a worthy neck! That neck is mine!!! (j/k) I’d looooove to own this amazing jewelry, but I think I’d gift it to my MIL for Christmas (we do a name draw each year) She’d adore it as much as I!

  115. Erin

    I love these designs! I would love to use the gift certificates to buy treasures for friends for this holiday season. Oh, I hope I win! :)

  116. Allison Pigg

    I just LOVE this jewelry! I had my first child in April of this year, and couldn’t be more proud of my sweet little Logan. I think this would be a great gift for a new mommy! *wink*

  117. Mackenzie Throne

    I would love to win! I am having serious problems deciding between the earrings you showed and another necklace… Thank you SO much for the opportunity!

  118. Becky

    What beautiful jewelery – I would pick the Key To My Heart Necklace or the Lovebird Necklace….yes, keeping it for myself.

  119. Anna Marie

    I love getting blog updates from you!! You always seem to talk about things I am interested in. Either that or you lead the most interesting life!!! :) Thanks for sharing your heart and lives with all of us!

  120. Tracie

    Love the beautiful, creative, unique designs. Would like to have something that no one else has, at least not yet :) Can’t decide between the key (the XO got me, too) or the flowers and bird. Definitely would be shopping for myself as it is rare that I find so many pieces that I like!

  121. Linda Hill

    So pretty. I have a daughter and 2 would I choose??? Maybe keep for myself:) Thanks for the opportunity.

  122. Tara

    Thanks for sharing the website Amanda! The friend necklace would be just PERFECT for my best friend. I have been racking my brain for a thoughtful yet useful gift for her for Christmas this year. Maybe I’ll be a luck winner and be able to give her one of these beautiful pieces!! Heading to Lisa’s website next…

  123. Amanda

    I’ve always loved the family tree necklace…I also like the friend necklace-buy 2 and give one to my BFF and keep one for me! :)

  124. Anne

    I love all the pieces but the family tree is absolutely unique. Thanks for the chance to view these beautiful pieces and thanks for letting me enter your giveaway.

  125. Brianna

    How fantastic are these?! I would get one for my sister-in-law. She LOVES jewelry and I just know she would love one of these. What an awesome giveaway!

  126. Jodie M.

    Oh my gosh Lisa’s stuff is wonderful…and so unique. I would love to have any of the pieces that you have show cased here. If I win, it will be a hard decision!

    Thanks for the opportunity Amanda!

  127. Bonnie Slater

    What a talented woman! They are beautiful. I would choose one of the necklaces..probably the family tree or something like that. I hope I win!! :)

  128. Hopeful Housewife

    Love Lisa’s designs. If I win I would either choose the Hope neckalce or the sweetheart tree necklace.

  129. Heather

    I would love to put the gift certificate towards the family tree necklace. What a wonderful way to celebrate our first Christmas as a family this year (we have an 8 month old little boy). Thanks for the giveaway!

  130. Misty

    I would so love to win this! I love personalized jewelry!!! I love the laundry line, the teeny tiny charms, and the mama necklace! Thanks for this chance!

  131. Karen

    I enjoyed visiting her site. I would love to buy a necklace for my DIL with her children’s names on it. Thanks for sharing a great giveaway. Happy Thanksgiving!

  132. jen

    Ooh, I LOVE her jewelry! I’m thinking about some gifts to give – I like the simple styles, like the single tag necklace or basic rectangle necklace. Beautiful!

  133. Cheryl Newton

    I love my hubby, but he’s not the best gift picker-outer. By this I mean he tends to pick out whatever he finds at the store he hits on his way home from work. And our two boys are 8 and 10, so they’re not much help in that department yet. So I would most definitely spend the gift certificate on myself, and would pick out something girly, befitting my role as queen of my household.

  134. Jennifer

    I’m so glad I came across this site! It’s one of my new favorites!I love the vintage key necklace! I’m obsessed with old keys! It’d be great to win!!

  135. Stephanie

    The jewlery is absolutely amazing. My kids all love necklaces and I would spend the money on them. I might even get the family tree one too…just for fun. As others said, you can’t find anything like this. They are beautiful. I really hope I win :)

  136. Wendy Todd

    Oh My Goodness, just when I thought my Christmas wish list couldn’t get any longer! I *adore* the Open Circle necklace:

    I couldn’t bare to give this away, so I would be keeping it for myself if I win. And should I not win, I’ll be “borrowing” my husband’s computer to take a little look at it again. I might just forget to close the window when I’m done. PERFECT gift for my 30th birthday in January! Thanks so much for leading me to Lisa’s gorgeous site!

  137. Mary

    I love this blog! What an inspiration. I am truly looking forward to checking out Amanda’s recommendation… as Lisa’s blog and ideas look amazing! If I were to win I would give something to my best friend Jaci aka my Maid of Honor as she is putting up with me planning my wedding. Thanks and have a great day. =)

  138. Katrina

    I would be so tempted to keep the gift card for myself because I LOVE her jewelry. However, we’re on a tight budget this year so I would use it to put toward a present for my sister.

  139. christina

    so cute, thanks for sharing her site with us! I can’t even decide what I would buy yet, too many cute things!!

  140. Natali

    I’ve been waiting to find something great for my mom, she would absolutely love these!! I’d definitely get her the necklace with the names around it.

  141. jessica Blackburn

    I love these items! I would spend the gift card on my mom for Christmas! She would love those pearl earrings!

  142. JoAnn

    Wow, I love the family tree necklace – how precious would that be for my mom!!
    Thanks for steering me to her website, it is definitely one more to be added to the “must follow” list ;)

  143. Kerry LeWarne

    I love this jewelry. I just sent an email to my best friend’s husband -she has 4 children and works full time. She deserves one! I love the “tiny square” one.

  144. Tabitha A.

    I just love handmade necklaces and jewelry.

    If I should be lucky enough to win I would use my gift certificate to purchase the sisters necklace for my sister! It is just perfect! Such a unique gift!

  145. rachael

    i would most definitely purchase a necklace for my little sister, especially since i am a bit overdue on her birthday gift. i am leaning towards the fly free necklace right now…but i do love all of her pieces!

  146. Courtney

    The Aqua Stone Earrings are my favorite! Such a pretty and serene color, they wold be good for my mom. She needs more color or POP in her wardrobe! I’m excited to see who wins!


  147. Jamie

    Wow – that is so generous of her! Thanks for this wonderful chance! I couldn’t say yet what I’d spend it on because I would have my mother in law choose – she’s been so wonderful in accepting me into her family that it would most certainly go to her.

  148. Michele Varga

    Beautiful items! That would be a tough choice! Fantastic ring with a name on it very cool!
    I have to say I love the necklaces and would likely buy one for me and my friend – love the friendship one – great prices too!
    thanks for a chance to win!

  149. Sara Y

    Wow! What beautiful designs. I love them all! How would I spend the $50? I would probably get something for my MIL for Christmas.

  150. Susan

    um, wow. I LOVE everything!!! So cute. I honestly would have such a hard time choosing but I think these are wonderful, and thank you so much for the chance to win!

  151. debby

    I would LOVE to have matching necklaces for my daughter and I. The floral dogtags with the pearls are to die for!!! You look great btw. Meant to comment the other day and got sidetracked.

  152. Becky

    Wellll since I’m a bird lover it was easy to pick 4 favorites…..lovebird,sweet and simple, Be still, and my all time fave…Fly Free….love that one best. I also liked the friendship and family tree necklace for gift giving. I’m excited now and hope I win. Thanks for the chance to win and sharing such a wonderful site with us. {{Happy Thanksgiving}} ~~~ Gobble Gobble ~~~

  153. LeeAnn Garrett

    Oh how I WOULD LOVE winning one of these beautiful necklaces. I have 3 favorites. The “Mama necklace” ( I sign off on my emails to my grown daughters as Mama), the “Hope necklace” ( my mother passed away with breast cancer), and the “Heart necklace” ( which I’d wear with pride for all those I love).

    All of Lisa’s jewelry is beautiful.

    Lee Ann

  154. Claudia

    Thank you for your wonderful fonts. I use them constantly with our secret pal cards I make for school.
    They are too cute. I love this jewelry & I agree the scarf is perfect. I love scarfs. The family tree necklace is priceless ,but the cute whimsical bird is quite appealing. Happy Thanksgiving.

  155. Jenn Corum

    Such beautiful stuff, it’s hard to pick! Though I’d just LOVE to keep it all to myself, I would have to choose the friendship necklace for my best friend. :) She has worked so hard the past few years in multiple jobs… tirelessly… and now she’s going back to school to become a nurse. I couldn’t be more proud of her and I want her to be celebrated!

  156. Nicki C K

    I LOVE LOVE LOVE Lisa’s creations! I have wanted one of her family tree necklaces since the first time I saw it!! THANK YOU to Lisa for her generousity and thank you for your lovely blog! *crossing fingers & toes*

  157. Kirsten Davies

    I would love to get the family tree necklace, and then share the love with some sisters for christmas presents! I’ve been wanting something like this for a while! CUTE!

  158. Becca

    I was just looking at her stuff earlier today – I LOVE it!! :-)

    I would get a personalized necklace – maybe the laundry line one?

  159. Heidi Jo

    Love, love love the family tree necklace. I would so have to keep it for myself. I am the mother of twins and would love to have their names and my husband’s name on the necklace. I pray that I am the lucky one!

  160. Monica

    I LOVE those pieces of jewelry! OMG They are beautiful. I think I would love to get a piece for my mom who recently became a Grandma. It would be wonderful to keep adding to the necklace. Hmmmm…I’m thinking great Christmas gifts! Thanks for highlighting this store.

  161. heather

    I would love to win this…soooo adorable! i have a new little baby girl on the way, so i would definitely do something with my little boy and new little girl’s names!! :) maybe i will get a little gift to myself by winning ;0

  162. Melissa

    I think my fave is the one you have at the very top of your blog. I’d want one that said “Melissa&Brad” for ME of course! But i also would really get one for my friend Amanda. It would say Amanda&Matty (her boyfriend – probably very soon-to-be fiance!). Love this line of jewelry!!

  163. courtney b

    OH MY GOSH, I AM IN LOOOOOVE! those are gorgeous! Welllll… My sister is having her first baby and i would LOVE to get her one. If i dont win, thats probably what I will do for christmas. The other one I would want for myself and get the family tree one. they are all so beautiful, i just cant decide! thanks so much for sharing this link with us! =)

  164. Camille

    I love lisa leaonard & all of her amazingness! I have wanted one of her pieces for oh-so-long, but just haven’t broken down to get one. So beautiful.

  165. April Thacher

    *LOVE* these, they are so cute. My favorite is the family tree necklace. I have a wonderful husband, 3 kids and 2 jobs…needless to say we pass each other in the halls. I hope I win. These are cute enough that I might just break down and buy it though :)

  166. Natalie C

    OMGoodness! Those earrings are beautiful! I would definitely get those for myself!! lol Thanks for the chance.

  167. Stacey

    Hi Amanda – I agree those necklaces are adorable. I especially like the one with friend on the one side. I would give it to my dear friend Robyn. I am truly blessed to have her in my life.

    Thanks for the opportunity!

  168. Michelle Harden

    OMH those are adorable. The jumble of charms Necklace is stinking cute (of course I only have 2 kids…not much of a jumble) I also am a tad obsessed with bracelets and the Sweet Daisy Cuff is just too cute!

  169. Stefani

    LOVE this find!! I’d definitely invest in that adorable family tree necklace – I have two daughters, but no mother’s jewelry yet. Thanks!!

  170. Camie L

    I would choose the family tree necklace. My mom has been going through a hard time recently, and I think this necklace would remind her how much her family loves her and supports her. This would be such a beautiful gift. Thank you!

  171. Gail

    I love every single piece of Lisa’s jewelry! It would be so hard to choose only one piece, but I think I’d have to get the Fly Free Necklace for my daughter who will be leaving for college next year. Thanks for the opportunity to win!

  172. Kim Chigges

    Sorry for not following instructions my first time.. I am new to this. Amanda, this is my first blog post. I didn’t put how I would spend the $50 gift card.. I absolutely love the jewelry. I would spend the money on one of those fabulous necklaces and give it to my sister who has moved to Korea.. I love & miss her very much!

  173. lindsey

    super cute! i love this new style of jewelry, and how custom it can be!

    for me, i’d pick the open circle necklace…

    or the basic rectangle necklace… i love the simplicity!

    for my mom i’d pick the jumble of charms:

    i guess it just depends on how giving i’m feeling… ;)

  174. Cary

    Okay Amanda, I really think I should win! I immediately went to Lisa’s Designs and found something I had to order right away! Great site! I would have to order the family tree necklace – either for myself (probably!) or my Mom!

  175. Brenda

    Since my shopping is ALL DONE!!! I would just have to use the gift for myself – maybe as a reward for being on top of things this year. I would probably get one of the necklaces with my kids names on it – our 4th and FINAL is due in February! Her stuff is wonderful!

  176. tania

    I have to say soo very cute! I would spend that $50 so very quickly and know that I would have to for sure get one of the friend necklaces for a dear and special friend Becky who is one of those friends that is patient, loving and helpful in every way possible. The pearl earrings are another favorite. Who am I KIDDING, I love them all that it’s too impossible to spend just $50 I might have to start buying my christmas stocking stuff and let my husband know that my stocking is taken care of.

  177. Tricia

    I would choose the Kisses and Hugs Necklace. My SIL just got engaged and this would be such a wonderful gift to celebrate that.


  178. Cindy Davis

    I NEED a new necklace. Mine seem to somehow mysterious disappear. Couldn’t have anything to do with two daughters that like to borrow. Ha! I would love to get a new necklace for me!!

  179. Marisa

    I love Lisa’s designs. To be honest, her jewelry IS my Christmas list this year. One of my favorite pieces is a sterling ring. I have 3 children (two little boys here with us and a beloved daughter that is with the Lord). I would have each of my children’s names stamped around the ring. So very lovely. Thanks for the giveaway, Miss Amanda.


  180. Kelli Hobbs

    Your giveaways are so awesome!!! My 17 year old stepdaughter would definitely be the recipient of this giveaway. She would love it and get a very nice Christmas present this year :)

  181. chigirl

    these are lovely. i would have the family tree necklace made for my daughter’s family as a christmas gift. thanks for the chance

  182. Alecia

    My best friend loves pearls and I would love to get her something from Lisa’s collection! The pieces shown are gorgeous!!

  183. Sonya

    I LOVE the stamped jewelry! It’s so sweet and simple, yet very intricate (sounds impossible, but Lisa Leonard does it all the same!) I’d love to have one (or more) of her pieces, but I’d love to gift one too, it would be such a hard decision! Pick me, I don’t mind having to make the decision! Thanks!

  184. Laura

    you always have the best links! her jewlery is exactly what i’ve been looking for…as a mommy of 2 boys (3 if you include my hubby), i rarely treat myself. i would LOVE to have the teenie tiny initials necklace or the tiny squares necklace with all of our initials/names.
    amanda, thanks for the opportunity.
    laura :)

  185. Mary

    Beautiful!! I’ve been looking for an everyday piece of jewelery to “cheer me up” as I’ve recently been battling some very difficult issues. Thank you so much for sharing Amanda! This is the perfect “for me” gift!

  186. Kate Fortune

    Thanks for this opportunity. I like so many of these beautiful pieces but if I had to choose just one I think it has to be the be still necklace. Just lovely.

  187. Arena

    the dewdrops necklace is just adorable! it’s a little higher than the gift card, but i don’t care! :)

    i love this style of jewelry! thanks for sharing this site with us!

  188. NORMITA

    IT´S AMAZING!!! YOUR SCRAPROOM IS A DREAM COME TRUE :) but honestly, when you´re working, still is clean, organize like magazine picture??? I´m woodcrafter and no no no no no! my place is a caos!


  189. Shana

    I would use the money to get my best friend a Christmas gift. I think the friend necklace . . . or maybe the hope . . . or the family tree. This will be her first Christmas with her daughter Ave and her 2nd Christmas since her sweet mom died. I want to get her something extra special. Thanks so much for the giveaway!