
11 New Handwriting Fonts

Hey all, just wanted to write a quick note to let you know I added 11 new handwriting fonts to the Fonts for Peas section of my webpage tonight! :)

fonts for peas
Click Here to see all the new fonts!

Don’t be surprised when you go to the Fonts for Peas page… It has a new look! :) I added a bright background and lots of color. It reminds me of an ice cream parlor! Yum! :)

fonts for peas

I also decided to spruce up the “Amanda’s Scrapbooking Fonts” page! Go here for a link to all the fonts I’ve made… fonts out of my own handwriting, fonts from other people with really cute handwriting, and fonts that are perfect for scrapbooking! :D

Amanda's Free Scrapbook Fonts

And don’t forget, if you’d like your handwriting made into a font, click here and follow the instructions at the bottom of the page!! :)

Thanks for looking!!! :)

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4 Responses
  1. Janine

    Hi Amanda

    I stumbled up on your website searching for recipe scrapbooks. I absolutely love yours! I have a new daughter-in-law and she needs some help with ideas for dinner for my picky son. I also checked out your scrapbook room which is amazing! I use to have a “scrapbook room” but moved to the country and don’t have the available space right now. Also, thanks for sharing your fonts!


  2. Garynka

    Hi Amanda,
    I was searching an internet for the Pea Olson font which I saw on almost every second layout :) and I’ve finally found it! Thank you so much for sharing your work, your fonts are the best!!!!

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Kevin and Amanda

We love to travel and to eat! Here we share our favorite quick and easy recipes, plus travel tips and guides for our favorite places around the world. If you have any questions about what camera I use or how I edit my photos, check out my photography tutorials.


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