Check it out!! :D If you’re visiting this page, you may have noticed the new design! And if you’re just reading this in the email, you HAVE to come check out the new blog redesign! :)
This is something I’ve been wanting to do for forever, and I’m so happy with the way it turned out! Take a look around, everything’s different! What do you think? Is it still easy to read/navigate? Tell me truly! I can take it. ;) The new comment section is pretty cool, so be sure and check it out and leave me your thoughts! :)
And if you run into any bugs or quirks, please do let me know. With any new page design there are always kinks to be worked out! I tested the page in Firefox and Internet Explorer 7, and it works in both of those browsers. *whew*! :) Now, if you’re still using Internet Explorer 6, you need to update your browser! :) The sidebar won’t show up on the right if you’re still using IE6. It’ll be down at the bottom of page. So if you want to get with the times, click on the “Get Firefox” link wayyy down at the very bottom of this page to update your browser. You’ll love it! *And* you’ll be supporting this site. Isn’t that neat?
And stay tuned… I’ve got new recipes and new fonts to post! ;) Coming soon…
Thanks for looking! :)
So cute. Your creativity is remarkable. Lovin’ the fonts.
Can you please come organize my house??
Ha! :0)
I just love the new design. The recipies are wonderful. Now, my request, a tutorial on making such cute blog pages!!! Just like your scrapbooks….the web designs are terrific! Thanks a million for sharing!!!
I love your new blog look. It makes me want to scrapbook just looking at it!
i LOVE your new web design!! totally cute! the colors, the graphics, and set up!! :) i’m trying to redesign mine so it shows more of my personality but not sure where to begin. any pointers??
Hi Amanda,
I jsut love your site and have forever now. Please share how you create such amazing things!! We are going to be getting married and March and I would love to have an adorable site like this up and ready.
hey im Karen and i have a website and im i love with yours cause is to quirky and cute and fun. and i just dying to get on like it but i
dont know how its great. thanks
– Karen
P.S. please reply!:d
Wow! I just love love loooove this new look!! Congrats Amanda, you did an amazin job! :)
WOW Amanda I’m loving the new design, specially this comment section – Love it! :)
Your website is totally super cute! I’m so jealous… If only I could get you to make my webpage!
Love it!
Great Job! It’s so cute and creative.
Love it
I love your new design! It’s very easy to read and navigate. Even for me :).
WOW! This is so inspiring! I just love it. I always enjoy looking at your great ideas. The recipes are great too. You are wisely using the wonderful talent God has given you. What a blessing!
SOOOOOOOO cute! I have blog envy!! It is absolutely adorable! Great job!
It’s darling! The comments section is THE BEST!
Oh my goodness Amanda this is adorable! I don’t know if you remember but I found you on woof a while ago…I’ve been working ona revamp for our family website for a while and have been playing with scrappy techniques to try and make it happen. I can get the scrap layout but it would be my first go at the html portion on my own. Anyway you can put together a rough tutorial to help a beginner get started? I love it!
WOW!!!!! i love it, i have been a lurker for a while now. BTW thanks for the breakfast caserole recipe, it was very very good.
Again love the new design and the comments section is way to cute.
This so soooo cute! You always do the cutest things!!!! You need to hire out.
Um…. can you say SUPER CUTENESS!?!! I thought so! Can you give us a detailed description on how you did this? I love it! Just love it! Did I say love? Um… yeah, not strong enough a word! This is TOTALLY AWESOME!
I love the design, you did an amazing job!
The redesign looks wonderful! It’s so pretty!
This is super cute! I am jealous!
I love the new look! it is incredible! great job and very, very creative :)
i would LOVE to have a signature to leave on the end of each of my posts. how can i do that?
Oh my gosh Amanda!! How freakin’ cute is your blog?! I found you on two p’s, and with all the yummyness (is that a word?) I think I’ll visit more!
I love the updates! It shows how creative you are and how talented you are too! :)
It’s adorable! Love the comment section, too!
Very nice. I really like the static background on this version.
Great design. I can tell you worked hard on it. Congratulations :)
You have outdone yourself this time. Your site is too stinkin’ cute!
Great job!!
Love, Love, Love your site! It is adorable! :) I am also going to be cooking your bacon cheesey chicken this week for dinner… cannot wait!
Super duper cute!!!! You did a really great job with this :)
Hi Amanda,
Just a woofer checking out your page. I have just one word for you, AMAZING! Love your site, the recipes look yummy!
Have a great day!
Billie / aka gunkey :)
omg, this is so stinkin’ cute! Even your comments section is adorable! I love this! I’m in the midst of revamping my blog as well, moving it to my own server, and it’s driving me insane. If I knew it would look as cute as yours, I wouldn’t worry so much!
Awesome job!